error report:
need software old enoguh to recognize :evil: emotincon. need to breathe GIFs, eat frames, drink tiled starry backgrounds. need sephiroth logo at top of every page. please drape us in the marquee of Web Fucking One Point Oh.
this man has got it right. also you don't know a FUCK about squished avatars. EDIT oops looks like it was small in quick reply box nvm
also velfarre if that liking posts happen, i'm never gonna post again and instead just like every post i like... nay, i just like every post in all topics. your pick..!
>:^7 >: ^d >: ^B and man those fogetemoticons ARE good ahahah i mean look at how fucking self-satisfied/smug they are. also uh they're from Blue's Adventure.
EDIT argh okay i try not to be a curmudgeon but there's so much STUFF/extra shit in these text boxes. are we gonna stick with this font as well or are you going to edit the default regardless to some degree/a lot anyways at some point so there's no point in asking about that now, Dada?