Topic: What are you playing? (Read 140672 times)

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i saw this gameplay demo for Bioshock Infinite. It looked pretty neat so I went and bought Bioshock 2 yesterday because it was only 8 bucks. I haven't played any Bioshock games but so far B2 is actually pretty neat. I kind of want to play #1.
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Bioshock 1 is much better story wise than 2. but I felt gameplay wise they were about the same (IMHO at least)
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That's good to know, because I wouldn't want to go back to 1 if it wouldn't be fun to play. I put off playing Uncharted 1 because everyone I've talked to said the controls (specifically the shooting) were much poorer. But yeah after Infinite comes out I'll pick up 1 because it'll probably be cheap.
yes coulombs are "germaine", did you learn that word at talk like a dick school?
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Final Fantasy XII. I overlooked this game when it came out back in 06 or whatever but now I see it's probably the best final fantasy of the past decade or so. It's much more of a GAME than X and XIII. It doesn't have Tetsuya Nomura's dirty fingerprints all over it so that's refreshing. The only thing that kinda bugs me is all the Shakespearean language, but the conversing between the characters is a definite improvement over X (where the delivery was so awkward it was as if none of the voice actors ever had a fluid conversation with anyone ever).
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I started a new playthrough of New Vegas with the intent of being a totally evil bastard and I am amazed how difficult it is to get an alignment below neutral. I am going out of my way to solve everything in the dickest way possible and leave behind as many bodies as I can, but the game still thinks I'm an ok guy.

I'm also playing on Hardcore mode and I don't really see how this is making the game any harder as I am finding a plethora of food and water.
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Final Fantasy XII. I overlooked this game when it came out back in 06 or whatever but now I see it's probably the best final fantasy of the past decade or so. It's much more of a GAME than X and XIII. It doesn't have Tetsuya Nomura's dirty fingerprints all over it so that's refreshing. The only thing that kinda bugs me is all the Shakespearean language, but the conversing between the characters is a definite improvement over X (where the delivery was so awkward it was as if none of the voice actors ever had a fluid conversation with anyone ever).

I thought XII was pretty much a win as well. Also I think Balthier is my favorite character from a Final Fantasy game ever.
yes coulombs are "germaine", did you learn that word at talk like a dick school?
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I hated Final Fantasy XII.  Easily my least favorite of the series.

I'm kinda playing Pokemon Silver on and off right now.
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XII plays much better than I would have expected it to, enjoyable in that abstract "rpg battle system" sense (the only one I ever enjoyed playing more would be Final Fantasy Tactics. But I literally had 0% ability/interest in following the plot, and it felt like I was playing only half a game even though I made it all the way to the last few stages. (The only reason I can even halfway follow what is going on in FFT is because of how many times I have already played through that game.)

Of course the last time I cared about plot in a Final Fantasy game was all the way back at 6, and I'm pretty sure that was because I was only a kid when I first played it, and playing it again makes me feel nostalgic all the way up to the part where I always got stuck playing it as a kid.

I've got a lot of those RPGs at hand ever since I got my new cell phone, but I'm still playing around with Terraria's single player mode even though I have no qualms about cheating at that game. I think I'll end up beating SMRPG all over again before I go into playing another Final Fantasy again.
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Just beat diablo 2 expansion. The last act was hectic as hell and I died so much. Still, my necromancer was able to summon 30 creatures at once, and alls well that ends well. I got bored and went back to fallout 3 after.

atm i'm downloading Dragon Nest, apparently its new and its not like the average point and click mmo's.
video > . the videos abit long but you can fast forward to the game mechanics.
If it weren't for a friend I wouldn't even consider playing it (mmos in general)

edit: scrap that first video just watch this
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Well I was at my local game store when I witnessed some guy selling a limited ed. FF7 PSP slim for only $40 bucks so I offered him $50 and bought it so once I buy a memory stick and install cfw i'l be playing that FF4 remake.
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I just finished the Old World Blues DLC of New Vegas. Gameplay wise it's nothing special and a lot of it is just fetch quests. It's tone is like, completely different from the rest of the game. But parts of it are so fucking funny it doesn't really matter. At the end you get way more information about what happened in the place than you needed to (but in a good way) and there's actually a cyberdog telling you what happened to the cyberdogs there. I'd recommend it if you're into the humor of Fallout, but otherwise there isn't a lot of variety and you should probably skip it.
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dungeons of dredmor.  sad to say it's the first roguelike i've really "gotten" outside of desktop dungeons and spelunky
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i got my mom's wii and picked up mario kart and mario galaxy 1. All the Wii games, even pre-owned ones, were super expensive, all usually 30+. Both MK and MG were 40, pre-owned. What the fuck is that about? Anyway mom has probably used the Wii for a total of like 3 hours in the 4 years she's had it, so I'm considering getting some homebrew on it, but then I was thinking that I'd just install some emulators and then have like every NES, SNES, Genesis and whatever games like always and I'll never play any of them.
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playing a SNES game on my wii right now. an underrated experience!

