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I finished drawing up one of the world maps, I have two ideas on how it should work but not sure which one to use.

In the first one you can move freely (on the red lines) and your location is shown on the top left
The second one uses the messagebox to move around and enter cities

which one should I use?
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Gongo that's the best looking city I've seen in a RMgame so far.

One suggestion you should try: you make the screen all gray when you open the menu, right? How about making it just a bit darker as well?

Hows this?
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I finished the Party changer system and fully compleated the Caterpillar system which now recognisers what position they are in the party.

Also the Sigh see gauge on the top left is having a redesign to better fit the game.
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I dunno, it played fine for about an hour and a half, then it started freezing.  Now all of my PS3 games freeze up after a few minutes.  Apparently it's not just me either because I found a forum, and no one really seems to know what the deal is.

That has happened to alot of people, and not just for FFXIII, for me it started on GTA4 last year, it got so bad that i just got a new PS3 :mad:
If i had to venture a guess its ethier the Blue ray disk or hard-drive as my old one still plays DVDs just fine :hmm:
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Got Pokemon Heart gold today, takes me back to the good old days  :rite:
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Looks good besides the Messagebox, the gradient looks ugly and the name is unreadable, if you want a smother gradient as the Background you may want to use pictures for the message box, and change the Name colour to something other then the same color as the background

@Mr Weird Guy Wow that looks amazing, although those weapons do seem a bit over powered.
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After I learned that Monster Hunter Freedom 3 will be coming out soon I started playing MHFU again, I still hate Diablos with a burning pasion, How can i solo a fatalist with little effort but a Diablos wipes the floor with me :cry:
Thankfully MHF3 is coming out on PSP, i was worried after MH-Tri came out on the Wii.

And just finished playing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, Personally I didn't like it which is sad as i loved the other Crystal Chronicle games.
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Not much to show, still working on the Alter skill trees but i did finish the animated title screen

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Are you doing an Earthbound-style battle system as well?

Sort of, I haven't even touch the battle system yet (There are only two working skills, those being attack and sight see) anyway here's a shitty preview

Speaking about battle system anyone know how i can get rid of the "Row" command all together,
not just in the menu but in the battle command window as well?

And another look at the menu

(The Darken faces are hero's that have joined but are not available, the blank one hasn't joined at all)

Right now I'm drawing up the Nine skills trees and coding them in, it will take me some time, its not hard it just a fuck ton of coding to get it the way i want it.
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@busterblade123 Both, I do plan to use this style but at the same time it is a test, lets hope it works.
@Rockman Thanks for the complament

Train Yard, still needs some work

Interor turned out well

Animated Title screen, the background is a placeholder

The menu works fine, now im working on the Alter menu (Its the skill system) and the Data menu (A log book)

The vaules are not done yet, but the glyphs are done.
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just got FFXIII and it board the shit out of me, a swing and a massive miss. I started playing Diablo 2 LOD again, i forgot how awesome the Barbarian is, Leap attack is oh so sweet
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Oh shit i tryed to edit my post above but accidentally quoted it, can someone dealt this post
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Mother 3 + Theodore =

Any thoughts on this endeavor?
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Just got Littlebigplanet on PSP, it great, besides the lack of any online multiplaying :cry:
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*Play Megaman 3 theme song*
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I rename the music so i know what song is for what, such as a song for a certain town or a characters theme, infact as i look though all the RM games i have they to seem to follow this trend, and besides the name of the song doesn't even matter, it doesn't show up in the game and most players don't look at the names of files so who cares.
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I was kinda bored, I wanted to work with your cave. This is sorta how I envision it...

that's amazing, I love that water

I wish people would put that amount of effort into there maps
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Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and attempting a 100 win streak in the tower of Pokemon Platinum (best i got so far is 79 :mad:​)
Finished Fallout 3 quest "Take it Back!", the Pit and Mothership ZETA on very hard mode, next up is of Operation: Anchorage then Point Lookout (thank god for Fawkes)
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Whoa what is wrong with that old chicks neck?
apart from that oddity that looks amazing
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It has a gauge, After i finished coding it and took the screenshots I realized I forgot one. The gauge is just a simple bar that's on the top of the screen and recharges when you end the ability (or when you enter the menu or interact with an object that you can see without the ability as doing so will force the ability to end) But in battle all it dose is act like the Scan Ability  :shrug: