Sweeeeeeeet. Looks nicely polished!
Sweet online game in alpha.
500x500 world map zoomed out to 1/8.
You claim that RM is not bad, then you say it can be used to make literally one thing with maybe a few customizations and a vast majority of stuff made with it is made entirely for the person making it and not at all with anybody else in mind. I don't know about you, but that doesn't even come close to clearing my bar for good.
On the subject of the RM community: If all you want to do with an internet forum is post a game you make entirely for yourself using ripped (illegal) resources and expect everybody else to love and adore unconditionally and actively avoid interaction with the other sections of the forum, you are definitionally an asocial bottom feeder. This is not even debatable.
Subject of innovation: Yes, I get that there are people that WANT to stick to the classic idea. The problem is that there were several instances where people would try to do something innovative and it would immediately get buried under all the other garbage, so eventually they just stopped trying. There's nothing wrong with embracing the classic idea, but you can't embrace it to the exclusion of nearly everything else. And, yeah, I remember the "exceed the limitations" contests. Those were great. Why didn't anybody go on to using game makers that don't HAVE those arbitrary limitations, though? Because every single time anybody did, it got buried. Your community was a self-destructive mess and nearly everybody that tried to change that got curbstomped by the circlejerk.
Subject of new concepts: If the maker isn't designed to accommodate for new concepts, it's a shitty maker. Plain and simple. New concepts are the lifeblood of game development, amateur or not. Hell, especially amateur game development.
Games without ripped content: I never said everybody should be pixel artists. I don't believe everybody should be pixel artists. Communities are formed by people with similar interests and differing talents. Leverage the pixel artists already in your community properly, foster an open community that helps include them and attracts more of them, and they WILL come, and they will create resources for you. Same with musicians, same with programmers, same with every single aspect of game development. If you make a community that's satisfied using ripped resources, only one very limited maker, and doesn't make an effort to recruit people who can change this, you aren't going to attract anybody but exactly the people who are already there, and you're never going to get the kind of people you should be looking for. Also: I would MUCH rather play somebody's shitty MS Paint RPG adventure that they made all of the resources for even if they aren't very good than a game built entirely on ripped resources. At least it shows they give enough of a shit about their game to try their hand at a new skill.
No, RM really is bad. Or was bad. Maybe it's better now. Even if it isn't, the community surrounding it has, by and large, historically been asocial bottom feeders who would rather rehash the same discussions over and over and promote mediocre games than strive for actual innovation, new concepts, or even just GAMES WITHOUT RIPPED CONTENT. The fact that they don't aspire for anything more than maybe a custom battle system and custom menu system is EXACTLY why every single member of it fights against the claims that it is bad, because for a vast majority of the "golden days," there was a pretty solid ceiling for RM games. And it was pretty low.
no one in the community wanted to write any kind of article