Hahaha, there's that clueless, bespectacled face I missed so dearly.
And Reddit is cool, but the community is pointless. People love it, I think it's a clusterfuck. It's one thing to rock 200 members, that's a fucking giant crowd, but Reddit is just a million-member mess.
But some people revel in it and who am I to judge? I'll go there to scoop up news or funny pics, maybe some titties, and I'm on my merry way. I don't talk or make eye contact, and topics I've posted aren't generally responded to. Not downvoted, not upvoted. Just there.
But I was never down with upvotes, really, I hate "ratings" and stuff that inevitably turn a community competitive, and Redditors essentially live and breathe orange arrows. I posted a few topics and realize you're just standing there hoping your shit will be seen by the right people and upvoted into internet fame. And that kinda turned me off. I hate the 1-10 concept, pluses and minuses, yes and no, hot or not. Fuck that. I don't see what it accomplishes other than dragging it to the front page, and most of those posts are cats or stale meme comics. Cats are not funny to me, and the rest is incredibly hit-and-miss. So "upboating" doesn't really strike me as a useful feature, especially in a community so diverse.
Reddit is fantastic, but being a Redditor is not my cup of tea. Maybe I'm just bitter, or not cut out for big crowds. All I know is I can do without.
I don't think we need a GW subreddit...we have GW. It'd be a community within a comunity, so it's a little redundant. If people don't wanna come here, they won't wanna go there. And if they do, chances are they won't stay unless they know about us. And if they do know about us, then chances are they're already signed up here.
But...it'd be interesting to try! Just careful Reddit doesn't seduce away the rest of your members and GW slowly dissolves among all the other subreddits.