I still think those look cluttered. It doesn't feel very sleek. I agree that it feels like there's too much stuff on the left, and I think that flattening it out looks better, because the different sized windows feel a little awkward.
Personally I would cut the faces, they take up way too much unnecessary space. And I agree with hedge[1], the gems are what's really holding it together, because well, the HUD's coloring is pretty uninteresting to look at. I personally have nothing against the color (I actually painted my walls a beige-ish) but it just feels a bit like a pale mush. The sprite work on the bars and frames is nice looking, but the background and general color scheme of it is kind of bleh.
What you could do, is have the little pop-up menu (the one that you make battle commands from) show up next to the player, and thus it moves around to be next to whichever character's turn it is.
Although, if you took the time to do what oc_gunslinger suggested, or made them permanently float above their heads (until dead of course) that could save space too. Actually, if you already have the HP bars coded, it would be very simple to do that.
Also, the dark outlines on the monsters make the monsters a different style from everything else on the screen. The REFMAP has smoother edges, but if you look at the rock monsters, they have a dark/black-ish outline that makes them stand out quite a bit.
edit: btw I'm not trying to rip on you a lot, I think it looks good in general, but I like to criticize because typically I find criticism more helpful than just "looks good."