Topic: What villains did you like? (Read 2525 times)

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Hey guys,

So lately we have been discussing villains a lot. There motives, what make them good and even there battles, but I`ve never seen this topic which I`m making now so I thought I`d make it =P

So without further ado, which villains are in your top 5/10 villains? And why? You don`t need to write a whole paragraph of info on why you like these villains so much if you don`t feel like it but something would be nice. It can even be as little as "very believable motives" or "original villain" or anything.

I`ll start:

1. Yagami Light - Death Note - I know I said I like the insane, no motive villain but that doesn`t mean I can`t like the total opposite too. Death Note is the best example I can think of of a serie about morality and questions like "is it ok to kill someone who killed someone else?" It goes so far that I bet some people may disagree with me about Yagami Light being a villain, but to those people I say heroes and protagonists are 2 different things.

2. Dr. Steinman - Bioshock - I love this villain a lot. He was once a normal surgeon that all of a sudden had the ultimate tools to do things he only could dream of before. Slowly he started to think that he could fix anyone of anything and slowly began to think that what limited him to make the most beautiful humans were not his tools but his imagination. He started to deform people saying he was an artist and was doing the same thing with a scalp as painters did with a brush (abstract wise). The thing that makes him so awesome is that you get all this information from finding tapes which tell you how Dr. Steinman slowly goes insane.

3. Scar - Lion King - Let me start by saying that anyone who thinks "OMGWTF dude you iz 16 now! Stop watchingz Dizney, Bi4tch!" should shut up now. I bet that most of us have watched this movie as a kid. As a kid though you wouldn`t understand why I think Scar is such a badass. I came to this conclusion after watching the movie some time ago with my 8 year old brother. After that I kept thinking about Scar a lot and it led me to watch the movie again a few days later with me paying special attention to him. The reason I liked Scar so much is because he`s smart, charming, convincing but most importantly, physically weak. The reason Scar is not seen as an awesome villain is because (aside from the fact that people think the movie is for children) the story in which he was placed doesn`t really do him justice (don`t get me wrong, the Lion King`s story was awesome but it didn`t really put much emphasis on the villain. The story could have worked just as well with a bulky, dump, leaderish villain).

4. The Major - Hellsing Ultimate - This is basically the insane "I need no motive to be evil" villain. The reason I like him so much is because he`s anything but "realistic" but he does what he was made to do extremely well, which is be one insane motherf*cker.

5. xxxx - xxxx - can`t think of one now... There are some good villains, but nothing worth my top 5 so... I may edit it later.

So these are my top 5 (4) villains ever! Tell me what you guys think and post your villains.

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Hmmmm.... In terms of RPGs or games in general, I really can't remember, so I'll just make my list based on my favorite villains of all time. I'm the biggest punk bitch in the world because I never root for the villain and I hate it when they win (unless the other characters sucked and deserved to be killed).

1) Glory - Buffy - She cracked me up when I was a kid. She was mean, and bitchy, and crazy, and hot.

2) Drusilla - Buffy - She was a mysterious character. All of her dialouge was really strange and random, which was perfect.

3) Freddy Krueger - Nightmare on Elm Street - Well, I love the series, so naturally...

4) Harley Quinn - Cartoon Batman - When I was a kid, I thought she was amazing. A stupid girl, but funny.

5) Eve - Parasite Eve - One of the rare villains in video games (the ones I've played) who are actually active in the plot from the very beginning. I really liked her design the most.

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I don't see what this has to do with Indie Game Development so... I don't know where to move this, because dealing with villains in general and not like solely film or video games... I'll move it to General, I guess. If it's unfit to be there, hopefully it'll get moved where it fits.
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I don't see what this has to do with Indie Game Development so... I don't know where to move this, because dealing with villains in general and not like solely film or video games... I'll move it to General, I guess. If it's unfit to be there, hopefully it'll get moved where it fits.
I don`t really understand this. It`s pretty much a "what makes villains good" topic but instead of everyone saying "make them realistic/give them good motives/blah, blah, blah" I`m asking for actual examples which, in my opinion, is much better then people just saying the same thing over again because "good motives" may differ between people.