(it's this one)
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I beat fear 3, the new red faction, dungeon siege, and dead space 2. Now I'm playing the first bioshock. I own it on the computer but I just like playing shooters on consoles. It feels right...

Fear 3 was exactly like the other fears. So I guess if you're looking for a really pretty looking fear game then go for it.

Red Faction was awesome. I liked the whole underground alien and the terraformer being blown up by terrorists. It felt like gears of war though.

Dungeon siege was fine. It felt like dragon age 2. pretty limited, repetitive  and undeveloped

I liked dead space 2 the most. They did a good job carrying it on and I liked the fact that clark could talk this time. He didn't talk in the other one did he? I really liked the running with the strait jacket part that was fuckin scary.
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i played the new vegas dlc old world blues. it's kinda strange, i enjoyed playing it, but i'm not terribly inclined to give it a particularly glowing review. it's got some neat ideas and has some rather funny/well executed scenarios, but like puppet master suggested, it's really fallout-centric, almost annoyingly so.

i wouldn't say that the overall presentation of it all was that effective either. the story was interesting and resolved itself in a satisfying way, but the pacing and juxtaposition of it all was jarring to the point of being ineffective. it's almost like two separate storylines in one, the absurd science backstory and the grim reality of what their experiments have created. don't get me wrong, i don't fundamentally have a problem with either one of those, and think both are reasonably well done for what they are, i just felt like those two storylines didn't help each other out very much, and were contradictory to the point where it damaged their effect. you couldn't laugh as much at the scientists because they are SUBSTANDARD DISGUSTING LIFEFORMS and you couldn't feel as strongly about the experiments gone wrong because LOL ONE OF THE SCIENTISTS IS FLESH/APPENDAGE FETISHIST. not to say that neither work, because i think both do, i just think there's sufficient separation between the two that the momentum the various elements of the story are creating lose a lot of positive effect.

also, i found the humor of it really hit and miss. sometimes it felt forced and not terribly inventive, and other times i thought it was really spot-on and clever. it's strange how this would change almost from line-to-line too. one moment i'd be actually laughing out loud and the next i'd be shaking my head. they get a pass here though because it was often funny and game writers have proven themselves otherwise incapable of doing this.

one thing i found kinda frustrating/stupid is that they go out of their way in the dlc to give you the ultimate BASE for storing your shit and selling/making items, but by the time you get to this in the game you're already really settled into other places like the lucky 38 or novac. and you're really going to need to be leveled into the 30s or 40s at least to even make much of a dent into the dlc given the absurd difficulty spike, meaning you're really not going to get much use out of this anyway since you'll already be near the end of the game. i went out of my way to transfer all the thousands of pounds of shit from the lucky 38 to the new base you get in old world blues and felt PROFOUNDLY SILLY for doing so. just a poor design choice. i understand the use of making something like that in the game, but placing it in a location that you'll really only be hitting late in the game is just dumb.

kinda rambled too much about this, but it's only worth picking up the dlc if you're really a fallout enthusiast and really dig what you've seen in new vegas. but if that's the case you probably didn't need me to even suggest it to you. who am i even talking to here?!? i am talking to nobody!!! i am speaking to a dialtone!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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I'm going to review it soon. I'm playing it again with a better character, I already beat it with an energy weapons guy who started at level 15. I'm actually having a tougher time with my level 40 guns character. the lobotomites in particular are a lot more deadly
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Ok right, I've been playing my NEW VEGAS melee psychopath for a while, and I can't make him be EVIL. In the first game I achieved being evil by like stealing tin cans from people's shelves, but I've never seen the alignment change from 'neutral' in New Vegas. The character I first completed it with was 'good' and like pretty easily, but what do you have to do to be considered a douche in this game?

Maybe it is hard to be "evil" in a world of shit.

Oh yes, also I have been playing HEROES OF MIGHT AND MAGIC 1 & 2. I used to rock at those games, but now I'm finding the first levels really challenging. It's like I've forgotten how to manage troops and shit.
Hey hey hey
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It's like I've forgotten how to manage troops and shit.
you are lucky, i never forget how to shit
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talk about quote of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!