i'm just gonna keep this pretty short!!
i've been putting this off for awhile, but basically GZ made me realize that I need to do this, and I agree with him, so!! Basically my grandma has Alzheimer's disease (has for awhile!!), and is in a nursing home, and she is pretty bad off (gotten worse recently)!! Half the time she doesn't even know who I am, or she'll think her (deceased from Parkinson's) husband is alive...or a bunch of other stuff. You don't really know what she's gonna be like going in, one day she'll not know anything, the next she'll be cussing everybody out, the next she'll be weak and seemingly devoid of life, the next she'll think she sees shit everywhere...etc. She's very erratic, and (if people don't know) the disease is currently incurable. She's basically going to degenerate, becoming worse and worse, dementia becoming greater, until she can't even feed herself. It's a very slow, torturous, unstoppable death. As much pain as it is caused her, it's caused my mom and I nearly as much as well. It's an emotionally, psychologically, mentally, and physically scarring disease for the caregivers, just as it is for the patient, and there are just days where I would leave from going to visit her and break down.
it's not really helping me at all being here, this whole thing with my grandma is just making me even more depressed, and I need to spend less time here and more time making myself happy, getting my life going (woo college next year after putting it off!!!), and spend more time with my grandma (even if it is scarring, I regret not spending more time with my grandpa before he passed.). I've been putting this off but after seeing what has been going on with GW6 a couple days ago, I know it's in good hands and I am 200% confident it'll come out. I hope one of the admins will help out in the staff forum and get them going and I hope you guys will contribute to GW6 when it gets up soon, and contribute a lot. You guys should really try to reply more to the articles now though, even if it is just a blog at the moment, a post that says "good job!!" is really better than nothing, and I think it would help out a lot more than you might think.
I'm not coming back until I am happy where with I am and I fix a lot of the bad things that are going on, but a lot of you dudes are really really awesome. Not gonna do any shout outs but you know who you are pretty much. Was fun guys.