Topic: What are you playing? (Read 140672 times)

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That's awesome. There have been many mc like games getting announced lately. Anyway, new version of DF has been released and now it involves Vampires and werewolves. haven't tried it yet but from whatI've read from forum posts it adds a new dimension of FUN in the form of whodunnit investigation and paranoia.

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whats DF? dwarf fortress?
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cool, that sounds nuts. i haven't played a version later than 40d though. helpp stuck in a learning curve
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@Fish: Yep.

@geodude: Same here, it really got a high entry point so you should invest time on learning it.
I find this series of tutorials really beginner friendly:
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i won't be happy unless i can edit the raws of every creature to be trainable as a war animal

go my attack wamblers
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is that a new rm?

Got it, I also used some template that translates the database. Anyway, wait for 15th March.
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played call of duty modern warfare 3, single-player mode. quite boring and repetitive! had some vaguely neat moments which were otherwise squandered by this feeling of unpleasant deja vu i got from roughly 99% of the things i was doing in the game.

got profoundly tired of the following two sections:
-break door down and kill people in next room in slow motion in order to save hostages
-something knocks the character semi-unconscious/otherwise helpless

this is literally how every single conflict in the game was resolved, and i can think of around ten examples of each of these methods being employed. at one point i think i had been able to convince myself that the call of duty games had some vaguely worthwhile method of storytelling-through-action, and i guess i'm far enough removed from the other modern warfare games that i don't really remember if they're guilty of the same deathly idiotic and repetitive methods that this game featured, but mw3 is probably one of the most stunningly moronic games i've played in a really long time. i'm not even really applying this to the sheer aims of the story or anything like that, as that was always deeply empty and unstimulating, i'm talking more about how the playthrough and what you physically do ultimately unravels the story. the game deliberately, knowingly, catches itself in this time-warp where every five minutes is a very, very slight variation of the previous five minutes.

i dunno, maybe i just got really goddamn tired of soap constantly almost dying and having to try to keep him alive for no knowable goddamn reason, as if he's REALLY anything more than some stupid goddamn dead-weight grunt, even though he proves that he's skilled only in crawling around on the ground and being a huge goddamn bullet magnet.

actually the part of the game where i did not just put down the controller and give up on the game but i probably SHOULD was when they "went for the throat" in their nauseating pseudo-controversial way by having a small child inexplicably blow up. kinda disappointed that i did not decide at that moment that this game had nothing to contribute to my life, because that should have been a major indicator that i was making a terrible mistake and allowing myself to perceive the thoughts of very empty people.

i dunno, just fucking stupid. i played black ops semi-recently and thought it was actually pretty neat, like it was one big goddamn homage to silly 70s government/war dramas(half expected dustin hoffman to be in it somewhere), just well-done enough not to be completely laughable. maybe that spoiled me or something, i don't know. just glad i borrowed these games rather than dishing out $60 for less than a half dozen hours of mindless exploding shit.

also i played tales of vesperia recently.

i am kinda torn on this game. it's got a really tragically stock story, stock gameplay, stock everything, but i couldn't really help but really get into this game and enjoy it, despite the fact that i really should know better. i never liked games from the tales series and figured this one would be the same, only playing it because a friend of mine left it at my house, but this game is really the complete opposite of virtually every game out there, getting the absolute most out of completely empty concepts.

had some fucking essay i was writing here about the relationship between the player and the narrative in jrpgs, but i'm not going to go into some internal debate here. basically i liked this game as much as i did because so much of what you do is really contextually relevant to the story, to the point where i found it rather involving despite it not having that much pure creative merit. so many games kinda push you away, fail to really carefully consider how the story becomes a major factor in the things you are physically going to be doing in the game, but tales of vesperia really embraces that relationship, keeps the context of the story very relevant almost at all times, although just loose enough that you can usually just go roam around somewhere if you feel like it. something like final fantasy 13 had this bad habit of failing to make a real compelling argument for why you were really doing what you were doing the vast majority of the time, and then not following through on any interesting potential conflicts that could have arose. this game, despite its internal creative failings, rarely shied away from dramatic conflict when the opportunity arose within its own parameters, and very carefully tied everything you do in the game to the story. you actually got the feeling that you were doing something or a part of something a lot of the time, not just senselessly grinding away for no apparent reason.

