very nice menu Nessiah.
Ok I'll probably regret this, now that AGM will be out in a few months or so, but I really wanted to test my gamemaker abilities, and begun working in a Zelda clone, you control a vampire who spins to attack enemies (yeah, just like Spike McFang on the SNES), I'v got the barebones of it ready, you can walk attack, die, enemies hurt you, you can kill them and get drops, win money, crystals(for using your secondary weapon) and hearths (HP), Ive still have to make the secondary weapon system, and a working talking npc, then I'll be able to start working on the story and stuff.
This took me 2 days straight, but even if it's harder to make than RPG makers, it's a lot more rewarding when you get things done, the whoe thing plays flawlessly (looks a bit chunly on cam because of the recording though)