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making the yell from the beginning of Hell Scaper in excitement ("WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH")
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Q. Could you have psytrance that sounded like normal psytrance but was (maybe still spiritual but) completely anti-drug, teetotal?
A. no were just all online for the same time for once lol
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Could you have psytrance that sounded like normal psytrance but was (maybe still spiritual but) completely anti-drug, teetotal?
edit: no were just all online for the same time for once lol
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there should be a movie like the Fifth Element but the fifth element or some kind of unobtainium is /good songwriting/, and everyone in the universe wants it, it is scarce and only a few are adepts at actually producing the songwriting unobtainium, some claim to be adepts, etc.
There are hella stories where the main character is the last scion of, like, good music but all the ones I can think of they make it about the instrument they can play
The only thing that comes to mind is in the Mighty Boosh, one episode, they appropriate the p-funk mythology and say funk is an actual living thing that confers rhythmicity and style. It's physically acquirable
And yeah dude didn't you hear during a bris the criminal Jew doctor sucks the blood out of the perforated baby dick in a vampiric parody of modern pedophilic sex. I think some of them actually DO do that for some freakish reason lmao so i bet that's why it's easy for pizzagate-minded people these days to see the whole thing as a particularly blatant branch of the arch-conspiracy
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I appreciate them trying "drug music" because there aren't any genres that really have anything to do with what drugs sound like. Psytrance is just structurally groping at the sort of big feelings accompanying acid the experience of doing a drug doesn't really sound like fuzz pedals or 909s and shaman tablas or squelchy / burbly sounds or whatever unless you got primed by an existing style to think that's what you're gonna hear. (What happened is, sventy years ago some dude on drugs said WOaooahH that SoounNDs COOOOOOwww and it got on the album, kids who weren't on drugs heard it, and the sound was validated and became a legit codeword for drugs in music) That stuff is all terrible bullshit but I like the idea that someone would try. I've hallucinated or dreamed tons of songs/riffs/lyrics/tones/textures and they all just sound like really fun regular music. Never anything uncomposable by undoped man, just good stuff i personally couldn't recreate. lots of drug music tries to legitimize itself by co-opting the idea of like, ancient humans sitting in a circle stoned, hitting rocks on other rocks in a perfectly pure expression of naturalistic intra-spection. But I bet when a shaman in the year 1033 finished his concoction process and felt the yage coming on, he was just looking forward to hearing rock and roll again.
====> Crack rocks -> Viper -> a different approach, is that actually what it sounds like to be on crack?
I typed this up earlier and didn't post it i think: i hang out with some old friends a few days ago and they did a bunch of coke, I thought they were gonna start sweating and yelling and doing pushups, but in between lines they would just plop back down on the couch and resume a mild discussion about music theory. Disappointingly enough lol
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Isn't the UK the size of like a couple US states and ime (in my experience) people in the US only get on you for selling out once you're visible coast to coast across the whole thing, doing ads for national companies. Like if a local band is doing shows regularly in the next state over, they don't have to worry about their fans calling them corporate pigs, but that could be the equivalent of a band touring the entire UK.
I haven't tried it but my friends with it say it works surprisingly "pretty" well if the thing isn't too obscure, so if you have the presence to get on an ad you'll have the presence to get further from that ad (just on the basis of that tech).
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Has anyone mashed up Born Slippy with Blue (by Eiffel 65) b/c the drony monotone vox from either song would totally make the transplant. No results for "blue slippy" And both lyrics have a preoccupation with the b-word. It would be funny at least to get the affective Underworld intro and then YOOO LISTEN UP HERES THE STORY.
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well when i was a little kid my favorite movie of all time was Winnie the Pooh's Grand Adventure, which i thought was cool because it was sort of a gritty sequel back before that form had been established (and in the process played out), Christopher Robin goes off to school, but they can't read the note he left so they take it to Owl who can only sort of read and he confidently tells them Christopher Robin went to SKULL. And coincidentally there is a place deep within the Hundred Acre Wood called Skull - a mountainous rock, shaped like a skull. Now it sort of sounds like twitter joke shit to describe it but that was the setup. It was deliberately being HARDCORE or EDGY just trying to tell a more serious adventure story within the bounds of the friendly Winnie the Pooh setting. The gang goes through all this adventure shit that TEST THEIR WILLS and DESTROYS THEIR EGOS, like each toy is specifically faced with his weakness, a test to annihilate them, and THEY DON'T MAKE IT. Tigger can't bounce high enough to save their ruined map, Rabbit can't think well enough to navigate through peril without written instructions, Piglet is cowardly, Pooh knows the right way to go but he kindly defers to the more confident and wrong Rabbit. In the end they all overcome these flaws but for most of the movie the cast is in a state of clinical depression, hopeless as kids without their parents, convinced they're obsolete burdens, trying to follow their friend into death but not knowing where it is.
