Science [Full]Ghosts of Aliens (Read 24741 times)

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been looking at screens for 5 minutes and still cumming

Edit: Seriously this game looks ridiculous I love that cave in the video. The whole thing is like the when Mother 3 first came out and I was like oh crap every single part of the game is consistently like nothing I've ever seen before

Also lol Castlevania

Also you didn't credit me for that one wobbly sound >_<
Last Edit: August 10, 2008, 09:13:39 pm by Ragnar
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Looks amazing, good work man, I'll be adding this to my gaming list.

"Lastly, hidden with the bottom confines of the ship lays “The Dreamer”, with his eye closed and quill in hand he rests. His dreams, his ambition, his strife will be transcended to all those on this voyage."
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Watch and learn... custom graphics is the way to go... along with some clever and funny writing too. I'm glad you're getting so much positive comments, swordofkings.
Ock ock, Ack ack!
Beware of the cursed monkey spit!
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man thanx guyz, i'm glad ya'll like it.

its so strange seeing a video of my own game(let alone seeing my game on other sites!)... I can't wait until somebody posts the ending.

ohand ragnar, sorry about that but thats just the bizness man. if you can't slam with the best, jam with the rest. :tsk:
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alright i beat the game and am going to post a review later because i plan to cover a lot of stuff and i am kind of busy right now. so more or less this is a bump to say good job. for a quick LOW DOWN, basically the game has a great style and graphics but is weak in some other areas. i think however on the graphics alone it makes the game and is worth playing for this reason alone.
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I haven't been able to comment since I'm not at home right now, but I will definitely try this out. It looks to be a pretty decent game, the graphics interest me a lot. The gameplay(judging from the video) looked kind of boring, but I'll hold off on anything further for now.

By the way, great job completing a game. That alone makes this game a must download for everyone.
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alright i beat the game and am going to post a review later because i plan to cover a lot of stuff and i am kind of busy right now. so more or less this is a bump to say good job. for a quick LOW DOWN, basically the game has a great style and graphics but is weak in some other areas. i think however on the graphics alone it makes the game and is worth playing for this reason alone.

didn't ya just luv the ending? :gwa:

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man thanx guyz, i'm glad ya'll like it.

its so strange seeing a video of my own game(let alone seeing my game on other sites!)... I can't wait until somebody posts the ending.

ohand ragnar, sorry about that but thats just the bizness man. if you can't slam with the best, jam with the rest. :tsk:

I like how you have a track called "the title of this game is not a reference to trance music"
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just a lil' inside joke, you know... *elbow elbow* :goose:
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alright i beat the game. i have a lot of "crits" because this is a fairly long game and since you obviously put effort into this it's the least you deserve i think:

FiNaL NoTeS:

i may have missed some stuff but this is all i can remember right now.
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Yeah, the gameplay was actaully pretty last minute. I had a few major sidequests planned, about 5, but the game was getting too huge file size so I had to cut them out, a long with a few features. When I finally took a look at how big it had got, that was when I rushing because, the more I worked, the more I wanted to add. I planned on adding many more picture sequences much like the one in the intro, to tell the story instead of having sprite based cutscenes, but the ones in the intro were hard to make, and making more at the time seemed too hard.

music, the songs are pretty excessive(51, 48 by me), but I planned the game to be much longer, with more maps, but when I got around to making the maps, the thought of "what if the song becomes annoying to the players?" came to mind, so I cut the areas down(aside from the huuuuge maps) for the sake of having a wide variety.

as for the lack of direction and saving anywhere, I did it for the self lulz. infact, this game is a huge joke, 10 months in the making. but I might make a new version, with side quests, plays more like a game rather than a pretty collection of graphics and gives more direction. But not for awhile. I like not working on anything.

perhaps I should of got a team together, someone to code the game in gamemaker or something(would of had an ABS then + different graphics probably), but then I wouldn't of had the freedom of doing what ever I want with the story because I would have to "compromise" and use ideas from my team.

