Topic: SW: The Force Unleashed (Read 876 times)

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Has anyone else got this game yet? I got it Tuesday and am having a blast with it (until now). It is intensely fun just blowing the shit out of everything with force powers + lightsaber (I love Force Grip and Force Repulse), and is easily the best Star Wars game since the KOTORs. I'm glad that after the couple of years' worth of wait it's been [relatively] worth it. Has anyone else got it? How are you finding it?


Basically it's an awesome batshit-insane-with-force-powers Star Wars game with Euphoria (AI), Havok (Physics) and DMM (object destruction etc) all combined into one engine. It's pretty nice looking and while the promise of SUPER DESTRUCTIBLE ENVIRONMENTS isn't as realised in the rest of the game as it is the first level, it's still very fun. There is a lot of fun to be had for picking up a stormtrooper, throwing him through a tree (through), before grabbing him again and throwing him sixty kilometres down to the forest floor.

Unfortunately I'm stuck on possibly the most broken part of a game I've ever played. . I have no idea how that part got past quality control at all.
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Is it at all like Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy?  I always thought those games mastered the Jedi gameplay, but this looks pretty cool too.  I hope it comes out for the PC very soon.
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Been vaguely looking forward to this one as well. I don't have money for it though. :(

Didn't even know it's out, actually...
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Not at all like Academy or Outcast (and believe me, I've played them to death). This one's way more action-oriented and the focus is definitely on "you are a powerful badass, here are 50 enemies; go completely over the top and kill every single one of them".

PC version isn't gonna be done, according to the wiki article. Shame, it'd look nice. ;(
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That does sound pretty awesome.  But it has nothing on Jedi Academy's "Bloody Dismemberment" mod.  Watching heads fly off stormtroopers was quite possibly the greatest thing to happen to Star Wars ever. 

I bet someone's going to make a mod for Jedi Academy that makes it more like TFU.   

How is the story though, and the characters?  Please don't spoil anything, I just want either a thumbs up or thumbs down. 
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it's supposed to be really bad. what i played from the demo it was alright but the camera was fucking horrible and a bitch to maneuver. also the demo takes place like a few hours into the game, so that means that when you start the game you have less powers than during the demo, which is also pretty bad. i would probably recommend people to look into the reviews and stuff before renting it and really wouldnt suggest anyone to buy it.

edit: the game not the story, apparently the story changes canon around a bit to make room for it.
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OK it's not meant to be REALLY BAD; just not 600% revolutionary as far as it was hyped up. It's like Spore except there's a decent, playable unboring game behind it this time. I'm arguing this point because I see a lot of people say IT'S GOTTEN TERRIBLE REVIEWS but honestly if you look into these reviews it's mostly IT'S A GOOD GAME, BUT NOT FANTASTICALLY OVERWHELMING and stuff. ALSO the demo takes place on the second level in the game, so it's half an hour into it at most. You start with exactly the same force powers as you do in the full game.

For sure rent the game. It's a ball of fun. BUYING IT maybe I wouldn't recommend straight out. I've been looking forward to this for years and I'm a massive SW fanboy so just being able to play it is fantastic for me, but for sure I'd recommend you rent it. Basically if you like CAUSING WANTON DESTRUCTION then it's definitely for you.

I'll give you that about the camera though. Sometimes it's woeful. Usually it's good but on the rare occasion you really need it... fuck.

@Xanqui: It's very good so far, but it almost feels a little... I don't know. Rushed? There's a lot going on and it's kind of confusing at the moment, but I think that's mainly because I don't pay much attention. The characters are great; while Starkiller is pretty boring and annoying, the rest of the cast is good fun and very entertaining. The story, from what I can grasp of it at the moment, is also very interesting and well worth a look if you're interested in SW canon.

EDIT: that post was a bit harsh and highly opinionated. sorry dudes!
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How is the story though, and the characters?  Please don't spoil anything, I just want either a thumbs up or thumbs down. 

