Yeah Chie wanting to be a cop breaks my heart idk what cops are like in Japan but I don't trust it...
they're actually pretty badass. They're kinda like a mix between those london gate guards that don't move and fuckin rio de jineiro special forces. If I remember correct they aren't allowed to carry firearms normally and use these cool little bola things that they can throw and take your legs out from under you while you're running and each and every one of them have to specialize in a martial art as part of their training. It depends which one depending on job description. Not to confuse that with normal US or UK combat training, they've got to completely master the art and be proficient at it.
they're pretty decieving though because when my bud and I were walkin around yokohama gettin drunk we kept seeing them and they were wearin orange vests with flashy orange stick things so I thought they were road construction workers and was gonna joke with one luckily I didn't. they were awefully stiff for road construction workers.
Are you still over there? GO GET YOU SOME CULTURE.