So the purpose of this topic is for people to give examples of villains and for other people to share there opinions on them and maybe draw some inspiration. Therefor I thought I should post it in IGD. But you`re the mod, you`ve been around longer and must know better (no sarcasm intended).
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1 - Darth Vader: Oh holy shit guys, he was like the best villain ever. He was a badass and BEFORE the 1-3 series there was no reason to believe he was anything more than that. Sure he turned out to be good in the end, but he was still a villain.

2 - Emperor Ming: He had that ring that made women want his body. That is priceless.

3 - Bowser: Top notch 100% prime cut boss material.

4 - The Joker(From the Dark Knight): Yeah I know the movie just came out but oh my god was he played awesomely.

5 - Jack Torrance(The Shining): I don't really know on this one, he was just played well and it was awesome to see the father turned sour.

Yeah, I'm kinda lame. But what can I say? It's how it goes.
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1. Scar (The Lion King) - RPGer gave a terrible reason but he is fundamentally correct! Whereas some villains (Darth Vader, for example) have a duality, Scar is in a state of trinity - there's the dry, sarcastic wit of his usual persona, his feigned "nice uncle" persona that he uses around Simba and the Machiavellian, narcissistic but charismatic tyrant, employing and exploiting others for his personal gain. He's a villain that the filmmakers play very well too, such as the Nazism connotations created by the Triumph of the Will shot during "Be Prepared" with the hyenas marching. Jeremy Irons voices him brilliantly, too.

2. Darth Vader (Star Wars saga) - okay, okay, it's a bit clichéd nowadays, but if you look further than the original film trilogy and completely ignore the prequel trilogy, he's actually a very deep character. His duality is more apparent in the Extended Universe than in the original trilogy, in which it's only made clear during the duel on Bespin and on the Death Star II.

fuck it this is too difficult, and these are my only real standouts atm.
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I don;t really follow much fiction these days (mainly into comedy), but here's some of my faves.

The Joker (comics) - Failed comedian, dead family, scarred in acid. Healthy cocktail. The Joker in the comics is at his worst a terrible flat character who kills people randomly, At his best a genius madman with a scheme somehow creeping through his head. It all depends on the writer. Alan Moore's The Killing Joke is an excellent example of The Joker, he is Batman's true antithesis. He is truely insane but he reveals how insane Batman is by reflection. In post Death in the family comics we get to truely judge Batman against The Joker, this madman who had gleefully murdered Robin, constantly pushes our hero to the limits mentally. The joker, an enigma who reinvents his personality the further his insanity kicks in, a true villain he can't truely die.
He was great in Dark Knight and the animated series, he was terrible in the 60's and Burton movies. He is just bonkers and exists only to play the eternal chess game against Batman.

Davros (Doctor Who) - HISTORY LESSON TIME. The Skaro war, the Thals vs the Kaleds. In a secluded bunker one Kaled scientist and their scientific elite began working on plans for their race to survive the impending radioctive holocaust. Davros is perhaps the truest fictional Hitler in television. He is an expert manipulator, in his first apperance we could see him manipulate those around him with his arguements, how strong his beliefs in his cause were. A fantastic character shown as an equal and opposite to the naive idealistic Doctor, we have a scientist, a man of learning and knowledge twisted by a perpetual war, grown insane and bitter due to constant betrayals and failures, who is based around very real (and therefore very frightening) ideals, made all the more powerful in the current climate. He wants his race, his people, his kind to continue existing as the supreme (only) race. Born from Britain's post-war fears and nightmares, he is the ultimate symbol of hatred and venom.

Cobra Commander (G.I. Joe comics written by Larry Hama) - The American dream, an average man achieving success through independant hard work, get married, have children and live the life. This was the goal of one man, but events would take a turn for the worse. His brother would be killed in a car accident, crashed into a car carrying the family of a soldier returning home from Vietnam. His used car business would fall under hard times and through a simple mistake, would attract major tax issues. His wife would leave him, and take his son while claiming damages from a man now struggling to afford anything. He would lose it all, fake his own death and retreat. Through various pyramid schemes and recruitment drives in middle america he would attract the support of America's disillusioned, people he would forge into his army. Cobra. Cobra Commander is the american dream gone wrong, Cobra the ultimate Militia movement. His origin is something very real and believable, he is a tragic villain. The more powerful he becomes, the more he is in over his head. He is a former car salesman, yet he becomes leader of a terrorist organisation, ruler of his own country (Cobra Island) and is... driven insane. I made sure to mention Hama's comics specifically because he does what noone else has, he keeps Cobra Commander human, throughout the 80's comic run we see Cobra Commander get driven insane, and at times Hama allows us to feel sorry for him. Other writers have a habbit of portraying him as a cliche madman/dictator, Hama gives him depth, and makes him believable.