i'm not sure if this is really more some sense of nostalgia i felt for games that made an honest, deliberate effort to involve you actively in the storytelling aims of the story, but i felt like this was the right way for a game to try telling a story from a structural perspective.

i don't know if this really makes a lot of sense here, or if i'm just trying to justify a game that had such embarrassingly cliche elements. this isn't even a game i would really suggest to anybody either, except maybe those lost souls who have honestly convinced themselves that the psx rpgs were the all-time hightlight of the history of videogames. even then, if you've read this far, you're probably far too jaded for that. i'm probably just experiencing early onset senility.
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i am playing Worlds Dot Com, which is like microsoft comics chat except in modular 3d world. "1998-2001". there were only three other people in it that i saw and none of them would talk to me but that might have been because i didn't download something -- all the areas have to be downloaded individually in what is probably a primitive "micro transaction" scheme but its all free thus far.
this is the lobby, named "ground zero".

character selection screen. i didn't look around here much but the characters and layout were all very fine.

world map. i visited wwf new york, blair witch world and hanson world II. i eventually quit because it wouldn't let me visit Cyber Parliament.

these pictures are from Hanson Land II. tomb of hanson. hanson sepulchre.

not unlike "bioshock"

the blair witch zone was when i realised this was basically a gargonherd game.

the road from Ground Zero.

it leads to a prison gate btw.
i don't think i can recommend this based on the fact that i think it is systematically destroying my hard drive as we speak but other than that it was cool. visit the mturk universe. mturk decoy reality. we are all mturk now......................
so long..........................
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actually the part of the game where i did not just put down the controller and give up on the game but i probably SHOULD was when they "went for the throat" in their nauseating pseudo-controversial way by having a small child inexplicably blow up.

The fuck? Why does every other game seem to totally go out of its way to avoid showing dead children (Dead rising, GTA series, Fallout games after Fallout 2, etc, etc) if one of the most popular series that is pretty much aimed at teens is going to show toddlers exploding?
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i'm sold
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If you want to see children dying in a game go download some kid "friendly" skyrim mods, there's one that makes EVERY character in the game (from what i could see in the screen shot) a kid.
One game I want to be playing is ME3, So right now I'm avoiding EVERYHTING ME3 related,, what i might do is trade in some old games to game to knock the price down a bit so I can actually afford it but it would have to wait till next week.
Also, my attempt at making a skyrim mod is utter FAIL., It's fail becuase Of how ridiclasly convoluted it is to make anything, in rm to make a character move you just did move object and set how many times you want it to move, in most 3D games, you layout a path of nodes then you can set NPC's to use it whenver you want them to, in skyrim... I can't workout how to do any of that, It's so stupidly convoluted to make characters do thing, instead of making the movement apart of the character, you have to do it in the quest it's attached to, via an allias that refrences the actor (npc) to do what you want and even then it's not that obvious, I can only come to two conclusions, you can only set a destitantion and not the route the actor takes or there's some even more convolution to get the character to follow a path.
I understand why the complexity, since it adds Flexability and if you use the radiant stuff you can make quests that can happen ANY where or make a dungeon that random quests can take place in if you set it up properly, but still... all I want is that actor to lead the player somewhere.
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i tried out  went in to a lobby with a bunch of people who were very likely engaged in strange codependent online relationships with one another.  accidentally walked through a mirror and ended up in a hidden room with floating cubes adorned w/ hieroglyphics.  i was unsure of how to fly, so i quit.  very good.
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It's not like that I WANT to see children dying - in fact, in Fallout 3/New Vegas etc it's something that'd be extra shitty to do given the harshness of it all - it's just that games seem to go to the brink to ensure that children aren't shown dead. In Fallout 1 and 2 you can kill children if you want - something I've never done as I've played them over the last few years (plus CHILDKILLER trait, oh no!), but I remember being like 13 and killing whole villages in Baldur's Gate, including children. It's odd that a relatively family friendly game produced a decade ago would have choices in it that aren't present in modern games for the mostpart.

