Half Life (And sequels) - The FPS that captured my imagination all those years ago and still remains the very root of everything that I find cool in games since. Headcrabs, I mean come on. Everyone loves headcrabs. Eaaarrrch *chomp*
Grand Theft Auto 3 - This is where the series stopped being a game and started being an action movie that you, the player stars in. Still the best GTA in my opinion, please don't chase me out of Wamging Village with pitchforks.
Fallout X - Any fallout game. There is never enough killing then stealing from the person you killed. That is one of the most satisfying things you can do in a videogame.
Metal Gear Solid - You know why I don't even have to justifty that one.
Red Alert 2 - This is, in my opinion - the best RTS game ever made. I have yet to play a strategy with such great balance in gameplay. The units are designed to perfection and it is isometric and not poo 3d. It has been stated here before in reference to Fallout but I don't see why they don't make more super-rendered isometric games instead of chewing up your PC with total 3d immersion. What about 2.5D with 2D backgrounds and hi-def entities? Surely that could achieve near photo-realism given the current technologies.
Final Fantasy VII - Because most people are too cool to say this is their fave FF.
Rollercoaster Tycoon - I may have grown out of this one a bit now but back in the day I played this time and again. My theme parks were all terrible financial black holes but the fun made up for that
Call of Duty 4 - This is the current height of the FPS genre. Yeah yeah, Killzone and Crysis have eye watering graphics but this is where the gameplay and graphics are met to my current standards. I have completed this on veteran.
MGS4 and
GTA4 also have magnificent replay value but obviously I have not owned them long enough for them to have shown the test of time.