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one more set of a puzzle game i'm working on.

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sorry for big size, they are in native resolution.
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Latest game I was part of. Endless Evil. Pretty fun game, check it out here. Endless Evil on Kongregate

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Lol hey, i was just thinking about that game. I think you and I were the only people who ever owned that game. I've always wanted to make it again 100% from scratch, but have never brought myself to do so. 

You should pm me your skype name or something, it'd be cool to catch up. 
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Shabazz Palaces, shit is off the hook! make sure to check out the whole album titled black up.


check it!
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shadowgate, that game kicks ass!
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appears not likely...too bad.

Well, what can one really expect I guess. GW is dead, long live salt world! haha jk lol
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So, we've been doing this for nearly 5 years now. I realize that GW is all but dead, but I would definitely be interested in keeping this tradition alive. If you are interested in a GW fantasy football league, please post here saying so. For those unaware, it is a friendly competition of FF with members of GW. We play through yahoo, and in the past it has been pretty competitive all things considered.
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I could def see that. There are definitely cases where i've heard something awesome by somebody under the guise of 'freestyle' and then hear some other freestyle by them and there's a huge disparity.

The one thing I always look for is those catch phrases that people fall back on, they're always different for whomever, but you always know it because the line is generally very vague and irrelevant and sets them up for some slew of easily rhymed words. I've gone through a multitude of them myself. And I think that is part of how one's ability gets finessed. The more you work off of those the more likely you're going to create these new banks of words and lines to work from. As much of it is about ingenuity as it is about control. I was at some chiptune hip hop show in san fran and the dude at the end did a freestyle session off of stuff around the room and i picked up on those catch phrases. afterward my crew and i ended up hangin out with dude and some of the other artists and i got to talk to him about that and we freestyled for a bit. All in all it was an interesting learning experience. I think the last time i freestyled with some random person off the street it was like 5 years ago outside a jimmy john's after bar close. although at that time i wasn't all that well versed. point being, that when you're talking about experience and working toward some goal, that rockin' out in your car is far different than actual exposure in an environment with other people. There are just certain factors that don't come into play- like appropriate subject matter and confidence to perform publicly.
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 Checked this out and was pretty impressed. Lots of talent and potential talent there. Def the girl and dude with dreds from the first cypher were badass. Also that dude at the end, forget his name, was straight ridiculous. I've been just practicing for the past year or so off of beats in my car and stuff, and this has told me i've got a long way to go. I've got the flow and can sometimes drop enough relevant subject matter to create an interesting story or narrative, but anything to do with hooks or consistency i still dunno. Anyway, this is awesome and i'll def keep checkin them out. thanks for sharing!
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gangster disciple or vice lord

But really, since these are your friends you should use this opportunity to create an open discussion on the benefits of stereotyping and satirizing a subculture in order to throw a rad party. How if an actual gang member or non-gang member who found identity from that culture showed up at the party they would be marginalized by all the people who refuse to understand who they are and instead appropriate those attributes for their own personal gain. Maybe after that you can all dreadlock your hair and laugh at the irony.
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Ohhhhh I get it. This one is the same thing as the older study but related to hearing. Cool. Now it makes perfect sense. They are definitely interrelated. Maybe somebody should tell them that.
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Tihs is wrsoe tahn the ohetr sduty for me. At lseat I can raed tihs fmroat wiht out msnsiig a sgnile wrod. I c'nat raed hlaf of taht siht wtiohut tkhning auobt it fsrit.

Yeah, they totally did this study already and it was found that so long as the first and last letters of the word were the correct ones and the letters in the middle were all the same, but juxtaposed, a person would be able to easily interpret the words as well as read entire sentences. This new study doesn't follow those rules and some of those words are impossible to deconstruct at a normal reading pace. If this study was true then the whole idea of word jumbles as brain teasers would not exist.
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does it have haunter?
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Odd Future is where it's at. I got introduced to it from a blog I read back when Tyler released the album "Bastard" and was having a hard time getting it out in public cuz prominent hip hop blogs wouldn't post about it. But now, less than a year later, shit is blowin' up crazy for him and Odd Future as a whole. Domo Genesis, and the album Rolling Papers, is also some wicked dope shit. Overall, Odd Future is going to be something big in a few years time. Definitely something fresh in a time where even the more underground hip hop is getting redundant.
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Hey yeah, look at that. I guess that makes sense. Also, now that I'm seeing that info, I kinda remember dark, leafy greens being a healthy vegetable to eat for those reasons. Either way, beets have a ton of iron and are one of the best sources for it.

Indian food is one of the few places you can get a buffet and not feel awful afterward.
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I've been pescetarian for three or four years now, and have always enjoyed cooking, so over that time I've come to learn quite a bit about cooking as a vegetarian. Beans are a pretty good source of protein and are rather versatile in their types and what you can do with them. Off the top of my head you get falafel, hummus, black bean burritos, chili, and a bunch of random indian dishes (using garbanzos). Basically all of this can be made with either black beans or garbanzos, sauteed onions and garlic, fresh or canned tomatoes and spices. The secret to vegetarian cooking is knowing how to cook the vegetables to the proper doneness and using the appropriates spices and liquids to make the sauces. It's not that tricky though.

