Long ago in a galaxy far far away, a famous company created a game called King's Bounty for the NES, where you and your 10 trillion soldiers killed stuff in real time. It was then later made into the Heroes of Might & Magic series by the same company, and everyone forgot about King's Bounty while HOMM sold 102342904812903812983901283901839014904890189013 copies.
The license was purchased by the company that made Space Rangers (a B game that tried to be like 19 genres at the same time but was freaking amazing), and they've made a new sequel to the NES game, and it is
fucking awesome and triple A material.
The game has an amazing graphical style (the title screen is really well drawn too!), uses RAM really well (if you have 2GB or more, expect like no load times!), and is real time RPG with turn based strategy combat.
If you've played HOMM, it's like that, except no insane micromanagement, but you're free to explore the massive map (with random stuff in it each game) in real time (unlike HOMM which is turn based.).
If you haven't played HOMM, picture an RPG where you control a gigantic army across a massive world instead of like 4 people.
There's a lot of funny quests, a massive world, no random encounters, battles have traps and treasure in them, tons of creatures to choose from in your party, character customization, a great Engrish story, 3 character classes to choose from, the ability to get married and have kids (that give you stuff), randomly generated world, bosses, and so much more. Plus you can totally get a zombie wife and ask her if she wants kids and she'll talk about eating it, and what's better than that, huh? (Plus it has a skill system like Diablo 2, and these spirits with powerful magic you can upgrade, and stuff like that.)
Here's some awesome screenshots:

Here's some awesome videos:
I dunno what to say, except to try the demo out if you like this type of thing. The demo is
massive, coming out at 3-5 hours for one playthrough, with the game being ~x10-15 times larger, with tons of replayability since it's random! Time seems to fly by when playing too, and it's really just solid, well made, fun, and it's different enough from HOMM to be a solid sequel to the King's Bounty series and take a new direction with it, without seeming like more of the same.
You can try out the updated demo here:
http://www.worthdownloading.com/download.php?gid=1963&id=16403You can buy the game online or in stores for 40$! (
Also the game has a crashing bug you can fix by downloading this:
http://www.kbmods.nm.ru/eng/mod_16_eng_fix_mirabella.zip Warning tho, this game does use SecuROM as DRM, so anyone who hates DRM should be wary and get the game from other means/avoid it!