Topic: did anyone else recieve a racist dvd in their paper? (Read 513 times)

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So apparently my paper and a lot of others, including the NY Times, were paid money to package this shit with the paper. It's one of those conservative, ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF NAZIS, pieces of shit. I threw mine in the trash, but I was wondering if anyone else got one.

brian chemicals
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This is precisely why I don't read any news!!

PS Pidgeon221 your signature is disgusting. I hope a moderator sees it soon
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Honestly people are going to throw mud at each other all the time and since American Media in general has turned Islam into the 'ultimate evil' -worse than communism(How dare they! Communism was so much more fun to hate) mind you- I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have any problem doing something really stupid like this. The circus goes on.
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Why would quality newspapers give you this stuff?
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" America"
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Why would quality newspapers give you this stuff?
there arent any quality major circulation newspapers left in the united states
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Who was the producer of that movie? Must be a real rich bastard to coax the Times to pass something off like that in their paper. I'd disagree that it was specifically 'conservative;' anyone with half a brain can realize how insanely stupid this is. What is this, red America again?

Seriously, I'm waiting for some lawsuits from the Islamic community. Thats just...ugh.
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Sweet, more propoganda to keep us warring in the middle east!

Idk, from just the trailer it didn't seem that outrageous and racist. The focus was radical Islam - the psychos... not your everyday Islamist.
I do find it hilarious that more than half the clips were from Fox News. "gthis film.... you mmust... see.. .this film!"
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Only $4.98 per view.

Someone zoo this.
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they justify it by saying ITS ONLY ABOUT RADICAL ISLAM but uh who gives a fuck.

whoa did you know people who hate america use whatever they can to attempt some degree of unity??? ITS TRUE.

there's also rumors that this was funded by Republicans to influence the coming election.
brian chemicals
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If that's true (I guess I wouldn't put it past anyone today), it's probably going blow up in their faces (terrorist-kamikaze style). The democrats will probably try to 'trace' it back to the republicans anyway (again, I wouldn't put it past anyone), and they could make a huge mess of the republican campaign.

Provided that most voting Americans aren't influenced by this thing.

EDIT: Maybe it's a secular-progressive conspiracy  :fogetgasp:
"I would be totally embarassed to write this, even as a fakepost. it's not funny except in how you seem to think it's good. look at all the redundancies, for fuck's sake. "insipid semantics, despicable mediocrity" ugh gross gross. I want to take a shower every time I read your prose." -Steel
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If that's true (I guess I wouldn't put it past anyone today), it's probably going blow up in their faces (terrorist-kamikaze style). The democrats will probably try to 'trace' it back to the republicans anyway (again, I wouldn't put it past anyone), and they could make a huge mess of the republican campaign.

Provided that most voting Americans aren't influenced by this thing.

EDIT: Maybe it's a secular-progressive conspiracy  :fogetgasp:
Or it's from the democrats, trying to smear the republican campaign by 'tracing it back' to the republicans. It's not like anyone can tell them apart, anyway.

Geert Wilders' Fitna is probably better than this. The scene where he pretends to tear apart a Koran and then smothers it in disclaimers saying he did not actually tear up a Koran is particularly hilarious.

You get these with the paper? Like, an actual CD? You lucky bastard. I never get free coasters.
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hey guys why dont you actually watch the movie before you get all pissed off? its not a statement about islam in general but a look at a very specific group FUCK IT IS IN THE TITLE OF THE DAMN THING

that said I watched it and it was terrible. it was directed and funded by a pro-israel lobby so what does that tell you heh (makes the nazi-linkage make a lot more sense when you consider who put this whole thing together)
Last Edit: September 14, 2008, 05:14:44 pm by Wash Cycle
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hey guys why dont you actually watch the movie before you get all pissed off? its not a statement about islam in general but a look at a very specific group FUCK IT IS IN THE TITLE OF THE DAMN THING

that said I watched it and it was terrible. it was directed and funded by a pro-israel lobby so what does that tell you heh (makes the nazi-linkage make a lot more sense when you consider who put this whole thing together)

no shit, there was an article in the paper about it the day it went out. if you really believe the intent of the creators was NOT to draw a parallel between Islam and Nazism you are way naive.
brian chemicals
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BUMP apparently mostly swing states recieved this. posting from SA:

If you live in a swing state (and especially not in a major liberal bastion within said swing state,) you may have got a DVD copy of Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West in your newspaper this weekend. Yes, in your goddamn newspaper, as if it were a toothpaste or cereal sample.

The group behind it? The Clarion Fund, started two years ago by the maker of Obsession specifically to hock his dumb movie -- winner of right-wing film festivals like The Liberty Film Festival.

Even the normally pretty staid Editor & Publisher is going as far as calling it neocon propaganda.
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i probably would've got this but my family and i stopped receiving the newspaper about 2 years ago.

there's no real good newspapers anywhere.
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There's no point in discussing this. Religion on its own is not harmful, the way some people(fundamentalists, crazed religious fanatics(of any religion)) treat and use religion however has given it a really bad image as a whole, and the media in the US just use this as a chance to propagate against their current "enemies" in the middle east.

* TheBigJamesBondfan is not religious.
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I am and I take offense to that statement

Just because Jesus is behind the war on Iraq doesn't mean you have to call good Christians fanatics
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What can I say.. I've come to expect BS like this on a daily basis in the west... Ah America at its finest! As you know, I'm Muslim myself and have defended Islam wherever I am (Even here on these very boards). Israeli lobby just has too much fuckin power
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