Indian cooking uses A LOT of spices, both in quantity and variety, and you don't really need to know too much to make a convincing dish. Cumin powder, coriander seeds, turmeric, curry powder (get the kind w/o salt added), garam marsala (a bunch of mixed spices), ginger, cloves, nutmeg, and saffron are all spices that can make up an indian dish. They all work pretty well together (save for saffron, which is expensive and has a strong but subtle flavor), so you can either make a dish with a bunch of random spices or try and highlight one using others to accent. It's really about experimenting and learning works best. Checking out recipes and building off them is a great way to figure that out. At any rate, if you start out with some sauteed onions and garlic, and maybe toasted coriander seeds you can turn that into a large number of dishes depending on the vegetables you add next. Chick peas, carrots, potatoes, lentils, green beans, peas, cauliflower, eggplant and tomatoes all work well with indian dishes and different combinations create different dishes. If you can find paneer (fried cheese, basically), it is a good source of protein that works well in curry dishes. Once you've started cooking the vegetables you can add tomato sauce and paste or coconut milk or heavy cream to create some sort of sauce for your dish. That in combination with the seasonings will determine whatever your dish ends up being. I suggest just checking out a bunch of random indian dishes and you'll surely see a pattern emerge.

Moving on, quinoa is a great source of protein. It is a complete protein, whereas stuff like beans, vegetables and cheese aren't. Most meats are complete proteins, so when people worry about protein in their diet, it's not specifically because they don't get enough, but because they aren't getting complete proteins. Although I don't think everyone who worries about enough protein is aware of this.

Greater things to worry about are stuff like zinc and iron, two minerals that we almost solely get from red meat sources. You can get iron from beets, not sure about zinc though. So, if you're going vegetarian it is advisable to take a multi-vitamin in order to ensure you are getting all of the proper minerals. Borscht is a crazy easy, crazy good soup/stew made from beets, carrots and potatoes. It is a very cheap, efficient and delicious way to get your iron.

If your roommates eat fish, I highly recommend you eat things like salmon and tuna, as these are great sources of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. If not, then it is probably wise to take a supplement for omega-3 and omega-6 as well. Sometimes you can find a supplement that contains both, although it is more common to find them packaged separate. Omega-3 being far more common and popular than 6, although both are important.

Pastas and italian food are also a great vegetarian choice. Many of the dishes follow the same example of indian cooking, except the predominant spices are instead rosemary, basil, oregano, and bay leaves. Sauces can be made as a tomato, cream or cheese base. With tomato you just use seasonings, paste and water. With cream or cheese, you use melted butter and cream with both. Cream bases often don't need green leaf spices like rosemary, basil or oregano. Just some salt and garlic usually do. Vegetables for italian dishes include eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, artichoke, and portabella/cremini mushrooms.

Finally, mushrooms, if you dig them, are a great vegetarian food. They have a fair amount of protein and are pretty hearty. The most versatile to cook with are portabellas, cremini, shitake and oyster mushrooms. Morels are amazing, and only available a limited time in the year. Chanterelles also have an excellent flavor, are more common, but almost equally expensive. Thyme is the number one spice to use with mushrooms, oregano also works well. With mushrooms you can cook up some random dish with other vegetables, in much the manner as you would with indian or italian dishes. Serve with wild or brown rice, and/or with a cream sauce. Sherry is a great cooking wine to use when cooking mushrooms.

ANyway, I could ramble forever about vegetarian eating and cooking. Hopefully this gets you thinking about it in a realistic and opportunistic way, as there are many benefits to vegetarian cooking. You can basically just buy a bunch of random vegetables and if you have the right spices, herbs and seasonings on hand, the variety of dishes you can make are endless. Although I really only mentioned indian, italian, and vaguely mushrooms, there are many other varieties of dishes to try. They all follow the same basic principles, however. Mexican, meditteranean, asian, and latin american all have many vegetarian dishes to offer.

I usually just make up whatever for recipes, but here is a recipe for the best falafel that I've ever ate. There is an absolutely phenomenal falafel place by my house, and yet this recipe was even better than they could make. The hummus recipe on that site is also off the hook. Make sure you have a food processor and use soaked garbanzo beans if you make it though.
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Bah! Horrible week, and at the most crucial of times. Pretty sure that I've just given up my playoff spot. To top it off, I just lost a playoff game by four points in my other league. Sad times..

Congrats to those who've made it to the playoffs though!
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Yeah, I can see that. The majority of the sounds are of pretty high quality, though. With a fair amount of them probably being created from real word sounds. I don't think that exactly addresses your concerns, but if it is a grating and overly generic quality of sounds that you are trying to avoid, it may.