I myself am a pretty big fan of the Star Wars films and I really like the story of the game. They tie it in pretty well with the original three films and explore more of certain characters and factions etc. I never did like the idea of Darth Vader having a secret apprentice but it works very well in the end. The story doesn't mess around or change anything really, it just adds some more depth to it imo.

The characters are quite alright and cool too. Some are new but most of them have been in the films at some point even if they didn't have any dialogue. A certain Jedi Council member who never got killed in Episode 3 plays a part too for instance.
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It's cool, but it's a bit underwhelming for being a 5 year wait after Jedi Academy.
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EDIT: that post was a bit harsh and highly opinionated. sorry dudes!

many bothans died so you never had to say this...

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i remember hearing about this and not caring

then i checked previews like a month ago and it looked HORRENDOUS

then i saw gameplay vids by people on youtube the other day and it looked decent, however after asking around I heard it was painfully short

also I guess the wii version still looks terrible

didn't check the handheld versions though
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Ok, so is there online multiplayer for 360? I did some research and all I found was online multiplayer for Wii.
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Ok, so is there online multiplayer for 360? I did some research and all I found was online multiplayer for Wii.
Wii version is the only one with multiplayer.
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The characters are quite alright and cool too. Some are new but most of them have been in the films at some point even if they didn't have any dialogue. A certain Jedi Council member who never got killed in Episode 3 plays a part too for instance.

Are you talking about [spoilers]Shaak Ti?[/spoilers]  Tartakovsky really did her justice in the Clone Wars mini-series.  It says something about a director when other people handle his material better than he does (referring to nutcase batshit insane George Lucas).

Based on the demo, the game plays like Dynasty Warriors with force powers and it felt and looked really really bland.  The only thing that could save this game is its story and I only really care about the expanded universe so anything canon is pretty much off limits for me.
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Planned on getting this for Wii on day one, but when multiple impressions confirmed such a short gameplay run time I decided to wait until a promotion period to pick it up. (like TRU's buy 2 get 1 free)  I still want it though, but while I wait I'll be checking out something else.
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A 70% average (which is roughly what it is on the home consoles) isn't really awful or anything, a score like that usually justifies a rental if you're interested (or a buy if it's cheap and you want it).

I'm keen to play this whenever I pick up my 360 so hopefully the price of the game has dropped by then so I can grab it without worrying too much. I've heard a lot about that sequence Christo mentioned and it's meant to be a big heap of shitty design.
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Well, I've got this, and I have to say it's pretty fun. It's so satisfying to be able to throw stormtroopers off cliffs, into explosives, or into each other. The camera is easily the worst part of the game, as well as the lack of any blood. And once you get into a lightsaber combo, it's horrendously slow to stop. The force powers are WAY better executed than in Jedi Academy or any other star wars game. The most annoying thing that's happened so far was the camera got stuck on a box as I was destroying a massive droid. I imagine it would have looked spectacular, but all I could see was a fucking box.
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The game, although fun was painfully short. I spent a good amount of time finding almost all of the holocrons (unlockables) and still only managed about four and half hours worth of gameplay, I went back through to play it again hoping that if I some how went to the dark side things would be different... BUT
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After wasting so much money on Spore, I'm going to rent this one. Looks like the kinda game I'd beat and never touch again. I played the demo, and there were some cute small things (like bending a walkway girder into the flight path of a TIE Fighter, and then hearing it smash to bits, bending the bar a bit from impact, as you continue to chop up the enemies.

This game is glitchy, like oh so many games, so that's not too huge an issue. While I thoroughly enjoyed the demo, I verbally went 'ughhhh' at the end. They have that horrendous gaming creation---QTEs. Quick Time Events--the ones where you hit X, Square, Circle or Triangle (X, Y, A, B) in sequence to what is presented-- to beat the bosses. Yeah, hack him to hell, then finish a QTE.
I did this same boss twice... and the QTE is random btw. Isn't that just even icing to the cake!?

In all fairness though, this game force powers just... rocks. You can't do everything you want, but there's quite a lot you CAN do. Definitely a must play, not a must own. Next chance I get, this is on the top of my rental list.