All of this, aside from some audio, was by me, so I had to hurry it up because I wanted to finish this before summer was over and I had to  go back to school(August 18th). at least now, I'll have something to show people what I can do graphically, musically and story wise so I can work on other projects, with people. Don't worry, next vidcon I make I won't be making alone(I hope  :sad:​),  so it will be much more playable than this mess, and probably not an rpg. maybe a platformer. meh.

Thanks for the review GZ. Oh, and for the stair way, talk to the statue to left on the right hall before you go to the stairs of doom, and it will tell you the combination(aren't I evil? :fogetbackflip:​)
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i think you will be hard pressed not to find people willing to DO THINGS if you show them this game (most importantly the graphics). finding the right people is probably the tough part. i wouldn't say so much compromise would be an issue, as gay as it sounds you typically get better ideas when you work on a team even though it may not seem this way (since ultimately it isn't 100% your vision). there is a chance for conflict but i think it's minimal as long as you find the right people.

anyway for 10 months solo this is pretty good. this is why i always tell people to team up (or maybe DOUBLE TEAM (guiltforge girl society...)). if you had even one guy doing anything they could have made decent contributions in that time assuming they are not a total douche.

it's good to see you even bothered to finish it. given your reasons it makes a lot of sense why the game was not so fun but you made the right decision i think. i wish more people would do this, just to showcase their game instead of getting UPTIGHT about not having the perfect game and never releasing anything.
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I know if I ever worked on a game with someone the story would be totally up to them.  It would be douche-like to try and change someone's vision.  Suggesting ideas is still cool though.

I love the bright flashy graphics in this game.  Was this done with the RPG Maker?  Seriously?

edit: haha holy crap I just read the description.  You sir are brilliant.
Last Edit: August 12, 2008, 04:16:37 am by Eyesore
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The game's music is in mp3s and my RPG Maker crashes every time it has to play mp3s, no matter what version I have installed. I should have been ready for this. No... I... I'm crying irl... what am I going to do!?

EDIT: OK so I'm playing the soundtrack while playing the game without music. It is a reasonable compromise. The music AND graphics are tripping me out, for the better.
Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 03:42:16 am by Zatham
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So I started playing the game up till the point where I was supposed to fight DOOM BEAST and I couldn't find it so I saved and quit and then looked in the editor to figure out what to do, but I didn't play it further yet.

Basically it has the same problems Yume Nikki had, which is like pretty much the Boards of Canada of video games as far as I'm concerned - but yeah both your game and Yume Nikki both try to be extremely EVOCATIVE of something and basically it's an interesting experience no matter what - I've got to admit some moments like the blue cave were almost a fucking sublime experience even though nothing was really happening. This was the first game since I was really little where I just wanted to walk around for no fucking reason at all which is definitely some kind of good thing. Ok actually Zelda 64 was my last time but for a 2D game this was the first time in like 16 years at least - well wait there was Earthbound so 10-11 years. But like I thought it was outstanding how the game actually had a 'feel', like the way the characters are animated feel like the way they move even though it's the same RPG Maker engine we all know (unless you did some weird code to make people walk different)

but yeah my main problem was everything tried to be 'like' something even though I can't really reference too many things in general, like the look in general was like Earthbound Zero and the sprites looked a little like Gameboy RPGS - and so it kind of felt like a cop-out in some way when you actually had to do stuff because it basically felt like an RPG tacked on some admittedly beautiful pictures and sound. It really doesn't have a very good feeling of 'design', like where Earthbound starts out in your house and the game tries to ease you into the story (really most classic RPGs do this while most RPG Maker games 'show' things to you which I hate), this game is like listen to some wizard for a couple minutes without knowing what's going on and then avoid some enemies in a desert when you'd rather start out in a town probably? So yeah, that's my only problem - the game feels like you made a town with 8 houses in it and you chucked 1 idea into each house like it's its own little dimension. But that kind of makes it trippy in it's own right. But I still felt like nothing corresponded to anything else unless it comes up a lot later in the game. Like that one house that had the orange people, a game like Earthbound would give them more 'life', like something such as the Mr. Saturns you see them a lot and they're definitely the mascots of that game. It's just frustrating because you could do that stuff with just a little clever writing/scripting, it might sound stupid but some stupid stuff just does that - like Skip Sandwich and Mushroomized in Earthbound, all they did was make you walk different but it was just the best thing ever because you were doing it in Earthbound I guess. That's another part of it, don't be afraid that doing different stuff will destroy the atmosphere of the game, most things won't considering how much atmosphere this game has.

