Yeah, don't eat too many fatty foods. Also, exercise well and make sure you're not stressed. Fatty food and stress + not going outside once in awhile is not good for you anyway. Might as well get rid of the acne in the process.
Also, popping zits is a sign of manliness do it whenever possible -- even the ones that harden because you mess with them all day and they don't have a hole to bust the...whatever the hell that is; for those you take a needle, burn the tip of it, wet it with rubbing alcohol, and bust in there like Chuck Norris's awesomesauce roundhouse kick (tm).
"I would be totally embarassed to write this, even as a fakepost. it's not funny except in how you seem to think it's good. look at all the redundancies, for fuck's sake. "insipid semantics, despicable mediocrity" ugh gross gross. I want to take a shower every time I read your prose." -Steel