Whether you like them or not, Heroes, Lost, Alias etc etc Are far greater than any British show in terms of quality of acting and budget.
You're joking, right? Heroes and Lost are the most overhyped pieces of shit I've ever had to sit through. The amount by which they are overhyped eclipses how overhyped Halo 3 was, and that's saying something. God damn, I hate those shows; the acting is wooden as hell, the writing relies on drawing the shittiest storylines out for hours (storylines in which nothing actually seems to happen) and the characters are more two-dimensional than Ryu in Breath of Fire I. Especially in Lost, I don't understand how people can even like that show. I understand how people can like Heroes, but the appeal of Lost simply escapes me. It's a show were
nothing happens for a whole freakin' hour!
As for budgets, the budget of a show doesn't matter in the slightest. Being able to pay the actors millions per show (i.e Friends) or having massive SFX budgets doesn't make a show more enjoyable. Sure, American television companies can generally put out better funding because they're larger and more commercial than British television companies, but large budgets don't mean good shows. For instance, Dr. Who is 10x anything American television has ever produced and that had a showstring budget (I'm talking about the original series here).
Besides, you shouldn't be judging a television show on nationality and budget anyway. Watch a show before you judge it, period.