(My favorite scene probably - Rabbit pitifully wrapping the meager, torn map around the sleeping Pooh beneath some miserable tree in the middle of cold nowhere. The map that they needed to complete their quest and make it back alive, which he himself tore through not paying attention. None of his friends even blame him for it.* Looking up at the stars, so close to whatever death means for a stuffed animal, what would even go through a person's mind in that situation?)
In the end they find CR - he is at the skull rock for some reason - looking for them - and they walk back through the entire movie, but all the dangerous places are revealed to have all along been safe and innocuous like you would expect from the Hundred Acre Wood - the thorn maze is just a rose garden, the giant crevice is just a little ditch etc. There's a song about how scary things look when you're alone and don't believe in yourself. To this day I think that's an unmatched way of visually showing the effect of abject helplessness, in any story, let alone kid's media, which has a strange relationship with scary and dark things. I've not seen another movie that matched the real power of a child's imagination on expanding spaces and making them more impressive - like in that one minute scene of things changing from their scary forms to their friendly forms I saw the entire feeling of getting older and having all your old haunts turn really small looking, having things you used to be affected by affect you less, etc. in other words the entire cycle of human interest and experience, and how it can be depressed and turned around. I probably wrote a post akin to this already because I like the movie that much.
(Another nice thing is that there is no "splitting up in anger" scene - I always hated it when friends couldn't stick together in kid's stories just to make a point about how important it is to stick together. In Grand Adventure the animals are petrified by the world around them and although they disagree they do it like friends often really do: everybody has good intentions, but someone ends up being wrong. you get the feeling that you're in some sort of Vietnam War situation, too far out, too far from home, surrounded by unknown evil, and anyone who leaves the group will never be seen again. Near the very end Pooh gets separated and trapped in this crystal prison (really), while they're all running around in a cave getting scared by each other, and the sadness and fear from Pooh and his friends when they realize they finally lost track of one another, maybe for good, is really effective.)
Ofc nobody really saw that movie, it's not one of the big well known ones. In my opinion it's the capstone on the whole Winnie the Pooh story - kid plays with his toys, kid goes off to school, the main toy realizes the growing responsibility of the adult world will impact them as well and extracts a promise from the kid not to be forgotten until the end of his life. I think that's a sweet way to finish off the story. Not surprised there's a different direction now but it's hard to care about an adult Christopher Robin. The kid was just there to stand in for you.
*That's another thing I love about it, even though it's for little kids it's like the characters have maturity far beyond the normal level for kid's show characters. There is no YOU TORE THE MAP YOU FUCKED US, IDIOT WERE ALL GONNA DIE scene. They all just take the map's ruin and their extreme loss in hopeless stride. What would be the point of arguing in a situation like this?
Eeyore has a fantastic line I can't find right now, but I always wanted someone to sample it. Everything about this movie is done classily and well.
End of the road... nothin' to do... and no hope of things gettin' better.
Sounds like Saturday night at my house.
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liquid lead drinking -> tide pod eating, at least OVER HALF of people will be using the legend of the activity purely as a way to feel good and smart about NOT doing it. Who even cares who actually does it/whether they really do? I don't. (i have my life comparatively together because I'm not literally doing EVERY stupid possible fuckup available to me. I never even thought about eating those things [ignores ][/ignores])
and "weird" IS such a stupid word, sometimes I even catch myself using it to mean "bad" which is like the number one thing I despise in other people. It's hard to talk about things that are good because they're new or unusual because there's the whole thing about how if a thing is good everyone has to go for it -> if nobody is going for something it's bad -> if everybody goes for something it has worth. And unfortunately those evil beliefs make themselves true by capitalizing upon capitalism, where getting a bunch of people interested in one worthless thing is all you need to give it worth. It means we can't honestly talk about worth without the conversation being a MOVE on the game board of gaining off your fellow person. I'm only willing to put myself behind the word WEIRD because it's such a poor, weakening move in capitalism to deliberately do weird. It's like if everyone in the world had to participate in a globe spanning game of American football, and if you tried to publicly give up the game, you die. You'd want to hang out with people who wore some sort of symbol or did a gesture indicating they are part of the guerrilla resistance who don't want to take your balls and grind you into the dirt with their bodies. Because if a big group of enthusiastic players found out you didn't like football, you'd be the fucking football.In this fucked up gameworld the pure essence of Atypicality and Change is inherently opposed to the museum-ifying nature of human understanding.

