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Except the 3DO owns and has cool games
True enough since I own one. At least I know that the 3DO actually HAS games.
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Ouya initially seemed cool but the marketing of it was terrible, I literally know of no games on the Ouya other than Minecraft and I don't even know where to get one even if I wanted one. Also, I'm not exactly big on the whole digital download only thing because if you buy a game and find out it sucks you can't even sell it and get some of your money back. Basically, there's nothing I really see on the Ouya that I can't already get either on PC or PS3, so unless there's a really, really cool killer app for it it pretty much stands out to me as this generation's 3DO.
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My own game Astral Fantasy has literally been renamed, rewritten, erased, deleted and remade again time after time over the course of about 13 years, currently it's in development hell since I can't find time to make it or anyone to help me with it (I'm not a very good graphics artist). I'm still trying to find out what the original website was that I made that had the game demo and other stuff but to this day I've yet to find out, I'll find it eventually. Despite it literally being on hiatus for half my life now I still haven't given up on it completely, someday I will create this game even if it's the last thing I do.
Also, anyone here know about Starfox 2 for the SNES? It was a really ambitious sequel to Starfox which unfortunately never saw the light of day, although you can find reproduction cartridges which are nearly 100% complete. You had a whole lot of characters to choose from and unlike the first game it was pretty non-linear and featured the ability for your arwings to transform into mechs sort of like Macross or something. I want to get my hands on a reproduction of this game as well some day, it seems pretty cool. I have no idea why Nintendo cancelled it, my only guess is that they felt the SNES was on it's way out and they wanted to focus on the N64, even though the N64 took it's dead time to be released.
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What a classic computer, part of the reason I want to get some 5.25 floppies for my computer is so that I can collect some PC88 and X68000 games and play them on my computer. If I recall the Touhou games started off on PC88 correct? Or perhaps I'm mistaken.
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Well, better late than never I guess, having much less limitations however makes it very tempting to get since I still use RPG Maker 2003 to make a lot of my projects.
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The original Sonic the Hedgehog had some of the most bizarre pre-production stuff I've seen in a while. The makers of the game were bouncing around a lot of ideas about the game in the early days of it's development and it shows with a lot of artwork such as Sonic the Hedgehog as a rabbit, and Sonic apparently fighting demons with Robotnik dressed as a bumblebee.


Also, there's a lot of graphics that were apparently deleted from the final version of the game, these cannot be found on any ROMs but could be seen in magazines and really old game commercials. A good example is this french Sonic 1 commercial which shows Robotnik's chainball rotating and also the spring "stetch" when Sonic runs into them.
And this advertisement which shows some of the unused Sonic the Hedgehog zones like Sparkling Zone and Clock Work Zone. Sparkling Zone also had different graphics than those used in the final game as well and there were UFOs in the background of Marble Zone, I'm not making this up, search and see for yourself. Sorry if I took up a lot of space, this pre-production stuff is interesting I think, the best place to look for it is old vintage gaming magazines prior to the game's release.
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I used to be known as Lord_Gelgothia when I frequented GW back in the early to mid 2000s. I helped with the Soldat server and developed maps for it when that was still going on (BTW, we definately need to get that back) and I tried (and failed) to develop games using RPG Maker 2000 and RPG Maker 2003. It's great to see a lot of the original guys from back then are still around, or at least some of the oldbies. I remember a lot of great memories from GW, the funny conversations, the pranks, the whole Kaibasaber fiasco and other things. Great to meet you man.
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Hi, it's been a long time since I've been here. Well, technically I've never been to Salt World, I used to go here long, long ago when it was still www.gamingw.net, way, way, way back in the day. Anyone who was there back then may or may not remember me, I went under the name Lord_Gelgothia (I think) and I was a developer of RPG Maker projects which unfortunately never saw the light of day. I'm hoping to start designing games again and maybe even find a few people on the site who I used to know who might be willing to help me out with some projects, or maybe meet some new friends. I only recently discovered that this site exists and that it's more or less the successor to www.gamingw.net, so I'm hoping maybe I could use this place as a place to bounce around game ideas and hopefully get some support. Nice meeting everyone.