1. Have computers improved your lifestyle?
Yes. You just can't say "no" to a wealth of information and entertainment available almost instantly.
2. In what ways has it improved your lifestyle?
It has given me a nice way to pass the time when I'm bored. Work, of almost any sort, is also far easier with a computer around for obvious reasons.
3. What are your five main uses for your computer?
Playing/making games, watching anime, listening to music (aka: my personal jukebox), work, communication.
4. What is your most hated aspect of the computer
The inherent fraility of the hardware, especially the hard drive. A computer is awesome, but the fact it can break so easily is something to keep in mind about.
5. What is the main thing you would you change about your computer if you could?
More HDD space, you can never have enough HDD space. Barring that though, a more powerful computer in all regards. Also, vague question is vague.
6. Has there been any negative impact on your life due to your computer?
Over-reliance on the internet, if you can call that a negative impact.
7. What about positive impact?
Being able to readily access information, of all sorts, is a benefit beyond what words can explain.
8. Would your life be better or worse off if you never had a computer?
Considering I use a computer on a daily basis, I'm biased in favor of saying it'll be worse off. Who knows though, if I never came in contact with a computer I'd probably have a far different opinion on the matter.
9. How do you think computers are going to improve in the future?
Personally, I'm hoping for a human-like sentient AI. It'd be awesome if I could communicate with a computer as if it were a fellow human being, rather than just a machine.
10. How far is to far when it comes to new technology? E.g. Integrating Computer chips into people so they can use there mind to talk to computers.
If and/or when computers do so much that humans don't need to do anything. Too much convenience isn't exactly convenient.