Stupid Meth Note (Read 162 times)

  • Angel of wavering tides.
  • PipPipPip
  • Group: Premium Member
  • Joined: May 14, 2006
  • Posts: 303
Hello everyone! I've come to share a tad piece of news with you.
So, fo what reason have I come in here this day and made my this topic, you ask? What is this news?'s to tell you all about Meth Note! Ha ha. It's a sort of gag series a couple of friends and I are working on. We began development yesterday...when one of my friends just up and suggested we use the idea to make a video! So...we did it! Ha ha. Now we're just showin' it around.

It's not the best idea, nor does it hold any level of real professionalism, but it was just fun to do! We plan to make more when we get the chance (which is not too often, since we live a fair bit apart).

Anyway, each episode is probably going to be around...what? 4-5 minutes in length? Yeah, that seems about right. If you've ever seen Death Note, then you'll probably get some of the references being made in the video (after all, it is a sort of spoof of the Anime!) and it might help you to enjoy it better. But fear not! We're gonna make sure that everything is explained so that you don't have to know too much about Death note.

I didn't know where to put this exactly, so i stuck it in here in the film department. Heh.

Anyway, here it is.
Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!