If anyone gets done with their games, just post here. It would be nice to know if this thing is moving along. I understand that everyone here has lives to live, but this is just taking too long. Is it really this hard to find 5-10 mins, out of a whole week to complete a couple brawls? Put up some money and watch everyone get their stuff together then. XD
I agree about FF13'S hud. It sucks ass. I HOPE to GOD they change it. It's false hope though. Looking at that screenshot, it doesn't seem like a final fantasy in any way to me.
I really, really like Most of the people here that are complaining are going to end up getting it anyways :P I mean, if you think the ff games are starting to get stupid, then stop buying them -_-
I don't mind items either. The only item I don't like is the spicy curry. It's fucking annoying. I'm really looking forward to fighting you all. Bring you "A" game with you.