Topic: Top 10 most Useless commands in RPG Maker [list] [humor] (Read 1126 times)

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End Event Processing and Halt All Processes are used all the time, and Trade 2 Event Locations can be useful for various mini-games.

You should've included the "Create A Gamedisk" button as an honorable mention, since games are never finished around here anyways.
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To be honest, I've thought of reasonable uses for most of these, definitely not a most useless list for the most part.
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rather than judging them on their own, compare them to the other commands available in RPG Maker, it may not be the fact that these are USELESS but more that they are not as useful...
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Why are people so negative about stuff here on GamingW.. I notice this like, everywhere.

R.I.P Steel
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man the simulate enemy attack actually strikes me as really useful in an Adventure Battle System game where stats is heavily focused (ie a secret of mana clone).


of course, assuming you want the default system for determining damage to apply
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Nothin like a good list!

I mean this article. It's nothing like a good list.
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I haven't used RPGMaker for many many years, but if my memory serves "Halt all movement" was used to *wait* for all move events to finish, and it was pretty useful (or am I mixing it up with some other command?)

big thanx to dragonslayer for sig!
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But still dawg, the command isn't useless, just that the people are too dumb to find uses for it. Its like, those commands are like the paint brush, and your creativity is the paint. If you don't HAVE any paint, then the brush is obviously useless.

It's useless
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I haven't used RPGMaker for many many years, but if my memory serves "Halt all movement" was used to *wait* for all move events to finish, and it was pretty useful (or am I mixing it up with some other command?)
oh yeah i think this is correct. i used that command all the time it was really, really useful. unless of course it's another command that did this.
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i will show y ou a useless command!!

Last Edit: December 20, 2008, 04:55:49 am by Heath
no, not all games are created equal. some games are wrought by virtuosity, a desperate look in the eyes of a tile savant, the hand of god at work in the map editor, the grid a living reflection of reality as he breathes the sigh of creation into his twisted, vibrant dream
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Quote from: Carius
This is the Teleport Target Management command's retarded cousin, its job is to provide the same function as the other command except this time it happens if you flee from battle, not only is this annoying to the point where nobody would ever use it but it has no practical use at all except to make a game where the aim is to get from one end of the room to the other in one piece.

This is utterly wrong; "escape" skills are things like the Escape Rope from Pokemon, you are supposed to use them to get out of a dungeon quickly. This has nothing to do with escaping from battle, in fact, you cannot use an escape skill during battle.

This list only makes sense if you spend all day making 30-picture ultra-laggy RM2K3 abuses instead of JRPGs... oh wait.
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This list only makes sense if you spend all day making 30-picture ultra-laggy RM2K3 abuses instead of JRPGs... oh wait.

Which is what I was saying. Those are RPG commands, since this is, you know, RPG MAKER. Escape and teleport are damn useful.

Teleport gives you all the town destinations (that you set up) so you can revisit them in a flash.E

Escape is for dungeons like Cardinal Ximenez said.

End Event Processing is useful for using in the middle of a loop, but you can achieve the same effect using Labels.

Change Encounter Rate is simple, i have no idea why you think its HARD TO GRASP or whatever. Putting 25 means one battle every 25 steps. Is that too hard mr carius?

Change Hero Name I already explained. It s REALLY useful for RPG item drops.

The other 5 are pretty useless though, I never used them myself. heh, you should change name to top 5 useless commands  :welp:


This list only makes sense if you spend all day making 30-picture ultra-laggy RM2K3 abuses instead of JRPGs...



Last Edit: December 20, 2008, 03:07:31 am by Gutts
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fyi those of you bitching about lists; panda suggested stopping these lists over two days ago and I said it as a rule yesterday. I even posted a non list article really quick so no one thought "oh okay more lists". it's not my fault the staff aren't listening! the idea was first off not to have them so early but to just have a bunch of HEH END OF YEAR LISTS, some jokey, all interesting, and apparently no one got this, both staff and members. hell I hadn't even said OKAY GUYS POST AWAY, I even established it was just something I had been thinking of, but BOOM BOOM BOOM A BUNCH OF LISTS. carius how is this related to 2008 AT ALL? this is an article...about RM2K3, from what I can tell. it has 2003 in the title!

this was also as a not so subtle leadin to see how staffers do with series and apparently there's going to have to be a lot more handholding in the future!
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like Cardinal Ximenez said I can see how most of this stuff corresponds to really practical stuff in any professional SNES RPG/etc. like change class Terra: Magitek Soldier ---> Rebel something or other

Also change position of two events seems like it might be pretty useful for the right kinds of puzzles, I wouldn't be surprised if some real RPGs switched the events around to do it

and if simulated enemy attack does work the way you would expect you could probably make a CBS with a whole different 'skin' and still keep all the math for damage and stuff and equip weapons and armor and they'll just work like normal, I was thinking of doing that once because I just wanted a battle system that didn't look shit, even though I was fine with the system itself

this topic is fail

Edit: Holy shit add teleport target is like the most useful thing, well it isn't but how the hell are you supposed to use a teleport spell without it. Just because people don't use teleport spells isn't a good thing imo it's just because people can't be arsed to program in backtracking half the time

but yeah Play Movie is useful (I did use it for a game though, you can compress the movies ok and it will be just about as bad as an MP3 if it's just short stuff) I wanted to make my games all reminiscent of the Playstation era

Edit: Top 1 most useless Lists: # 1 This one
Last Edit: December 20, 2008, 03:41:57 am by Ragnar
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I've actually used the play movie function for making cutscenes...
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Actually, the teleport thing couldn't be easier! Whenever you reach a new town, just have a autostart event that adds a teleport target to that map, and use a switch to finish that event. As you play and more targtets get added, you get a list like this when you use the Teleport skill (which is infact ALREADY MADE FOR YOU! in the database)

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What's up with all these lists.

what's up with all these wicked sigs?
sometimes, you need to quote yourself to feel important.
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g&ders have better sigs than everyone else ):
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g&ders have better sigs than everyone else ):

You can say that again  :fogetnaughty:
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Actually, the teleport thing couldn't be easier! Whenever you reach a new town, just have a autostart event that adds a teleport target to that map, and use a switch to finish that event. As you play and more targtets get added, you get a list like this when you use the Teleport skill (which is infact ALREADY MADE FOR YOU! in the database)

 i would like to rteleport to tifas house  :cool:
no, not all games are created equal. some games are wrought by virtuosity, a desperate look in the eyes of a tile savant, the hand of god at work in the map editor, the grid a living reflection of reality as he breathes the sigh of creation into his twisted, vibrant dream