For those who are unaware, one of the California propositions that is going to be on the ballot this November is called Proposition 8. In a nutshell, if this proposition is passed, the California constitution will be amended to prevent gay couples from getting married. This right was recently recognized by a California court ruling.
I'm reaching out to people because right now it looks like this proposition actually has a good chance of passing, and because this proposition will have a direct negative impact on my personal rights and future. Regardless of what you might think about deep blue state California, our state politics are terrible and we have just as many hicks and fundamentalist religions as everyone else. If this thing does pass it would essentially take another statewide vote to undo the damage.
If you have even just a few bux you can spare to donate to the campaign, or have family in California you can talk to, please do so. It literally takes one minute to donate if you have a credit card. You don't even have to be a California resident to donate (though I do believe you must be a U.S. citizen, but I'm not sure). If you are a California resident, please go out to vote on election day and help prevent this hateful garbage from passing.
No on 8 campaign siteJust FYI I am not associated with this campaign in any way other than I just gave them some money and felt like trying to solicit some extra help.