i- i think i can see it
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I'm joking about this, but I'd place money on it being depressing how often it would prove to be true.
edit: Sorry for being gross. I haven't had a good game to contribute in ages! And I only just heard that Prince track now, it's so great! I can't believe the entire Earthbound soundtrack has such an exacting timbral precedent like why hasn't that sound been ripped off more then? (beyond that collab album with the Earthbound soundfont) Or have I just not heard it (more likely)
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The whole prominence of the "cuckold" insult is just proof positive the vast majority of historical conflicts resolve to Not Getting Some. In fact what with the provenance of human beings being what it is you could look at it as, every problem ever was because somebody didn't not have sex.
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Yeah I'm not very good at counting and that's the only way I can follow some V Snares songs is by waiting for the big gabber kick he puts smack on the 1 of each bar. Lol i think he might've done it a lot on meathole.
Re: games I've been thinking lately the big mysstery hole behind them is that we didn't make ENOUGH GAMES. Like people all acted like holy shit, they're so many games coming out, how could gamers ever get tired of this!!!!!... but in retrospect there are only a few thousand. (Like with beetles being the most varied species irl, ignoring phone games, where there are like 10 billion that nobody will ever play) Games are expensive and take a long time to make. But the popular trends was always towards cinematic -> i.e. REALISTIC quality, sure you'd get people going "i want a game that looks like a cartoon" (-> Shitty cel shading) but on the whole you only had this very short time period where people were willing to be limited by their styles. We only had like ten years before the norm became to not even try to stylize things, why bother? you don't need to. after discs everything just becomes about cramming in boring and gritty details and taking away anything that could be called Gay or Weird by the gamer markets which are suddenly much more... teenage than before. There was such a short time for people to be forced to make it interesting, so by the time they got really cheaply done and any child could make a weird one with a regular consumer setup (2000s)
It's crazy to think how complex the factors are surrounding video games and how it turned the ones that got made into what they are, for instance -> when a game is released or even just HYPED for release it creates its own audience and copycats, so the journalistic and civilian rush to predict and "conduce" games was/is like a giant behemothic rotating weapon that totally chaos-theoried the future of countless gamers differently, seismically with every slight interest in Dragon Quest.
I like talking about yknow the OVERARCHING PATTERNS OF SOCIETY... I KNOW ABOUT CULTURE... I AM NOT A NO NOTHING.... but really I just like stuff like gaudy colors and noisy, complex stuff. Not saying it makes me understand anything better, I like not understanding things. I like getting confused and awestruck by unexpected shit and I don't really like laughing at funny/fragile stuff in conflicting situations, I think that shit is really powerful and affecting. Like seeing stupid cartoon characters run through these elaborate woes like they're literary. I think it's like, it's easy to write that off as alien nonsense with no impact on the world, but I think everything ends up sticking in people's minds and changing them in ways they don't realize that even very meager weirdness actually changes the world away from where it was, into a parallel future nobody could have dreamed up on their own. As in, you think surrounding yourself with stupid jokes is fine, until you realize everyone else has been doing that too for ten years and you've accepted a certain level of fakeness into your life. Okay this is ending up stupid but eventually I'll get to the bottom of it.
and it's fucking rubbed (what??? fucking???? is he really angry now??? no way.... I love thinking about this stuff and it makes me happy - but this is the language I would have used had I been able to talk about it when I was 13) fucking rubbed my mind raw that I - not I alone, but everybody who like slightly outre or "not allowed" stuff - have had to spend my whole life CONVINCING people that I'm not trying to... upset them or show off or whatever. I don't understand what lots of people see in regular boring tv shows but that doesn't make me want to mock them and hurt them, I don't think I'm smarter or anything for not liking the same stuff, I just want to be left alone and allowed to say dumb unpopular things are actually important. And it's made complicated by the fact that ALSO, I absolutely DO enjoy showing off how cool my tastes are, or dumping on people who can't handle an out of tune song or whatever, so I can't 100% deny that I am immaturely motivated by other people and being performative, just like they are, I'm not fully achieved in my development towards perfect consumption of only things that push my life towards utterly self-actualized, undesiring nirvana of media. But I really do not want to sound like I'm complaining, like oohhwwooooh I'm sooooo fucked up, on the contrary, part of becoming an adult was realizing how common these feelings are (I found a whole forum of people thinking like it didn't i?) and how easy it is for me to push them (i meant propagate, but i could also mean push like find out how far they keep working...)
