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Surgeons in Spain have carried out the world's first tissue-engineered whole organ transplant - using a windpipe made with the patient's own stem cells.

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7735696.stm

I, quite frankly, think this is amazing. I'm glad that they are getting far like this and hope it only really improves because man, the probabilities are endless.
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[topicinfo topic=8490]Move target[/topic]
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Story here: http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/toronto/archive/2008/08/10/explosion-rocks-west-end-photos-reports.aspx

My girlfriend and I live on the 17th floor of 1 Canyon Avenue, near Bathurst and Sheppard apartment facing this mornings explosion. We were up watching TV at around 3:45 when we heard a thundering sound, felt our windows tremble and the building shake from where we sat. My girlfriend, Lisanne, said ``That isnt thunder`` and we both got up to look out the balcony window. We were completely shocked to see a huge pillar of fire that appeared to be 10-20 stories tall, and a black cloud of smoke that spanned the sky eastward toward Earl Bales park.  My mind raced in a panic to understand what was happening. It looked as though a plane had crashed or a bomb had fallen. Could it be a terrorist attack? After a few minutes of watching, we were completely shocked to witness an amazing mushroom cloud explosion of flame and black smoke that terrified us entirely.  I have never seen anything like it. It was so loud and big that for a moment I thought it was a nuclear explosion. For the next hour or so, we heard and saw a series of explosions, each with enough force to shake our windows. The fire seemed to get bigger for some time and at one moment we saw a flaming piece shoot out some 50 yards or so, although it is hard to tell exactly how far since we are situated a major intersection away. We did see a spectacular show of explosions, and sparks coming from the scene. We saw emergency vehicles coming from all sorts of directions, and two hours later it seemed to subside. By sunrise, the fire seemed to be mostly contained. 



All I can say is "holy fuck". I have family living in Toronto. Better call to see how they're doing. This is some crazy, crazy shit.
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Not quite sure if this is in the right forum, if it isn't, please move it :( .

Well, I am very used to drawing out my individual frames in Inkscape and exporting them as PNGs. Then I put them together in Sony Vegas. This was always an easy job for me and was pretty easy to do. I could more or less produce a short film in a day if I really tried. However, as development on a certain film went on, I realised that the quality on Youtube and other common internet sites was pretty damn shitty when I uploaded it. My only real solution was to switch to Flash (where I am already seeing a huge quality boost by some tests). According to many people it is also easier to have a whole bunch of independent animations within flash.

So yeah, I just picked this up and I've basically got some of the basics down. However I have a few questions.

1. Most flash movies have multiple sets. By that I mean, one minute you're in the kitchen and the next you are outside. Now, my guess as how to do this is either to use Scenes (I haven't really tried them out yet), use movie clips, or somehow hide all the objects on the current timeline by not keyframing them or something, and them adding in your new layers on the current timeline. What exactly do most people do?

I figure most people use Scene/Movie clips, but how do you make those flow one after the other, and how do you transition between them (IE. Fade and play music).
The last idea seems pretty terrible to me, but again I don't know if people employ it. I figure managing all those layers would become irritating, however, by grouping them into folders and hiding them by not keyframing, might make it easier. Do people usually do this or what?

2. Animating characters... I hear alot of people use Frame by frame, however I'm not sure as why not just to use tweening. Do people usually just make a frame, move it slightly, then copy the frame, paste it, and move it slightly again? Wouldn't this take ages since the average 1 minute animation can be over 3000 frames long? Also, why exactly DON'T people like to use Tweening for character animation(IE. Its advantages and disadvantages).

3. Ok, so lets say I am making my character blink using a movie clip. Obviously, I'll need to change the eye shape sometimes or stop him from blinking. Would I really need to make a symbol for every single eye and "Swap Symbols" on the keyframe? Likewise, when I am lip Syncing, would I need to replace the mouth with an "open mouth" symbol on every word and then paste back? Is this an effective way of doing it?

4.  How the hell do you select an object that is under another. This is why I hate selection tools in Adobe Products...ARGH!

5. Lets say I make a long complex animation and I decide to tweak something in the beginning, for example, add in a walk cycle....would I need to start from scratch or something? How exactly do I move everything to the right so I can add more to the beginning.

6. Is there any way to work-out with seconds/minutes in the timelines instead of measuring in frames?

These are all the questions I have for now. Sorry if they seem a little stupid, but even with all the resources, some of these questions feel unanswered to me. I see alot of techniques for doing things, but I want to know usually what is the best for a semi-longish project. I've pretty much never worked in flash before and I'm really only used to bitmap-based animation.

(Sorry for an grammatical/spelling mistakes. I couldn't review thoroughly because I need to get back to studying for this literature exam)

Thanks again ^_^