How has no one talked about this. I got off work early today, and decided to go to Best Buy to check some things out (test an electronic drumset I could never afford for like an hour), and I eventually made my way to the DS games. I been looking for a new game, and I kinda stumbled upon Ninjatown. The artwork and cutesy little hearts next to the title, the best of E3 winner sticker, and FREE window decal convinced me to buy it, without doing any research at all. I never do that. I always read up about a game. But this was different.
link here

It's basically a tower defense game, but it's not so straightforward and simple. Well, it IS simple AND straightforward, but it's not boring. You build buildings that Ninja's come out of and they fight lil demon things or something. There's like, a forest Ninja and a Business Ninja (game says they have years of caffeine addiction, so they are fast), and it's rad. The plot is that this evil guy is trying to steal the Ninja's secret Ninja Cookie recipe. awesome. It's actually really funny and clever, as if they actually spent time writing the dialog (!).
Fun game. I recommend it.