Request (I wouldn't normally ask this on random web forums but) please help donate to California's No on 8 campaign. (Read 3891 times)

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my parents have 'yes on 8' boards outside, i like how the only other thing written on them is something about parental rights(to not let their kids learn about homos in kindergarten?) and doesn't mention a single thing about what 8 is.
This is usually the point where decent people replace those signs with "yes on 8 WHITE POWER" or "yes on 8 jews lied about the holocaust".
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in my state gays can get married (as of like LAST WEEK or something) and one of my professors (who is a lesbian) was really happy and let our class out early and decided that we didn't have to do that week's paper.

so no on 8 and hopefully you guys will have a class where you get out early as well :)

also that video is TOTALLY RIDICULOUS i don't really GET where these people are coming from at all. even the DEFEND MARRIAGE thing it just doesn't make any sense to me.
Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 01:33:00 pm by missingno
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my parents have 'yes on 8' boards outside, i like how the only other thing written on them is something about parental rights(to not let their kids learn about homos in kindergarten?) and doesn't mention a single thing about what 8 is.

I was actually probably not going to vote at all(because i'm that lazy) until i got a call from some Mormon guy telling me to make sure i was register so i could vote yes on 8.  I wish i had the balls to tell him how retarded he was at the time!
If you ever discover you are gay, and your parents learn about it, your parents are likely to like, DISOWN YOU or something. Maybe you should get them to change their minds!
Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 01:51:29 pm by Frankie
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gays did 9/11. Why should they be allowed to marry?
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If you ever discover you are gay, and your parents learn about it, your parents are likely to like, DISOWN YOU or something.

yeah if they're heartless pieces of shit
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Well I mean, If they think gays are SO BAD that they'd put a sign on their front lawn to take away one of their rights...

I wouldn't say they're heartless pieces of shit, many people down in the states are just raised that way I guess. If you honestly believed that gays were SATAN WORSHIPPERS AND EVIL TO THE BONE, learning your own kid is ONE OF THEM could make you do pretty awful things.
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I think that would probably shift their perspectives a little bit, though. Most people don't see things in black and white, even if they seem like they do.
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Hey I want to clarify something: I am pretty sure there is more to this than "we want it to be called a marriage, 'civil union' is not a good enough term!" I understand it as being the difference between same-sex unions in California being recognized federally and not being recognized at all. Civil unions are like "marriage lite" because they only exist within California borders.

edit: whoops I think in CA they're called "domestic partnerships"
Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 05:17:03 pm by Doozer
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yes but then you'll run into facetious dicks who will be like AH BUT WHY SHOULD ALL STATES BE FORCED TO RECOGNIZE YOUR MARRIAGE STATES RIGHTS STATES RIGHTS.

the real liberal position is to federally recognize gay marriage buttttttt not gonna happen.
brian chemicals
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Too bad states' rights don't exist when it comes to recognizing contracts forged in other states
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nonono i didnt mean they would make sense, just that they'd say that.

heh...why should you determine my states...

basically if you try for a legal recourse it's about as dishonest as "i am for abortion because what if you get raped????"; you're still in the right but understating the fact that the real reason for gay marriage is because it should be a right (or that abortion is a woman's choice). it gives the other side too much room to dance around with terminology.
brian chemicals
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basically the weird thing is the argument that marriage is basically the same as a civil union actually demeans the meaning of marriage more. it's just saying MARRIAGE IS A LEGAL PROCEDURE W00T.
Well marriage is indeed a legal procedure.  It's just that people like to get married in a church; the church does not acknowledge marriage between two people of the same sex, however.

Isn't it so that the only reason we call them "civil unions" is because speaking of "civil marriage" won't get you elected if you're running for president?
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honestly idk i think this is kinda a non issue. its like trying to pass a bill on how it should be legal for gays and.............junglebunnies to join the kkk.if they were banning a civil union, that would be entirely a different thing but cmon why do you want to marry through a GODINSTITUTION where they traditionally h8 you????????????????????????????

idk if my partner wanted to marry through a church i would do it but i wouldnt really give a shit
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honestly idk i think this is kinda a non issue. its like trying to pass a bill on how it should be legal for gays and.............junglebunnies to join the kkk.if they were banning a civil union, that would be entirely a different thing but cmon why do you want to marry through a GODINSTITUTION where they traditionally h8 you????????????????????????????

idk if my partner wanted to marry through a church i would do it but i wouldnt really give a shit

its a symbolic victory for both sides of rights vs. religion.

fyi you know there are churches that are gay churches right. there are gay pastors and shit.
brian chemicals
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isnt a bill like this just bar marriage through traditional churches though?

anyway gay churches are silly but w/e
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no, it's to bar any churches, if they would or wouldn't do it. a church has a right to not allow someone to get married in it already.
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I dated a girl once who said god loves gay people.... I mean I dont believe in god (not of the biblical god at least) but im almost positive there is a verse somewhere in the old testament about how man was meant for woman and in god's eyes thats the only thing that is acceptable. Dunno I guess. My god hates everyone but me anyways so.
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I think there are much better things to donate to.  Like, children starving in Africa, and belly parasites! 
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I think there are much better things to donate to.  Like, children starving in Africa, and belly parasites! 

hey welcome back where you been girl???

nice use of brown text for africa by the way
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did your girlfriend break up with you nackster for another girl? heh

its all about the starving kids isnt it.
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