Bye i am going!! (Read 1028 times)

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i'm just gonna keep this pretty short!!

i've been putting this off for awhile, but basically GZ made me realize that I need to do this, and I agree with him, so!! Basically my grandma has Alzheimer's disease (has for awhile!!), and is in a nursing home, and she is pretty bad off (gotten worse recently)!! Half the time she doesn't even know who I am, or she'll think her (deceased from Parkinson's) husband is alive...or a bunch of other stuff. You don't really know what she's gonna be like going in, one day she'll not know anything, the next she'll be cussing everybody out, the next she'll be weak and seemingly devoid of life, the next she'll think she sees shit everywhere...etc. She's very erratic, and (if people don't know) the disease is currently incurable. She's basically going to degenerate, becoming worse and worse, dementia becoming greater, until she can't even feed herself. It's a very slow, torturous, unstoppable death. As much pain as it is caused her, it's caused my mom and I nearly as much as well. It's an emotionally, psychologically, mentally, and physically scarring disease for the caregivers, just as it is for the patient, and there are just days where I would leave from going to visit her and break down.

it's not really helping me at all being here, this whole thing with my grandma is just making me even more depressed, and I need to spend less time here and more time making myself happy, getting my life going (woo college next year after putting it off!!!), and spend more time with my grandma (even if it is scarring, I regret not spending more time with my grandpa before he passed.). I've been putting this off but after seeing what has been going on with GW6 a couple days ago, I know it's in good hands and I am 200% confident it'll come out. I hope one of the admins will help out in the staff forum and get them going and I hope you guys will contribute to GW6 when it gets up soon, and contribute a lot. You guys should really try to reply more to the articles now though, even if it is just a blog at the moment, a post that says "good job!!" is really better than nothing, and I think it would help out a lot more than you might think.

I'm not coming back until I am happy where with I am and I fix a lot of the bad things that are going on, but a lot of you dudes are really really awesome. Not gonna do any shout outs but you know who you are pretty much. Was fun guys.
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Both my great grandparents had Alzheimers, they didn't remember me or anyone else. It was pretty bad. Good job on your Freeware Friday articles.
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I know where you're coming from dude.  My grandma is in the same boat.  She doesn't really have Alzheimer's, but she's definitely got the same sorts of issues happening (just from BEING OLD mostly).  We just put her in the nursing home a month or two ago, frankly because she was becoming a danger to herself.  She's lived alone for so long (with plenty of visits from the family, however) that she just basically HAS NO MEMORY anymore.  She'll repeat herself like crazy, and forget where she is or what's going on.  She thinks every day is Sunday.  The one thing though is that she always remembers me.  She doesn't remember most of the things I tell her, but she remembers me and she remembers that I come to visit her.  She told me that me and one of my relatives that has only visited her once (probably that day) are the only ones that come to see her, but even still it means she remembers me visiting her.  I think that's the thing that makes it not as hard to go see her, because she flat out told me that she is so glad that I visit her.  Even if your grandma isn't remembering it or isn't saying it, I guarantee she is thankful for you visiting her.  it's hard to see your grandma getting sicker and sicker (mine just recently had a blood clot in her leg as well as falling out of her bed (she told me she was laying there for 12 hours (after having just said she didn't fall) but the nurses were there right away...if this had happened in her home she would probably not be here right now), but it means EVERYTHING to them that you're there and that you care about them.  So, as hard as it is, you gotta see her.  It doesn't matter if she forgets it or if she's not in her right mind, it still matters that you're there.

Anyway, bye dude.  See you l8r.
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i had a recent LEMME OUTTA HERE moment myself. but i gave it a few days and i thought about it and realised this place is probably more of a positive influence on me than just a time drain, it evens out to be something i not only like but probably points me in the way of things which will make me smarter/better so i intend to stick around pretty much indefinitely. i've thought that for ages but last weekend made me realise that.

so yes i also see where you are coming from - not with your gran, i've never known anyone with alzheimers - but with the leaving the internet and getting focused on things which make you happy. but i like to make things and read about cool stuff so coming here is one of the things which makes me happy and i'm doing lots of other things, too.

i don't know you at all HL but you've been here forever so i hope things work out better and sayonara
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Same here jamicus. I could leave, but what would I do? I'm new to Toronto, and it's hard enough saying Hello to people than making friends. This place is cozy and gives me something to do.

Sucks to hear about your grandparents'.
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that's horrible, man. :(

See ya around.
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That really is an awful situation, and I'm sorry you have to deal with something like this!  Take care of yourself.  I hope you come back when you work through all of this, though.
Last Edit: November 20, 2008, 11:59:54 pm by headphonics
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yeah, i hope everything works out for you dude. take it easy : [
Last Edit: November 21, 2008, 12:05:35 am by headphonics
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My mother's aunt had Alzheimer's, and we used to visit her when I was like 4 or so in the nursing home before she died. I have vague memories of it, however I know that it's a debilitating disease and remember that my mother's aunt wasn't really able to recognize her. Good luck with this.
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the reason there are so few posts is because its hard to say anything without sounding trite. good luck anyways. take care.
brian chemicals
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See ya
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Win dawg win.
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My grandmother is in a wheelchair and basically isn't physically fit to do anything by herself, but I've always appreciated that she is still mentally well because I know how horrible Alzheimer's can be. I hope you enjoy your time with her and that you can get your life going.
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I liked HL this sucks
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i don't post here as often but i learned a while ago that gee-dubya is a magnet that doesn't let go.  even if i was trapped in the mountains without internet i'd probably build a receiver out of a tin can and aluminum foil just so i can post "lost in the mountains, starving, just ate my left hand HEH"

but uh take care of your business because that's 100x more important than reading posts by a bunch of dorks
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but uh take care of your business because that's 100x more important than reading posts by a bunch of dorks
So, so true...

Good luck HL, sorry to hear about that... Hope you fix this all and get back here again soon.
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See you later. Real life is much more important than spending time on gamingw.

my great grandfather died and was suffering from Alzheimer's in the last couple of days he was living. i didn't get a chance to say goodbye to him. he was there one day, and then gone the next. what was fucked up is nobody in my family even had a memorial service for him or anything!

so, in my own way, when I found out he died, I just remember what good times I had spent with him. i still don't know why we didn't have a memorial service for him. maybe he didn't want one.
has a girl in his bed. pot in his pipe and family guy on the tube. i like life
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Who's HL?
serious question
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hey man good luck in life, hope to see you back soon bro
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