Ok so to sum it up, this pretty much borders on a work of art but it would help a lot to have the trappings of a game that make it feel 'solid', like good gameplay balance and not just throwing a bunch of battles and messing with the player that way, just sensible stuff like that. Yume Nikki didn't really seem to give a crap about whether the game was 'fun' and sort of played with the familiar stuff in RPGs but did the opposite to make the player feel uneasy, like that part where you have to turn the light on and off and it seems like nothing's going to happen ever. Unless you want the game to be a little unsettling you should have a little more structure to the game, like if NPCs gave you more items and interacted with you more, for example. That sounds like a bad example but really if you do a lot of little things like that it makes the game more fun to play

Edit: I disagree with GZ, this game is a lot like old NES games and those didn't need 'puzzles' to be interesting, I think there just needs to be more of a feeling like your actions matter and that would flesh out the world in its own right. Even though the game isn't cutscene heavy there's a weird sort of feeling like you're at the mercy of the game, again this works for an art game like Yume Nikki but I think a game like this should have a good gamey feeling and if it did it'd convey a lighthearted feeling better

Edit: If there's any other problem with the game it's that it's almost so highly stylized to the point where it hurts the game, like you didn't really distinguish between good ideas and so-so ideas - everything feels kind of sacred, by that I mean every last thing looks either equally important or equally trivial so I ended up feeling lost. Even if someone's directing a movie, they have to consider what the audience is supposed to notice/care about and equally what's supposed to look not important so they're like "oh so the sled represents his lost innocence", and such and such like that

Edit: But imagine in Citizen Kane if they just tightly focused on some pancakes for 2 minutes and then it turned out the pancakes didn't mean anything

Edit: I seriously think old games do this - like in Dragon Warrior there were only so many different tiles, but I'd say the poison swamp tiles stand out a lot because they're black with speckles like a negative of the other tiles. And for each one you step on they have an effect, in that they hurt you a little bit. And then they had the even more damaging tiles which were like these eyesore striped patterns and those immediately catch the eye if you go into a room with them

Edit: Sorry about the wall of text, I'm sort of having a gameplay discussion with myself by this point

Edit: Unless you're really clever and you're making some commentary on videogames, how the important stuff in games are denoted by flashing colors or they make some trippy sound effect and that's why we all have ADD

Edit: Seriously all things do this, like a movie would show this girl in a red dress and then the audience will be like 'hmm I wonder who the hell she is, what's her story'. Again I know it sounds retarded but this is how people direct movies and crap. With your game it's like you have the attention-getting stuff all set up but then it doesn't deliver

Edit: I did like the title screen however
Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 05:30:23 am by Ragnar
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woaah Ragnar thats an awesome post man.

anyways, here are some things I'll put in Ghosts of Aliens Dee eX
-Gwaldin will be a temporary playable character :naughty:
-Add sidequests
-Balance Gamplaay
-MAYBE add puzzles perhaps
-More explanation

I already got my self-luls out of this, so I'll fix all these things some day. Not for awhile though! Schools starts tomorroww for me.  :gwa:
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I don't even really remember what I posted

and I'm too lazy to read
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side effects of drugs, people.
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This sort of came out of no where for me. I remember seeing screens of this game but never knew it got such attention.

Great, I will give this a shot.
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So this is your game.. Wow seriously this looks amazing and I will definitely try it out even though it's against my usual file size limit download.