These three stick out in my heads.
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The End - I don't know much about him but I want to know more about him after his (very) few appearances. His death scenes were so... sad, really got to me.

Dr. Doom - Okay if any of you havn't read the comics then let me tell you right now the Movie portrayel of him is pure straight F- bullshit. Let me put it to you this way the only significant reason he actually is after the Fantastic Four is because of an inferiority complex with the stretchy one, all he wants to do is beat him atleast once with his own power. True he also wants to rule the world but his motives constantly changed at first for the power but then because he didn't like how things were ran. He actually succeeds the former and it actually turns out to become a much better place, hence why he sticks out so much. He's a villain that actually makes the world a better place, he also has honor and won't fall back on any deals or promises he's made.

Hannibal Lecter - A polite cannibal. I can't really describe him to you honestly.

Skull Thrakka - What can I say I like Warhammer Orks.

James - Silent Hill 2, oh sure he's a protagonist but i'm going to aruge that he can be a villain in a sense, I won't say why for spoiler reasons though.
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Harry MacDowell from Gungrave...

Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 02:49:49 am by Grin Tree
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you guys do realize scar is king claudius from hamlet right

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you guys do realize scar is king claudius from hamlet right


also newman is my favorite villain

also all anime villains seem like they're cosplaying as villains
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Rafael Benitez - Hes a smarmy ass chump who really has no sense of class and he is a huge blowhard. Also the way he signed Robbie Keane was pretty heavy handed and douchy.
Fernando Torres - Hey another smarmy Spaniard. He can be a delight to watch, so long is he isnt sinking your team.
David Villa - Hey another smarmy Spaniard. He also can be a delight to watch but he buried Sweden and is also just kind of an asshole.
Didier Drogba - one word: bitchslap
Joey Barton - hahahaha
Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 04:33:06 pm by Wash Cycle
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also newman is my favorite villain

also all anime villains seem like they're cosplaying as villains
I think on the list of problems with anime villains, this is one of the least major faults!
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3. Scar - Lion King - Let me start by saying that anyone who thinks "OMGWTF dude you iz 16 now! Stop watchingz Dizney, Bi4tch!" should shut up now.
Ironically, since I bet a lot of people would recall Scar as a pretty interesting villain, it's this line alone that makes you seem like you 'should shut up now'.

Lion King is one of my favourite movies, and I think Scar deep inside is a very just and noble character, but his will to make his vision come true and the actions that follows his extreme determination to his cause makes him seem more evil than he deserves. Scar is interested in having an equal society (between Lions and Hyenas anyhow) where they share the prosperity that exist in the Pride Lands (seeing as there clearly are enough resources for hyenas to live the lion way of life in peace). He's overthrown as a leader because his society fails as a result of events beyond his control, caused by a drought that lasted long enough for there to be a massive drop in the availability of prey.

I also think that Mustafa's society is one of oppression and kinship rule. While he is a charismatic leader and treats his nobles (the lions) with great respect he refuses any attempt for the hyenas to live a life of dignity, chasing them off violently if they even attempt entering the Pride Lands.

I also think it's interesting that Simba sends Scar's family and fellow plotters in exile (though this is retracted during Lion King 2 due to his daugher being a slut or something cant remember too much from that flick).
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Yeah, Dr. Doom is a pretty interesting villain when you think about it. The fact that he is an international diplomat and has a whole country under his fascist foot to take care of gypsies is something that adds a whole other deimension to the typical mad-scientist type villain that he could be if he was simplified. A villain with altruism, patriotism. He's time-travelled (and also been to Hell and back, I reckon). If you delve into his motives, the character is suprisingly complex.
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I would say Giygas from Earthbound takes my top spot.
Quote from: Wikipedia
Known as both the "Embodiment of Evil" and the "Universal Cosmic Destroyer," Giygas is an evil alien that intends to sentence all of reality to the horror of infinite darkness. With an army of Starmen, UFOs, and other deadly war machines, Giygas also used his immense power to influence the evil parts of the Earth's beings to assist him.