I might've mentioned already but I was talking about Nidhogg 2 with some total normie nerd, who had played the first and loved it, so I spun it as "the sequel changed up the art style and made a lot of people mad, but I like it" and went on to say because: not only because I like the weird squishy gross monster texture everything has, but on the conceptual level because it has the balls to be garish (colors and texture) and Outta nowhere, regardless of the series I support that, and on the other conceptual level of it DID make people mad, and I have to nominally support any media that pisses off vanilla pricks by being too left field. I only used a few of those words, but he totally agreed with me. I didn't need to preface it with anything. Lots of people are willing to like stuff if they first meet someone who tells them it's good instead of laughing at it and hating it. Like the hippie scene, the X Files / Roswell conventiongoer scene, the sphere of US military brats, Magic: The Gathering players, rock and roll, Christianity are just these islands in culture where it's considered cool and interesting to treat certain very stupid things with utmost respect. Or like GG Allin, refusing respect, makes people refuse you respect in a sad way to try and take back control. All it takes to get sucked into any of these groups is to have the necessary culture in you, culture like a bacteria, that some existing reward is willing to cultivate. These might come from people, the rewards of being agreed with and having your opinions extended and clarified by those who mine different veins of the same Great Experience (i.e. ragnar and bonzi...) or from hypothetical people from e.g. writings on the internet, daydreams, people you'd like to meet, or fear to meet. Love...
What is it?
Most natural brain killer what there is... LOVE.
edit: Jesus... too much, man... Thinking about it again it's like... mostly just "weirdness" is insanely undervalued by society -> all too often we're scared of it or we laugh at it so it can't touch us in the heart. But I know personally that if you open yourself to crazy stuff and let it affect you like it wants to you get a much fuller experience from the world. Every mistake becomes beautiful and it's not like you need some bizarre mental rewiring experience to do it, you just need to chill out and stop giving credence and belief power to the traditions of thinking about minutiae.
edit2: I generally read a Bonzi post and it gives me a bunch of furious ideas that I write down and then it turns out they're sort of missing the overall focus of what you were talking about - and I wouldn't have it any other way

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oh, dude, i think you're spot on re david lynch, he's just a huge indulgent pervert. His unreleased movie Ronnie Rocket, which has an AWESOME fucking adventure story script available for free, has like five (or something, FIVE BILLION) scenes of gross-but-sexy or just sexy chicks just flipping thhere tits out or trying to get it on with the main character. It has a really transparent mythology and I guess those scenes are complemented by this part where tits come out in a BAD, ABSTRACT way represent evil i thought it was a pretty affecting scene when i imagined it. i woudl fucking love to see it adapted.
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To see a Bonzi post of such insight descend with my own eyes this very month... I'd be lying if I said I was not affected by this (postively i ean) From the mouth of babes, heh heh... Eh? (Talking to a baby cowboy in a desert... this must be a dream...)
this is a weird fuckin' song
really good i think
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yeah he also posted that comment on an actual navy seal themed video. it's kind of weirding me out figuring out what happened there. i suppose i can see a guy coming up with the great idea to recruit navy seals, searching for Seal Videos and somehow getting those two, and writing that, getting lazy and copy pasting it once but it's the sort of brain numbingly dumb thing where, but for the sheer pointlessness and inefficacy, you would expect a bot to have done it, with reason.
also its pretty funny to see people on that other forum going Ragnar wrote this, Ragnar always posts about Ragnar stuff (the examples given being vsnares and mind boggling youtube comments), Ragnar's Cult of Personality. do they just see cool and unusual stuff so rarely that you're infamously its primary bearer lol
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Yeah and like Zelda 2 is the weird one, Doki Doki Panic mario romhack is the weird one. Fatal Frame 2 is supposedly better than Fatal Frame. At two related works, you definitely have the most ability to change things up because you've got the vague first story to start with, but can develop it in any potentially bizarre direction you like. After that things tend to just get forced back into copying the earlier formula if they are popular enough to warrant fans demanding a 2nd sequel, more like the first installment, with less new ideas that aren't acceptably "modernized" variants on the old ones.
But I don't know how this applies to Resident Evil due to my lack of familiarity with those games beyond the superficial. Is Resident Evil 2 the better regarded of the series because it tightens up and more masterfully hits the scary parts of the 1st and hasn't run out of good ideas yet? Is one's brain more amenable to accepting these games as good just because of totally random personal idiosyncratic unknowable factors, like, "This is the first horror game I played [in a while, in a year, since my first breakup, since i realized i like horror games, since i got into resident evil." Or even the Big One, the big secret catch that threatens to negate your opinions when you let it out loud, I PLAYED THIS GAME WHEN I WAS A LITTLE CHILDREN AND IT MEANT A LOT TO ME THEN, how can I talk about it with someone without making them assume that I am parroting out my feelings twenty years ago. Looking at forum threads it seems people mostly are citing "atmosphere" which is generally a good sign, if normies are talking about the game's atmosphere it's generally a good sign that the game cares about, or at least happens to behave as though it cares, just making you feel a certain way - happy, cute, warm, sad, freaked out - as opposed to "fun" or selling a subscription service
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one day make a game like this