I always like feedback! I never take it personally I take it as a generous gesture that people would like to see me improve and I appreciate that!
@chibidestiny: Nice clean custom menu that's how menus should be!
@thernz: Nice sprites! Is this going to be a zombie fighting game? Anything with zombies in it always sparks my interest!
@NightBlade: Nice title screen! I'm guessing that character in the middle was hand drawn by you?
@Nessiah: Really typical of you! Nicely done anime woman!
@Big Boss: Your making a PTEI 1.5? just for the sake of making it or you wanna be like capcom with what they did with RE 1.5?
I've added a security mirror which I think looks kinda odd and I've made the floor the colours of chocolate and banana ice cream! Yellow-ish and brown-ish colours! I also tried Mince Wobley's recommendation and went green!
Which one do you guys prefer?