Idea Religulous (Read 3653 times)

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Religilous is a documentary, most similar in vein to probably either a Michael Moore flick, or maybe something by Sacha Baron Cohen. The premise is, Bill Maher, an anti-christian and anti-organized religion talk show host, travels around the world discussing religion with different demographics and figures within the various religions. Maher is cynical, but not mean when he is speaking to these people, and the comedic aspect comes from Maher forcing the interviewees into admitting their beliefs are all but ridiculous, but doing so only by asking simple questions. Maher has said himself that he sees the movie as more of a comedy than a documentary, so keep in mind that it isn't just a religion slamfest for an hour and a half.

Bill Maher is a personal hero of mine, and as I have just recently found that there will be a few showings of this movie in my hometown, I feel I must do my part to spread the word a bit. I suppose if you are anything of an avid christian or muslim, I wouldn't suggest this film because you will hopefully either be converted, offended, or best case scenario, humiliated. It's my understanding that Maher spends about a quarter of the movie on Christianity, and then divides the rest between the smaller religions.

Anyway, hopefully a decent amount of people are interested in this, at least for the entertainment value. I will be bussing as many people as I can to this movie, as I am not much of a debater, and this movie should help fill the gap left by my debate skills.
Religulous is only in "select" theatres, and will release on Friday, October 3rd.
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Sounds pretty great! This is my first time hearing of this, and I'm already sold. I have to see this.

Does Scientology appear anywhere in the film?
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Scientology isn't worth wasting the time on, everybody already knows their beliefs are ridiculous.
Like, at least other religions can trace many of their stories and laws etc to logic/protect themselves, but scientology is literally just a guy who made shit up.
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brian chemicals
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Scientology isn't worth wasting the time on, everybody already knows their beliefs are ridiculous.
Like, at least other religions can trace many of their stories and laws etc to logic/protect themselves, but scientology is literally just a guy who made shit up.

Yes, but it's so amusing to watch them squirm uncomfortably when you talk to them about it. Anyone who has seen Scientology & Me will know what I mean by this.
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I thought this would be like SLAMFEST like you said so I was kinda pissed but now it doesn't look that bad, it reminds me more of those interviews on the daily show where the other person is like whut what just happened
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Maher said he wanted this to come out on Easter, so they're probably getting it out as soon as they can. Maybe this movie can take a few knuckleheads out of McCains pocket before the election?
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yeah I know I stop holding my deep convictions and beliefs after watching a single documentary on the subject.
brian chemicals
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There will probably be people voting more easily influenced than you, I assume.

I mean, there ARE Palin supporters aren't there?

PS "Religulous" the name comes from Religious and Ridiculous. Just thought I'd say that because it wasn't obvious to me.
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no one religious will be convinced by this! if it's not funny it'll just be a documentary bent on preaching to a choir that probably owns a copy of the God Delusion.
brian chemicals
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The first thing you learn when you decide to become "Religious" is that you must constantly exercise your "faith" by shutting your ears to anything that an established religous authority doesn't tell you. It might lead to something that contradicts your doctrine, swaying you from the true path and damning your afterlife to an eternity of torture and regret. If it sounds like it's supposed to make sense, then that's the devil playing a trick on you.

Religion is well engineered to protect itself against conflicting ideaologies (it's they only way to last long enough to be worth mentioning in the first place), this movie won't be convincing anybody.

no one religious will be convinced by this! if it's not funny it'll just be a documentary bent on preaching to a choir that probably owns a copy of the God Delusion.

But what if it is funny? What will happen then?
Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 07:11:58 pm by EvilDemonCreature
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I know maybe a dozen people myself that are on the wall about their beliefs (I plan to take them to this movie.)

I don't expect a revelation in any way, but I'm going to continue promoting it and telling myself it helps.
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Bill Maher is alright but if I'm going to watch something about religion I'd rather go along the lines of Jesus Camp rather than a Michael Moore-esque comedy, documentary.

Also this kind of film is a lot less likely to influence people than Moore's stuff as people are generally able to hold their religious views despite the more extreme and ridiculous elements others might follow. Moore at least stirs up overly reactive people.

Also also since EDC just replied I think you are underestimating the amount of people who balance their religious views with science, often times science winning out. And I'm not just talking about the congregations but also how the clergy present shit.
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man fuck this, "ehehehe your religion is so SILLY"

I would rather see someone in John Travolta's face yelling at him and asking him if he has a brain tumor and if not who is drugging him and why is he so motherfucking stupid.


No but seriously I'd rather see someone a bit appalled and angrier at it infront of a Kentucky school asking kids if they want to learn in science class about how all the fossils we've found that pre-date man are really just unusually shaped rocks and how their final in biology will have questions about genesis in them

I'll still watch it when it comes out though, maybe it'll be good but Bill Mahr is really snoody
Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 06:19:34 pm by Harry Manback
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No but seriously I'd rather see someone a bit appalled and angrier at it infront of a Kentucky school asking kids if they want to learn in science class about how all the fossils we've found that pre-date man are really just unusually shaped rocks and how their final in biology will have questions about genesis in them

I was laughed at BY MY TEACHER in science class for suggesting that the reason we had an appendix had to do with food digestion in our more ape-like ancestors.

Literally laughed at.

Kentucky schools are goddamn unsaveable.
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I'm looking forward to this "documentary" but Steel is absolutely right - maybe only people who are VERY on-the-fence about religion will be tipped over. I can tell this movie is going to get bad reviews though. I'll have to keep an eye on rotten tomatoes.
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do you people really think the purpose of these type of films is to CONVERT THE FUNDAMENTALISTS??

if the fucking entire SCIENCE COMMUNITY is made up of frauds who synthesize fake dino fossils all day to fool the masses, why would this do anything???

this is obviously for entertainment purposes and not a sit-tight-and-let-us-convert-you documentary
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which is why I said it better be funny because it sure dont look it.
brian chemicals
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I've watched clips from it, and it's very Bill Maher-esque. If you don't like him, you probably won't like this movie. If you haven't seen him, I would definitely look up some of his show or something because I understand he presents in a way that can be hard to swallow.
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This looks like a circle jerk film.
Also, I watched 10 minutes of Bill Maher's HBO show once and it made me hate him.
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