In Mother 2, Giygas returns as the primary antagonist, though he vastly differs from his appearance in Mother. Giygas gains such tremendous evil power that it destroys his entire being, including his mind, henceforth losing all semblance of life. As such, Giygas manifests as what can only be described as pure evil; in Pokey Minch's words, "he is the evil power". Due to the loss of his mind, Giygas becomes irrational, and incapable of thought; in the final battle, Pokey points out that Giygas isn't aware of himself, or what he is doing, referring to him as "an all-mighty idiot". This is highly reminiscent of the Lovecraftian god Azathoth, who is referred to as the "Blind Idiot God".
I don't really know how you can beat that.
Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 05:25:32 pm by Mama Luigi
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1 - Darth Vader: Oh holy shit guys, he was like the best villain ever. He was a badass and BEFORE the 1-3 series there was no reason to believe he was anything more than that. Sure he turned out to be good in the end, but he was still a villain.
o i agree with darth vader but i dont agree at all that he was very BADASS

I've NEVER understood how anyone could ever call Darth Vader BADASS. To me, Darth Vader has always been a tragic character, that tries hard to hold on to his Sith learning while he slowly realises what wrongs he has comitted when his son fights to bring him back. IMO you can see he's having second thoughts from early on in Empire Strikes Back and he seems completely clueless on how to respond on Luke's assumptions (which are correct, Vader is just in complete denial) of his humanity returning when he is brought to Vader as a prisoner in Return of the Jedi. Like for instance, Luke attempts to make his father admit his humanity but Vader dodges the entire topic and focuses on his lightsaber, and after a while tries to assure Luke that there is no Anakin in himself. Vader isn't interesting as a BADASS villain, he is interesting as the complete opposite: An unsecure slave of evil that slowly realises that he's nothing less than this but tries his best to deny his realisation. In the end, it turns out his denial was for the best as his change of heart came at the only possible time he could have taken the Emperor by surprise in order to destroy the manifistation of his mental prison.

So yeah Vader is a very heated individual, unsure of how to cope with his own mind and the events around him. He may be determined and strict (and cruel), but a BADASS he is not. When someone say BADASS I imagine antiheroes that are completely in touch with who they have become but still holds on to some kind of moral code to guide them, and mostly keeps his fucking head cool. Like Snake Plissken maybe idk.
Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 05:28:38 pm by Lars
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The Joker - He is plain awesome

Harley Quinn - Always a fan of her.

General Greavius - Cyborgenetic 4 lightsabered baddass

Venom - My favorite "Villan" of all time (not the movie venom as he was not venom in my eyes)

Kano - one-eyed Badass with a knife!
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Rafael Benitez - Hes a smarmy ass chump who really has no sense of class and he is a huge blowhard. Also the way he signed Robbie Keane was pretty heavy handed and douchy.
Fernando Torres - Hey another smarmy Spaniard. He can be a delight to watch, so long is he isnt sinking your team.
David Villa - Hey another smarmy Spaniard. He also can be a delight to watch but he buried Sweden and is also just kind of an asshole.
Didier Drogba - one word: bitchslap
Joey Barton - hahahaha
I am adding John Terry to this list for being John Terry.
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Rafael Benitez - Hes a smarmy ass chump who really has no sense of class and he is a huge blowhard. Also the way he signed Robbie Keane was pretty heavy handed and douchy.
Fernando Torres - Hey another smarmy Spaniard. He can be a delight to watch, so long is he isnt sinking your team.
David Villa - Hey another smarmy Spaniard. He also can be a delight to watch but he buried Sweden and is also just kind of an asshole.
Didier Drogba - one word: bitchslap
Joey Barton - hahahaha

who the hell are any of these people