I resent them making the choice for me. Killing anyone is wrong, but if I'm playing a game where murder is sanctioned as necessary for survival then at least give me the choice not to be a psychopath about the whole thing.
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it's telling us that killing children is wrong, so that makes killing adults ok?? hey, they made their choices! yeah, I'm not sure I like it either. plus couldn't you sell kids into slavery in F3

i tried out  went in to a lobby with a bunch of people who were very likely engaged in strange codependent online relationships with one another.  accidentally walked through a mirror and ended up in a hidden room with floating cubes adorned w/ hieroglyphics.  i was unsure of how to fly, so i quit.  very good.
this sounds like an awesome dream
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YES you can sell kids into slavery in fallout 3 - Paolo is doing it on his evil jackass play-through at the second. As the kids involved are totally invincible though, I don't really get why they don't just slowly walk away from the slavers.

Why did I even have to get involved in saving them during my last play-through? They were infinitely superior to me.
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I resent them making the choice for me. Killing anyone is wrong, but if I'm playing a game where murder is sanctioned as necessary for survival then at least give me the choice not to be a psychopath about the whole thing.
yeah i never got this either, like the game has this ridiculous identity crisis about its stance on death. they went out of their way to make the gore as ridiculous and prevalent as possible, where damn near every time you shoot somebody their head will explode in super slow-motion and the camera will actually follow the bits of brain as they hit the ground, but OH GOSH NO CAN'T EVEN AIM AT CHILDREN. feels kinda dumb that they'd actually have a vaguely high-brow decision like that(relative to every other stooge in the industry anyway) in a game that is literally an exploding limb simulator.

i kept thinking about the part in one of the first two fallouts where there is this random kid that will steal your wallet. i seem to remember them having some plotline with this where the kid was put up to it by some crimelord or something and you stop him from doing it or whatever, but my response to this was just to track the kid down and vaporize him with my plasma rifle. i miss the 90s i guess???
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i think that you should be able to kill the kids but then i see mods that go WAY OVERBOARD with letting you kill kids like they almost make it so that it's MORE EXTREME then when you kill the adults and then i realize that people are probably jerking off to this and then i get disgusted and never want to play games again in my life

i just like that we can have chunks of people flying everywhere and you can pick those individual gibs up (in fallout etc.) and move them wherever you want and explode someone by punching them but if you have a sex scene then there is OUTRAGE FROM CONCERNED PARENTS.  y'know, sex...something that is natural and beautiful???  nah that's not okay.

of course i've seen how companies (bioware...) treat sex scenes and i'd rather they stick to violence because it's all they're good at.

e: i think the biggest thing with letting you do things like kill children is making it actually MATTER.  if you can just go wipe out a town and nothing really happens to you then what is the point.  one of my favorite things about saints row the third is at the end SPOILER TAGS ARE BROKEN GUESS I'LL MAKE THE TEXT WHITE when you have to choose between killing killbane or saving shaundi, if you choose to go after killbane and you let shaundi die then the game makes it really clear that YOU FUCKED UP.  there's no triumphant HECK YEA YOU KILLED HIM it's just "man was that worth it???  shaundi is dead now was it worth that???"
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i've never wanted to kill a kid in any of these games, and outside of reckless driving rampages in grand theft auto (mostly because the surrounding game is bad and boring), usually don't just randomly kill people.  i prefer the morrowind approach, where kids are just mysteriously entirely absent.  the kids in fo3 were fucking annoying, especially little lamplight, where they act as normal NPCs, but with less depth of choice, since you can't murder them as one way around the quest.  as in most things, new vegas was superior in this regard, because kids are just sort of scene dressing for caeser's camp, or freeside, and don't factor in to the game whatsoever. 

i guess in an ideal world where i don't live in a sexually hypocritical, bloodthirsty postmodern nightmare the solution would be to go back to fo2 days where kids can be both killable and an actual integral part of the game, but otherwise i'd just rather see them left out entirely.
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i prefer the morrowind approach, where kids are just mysteriously entirely absent.

This irks me even more! Like GTA4 seems ridiculous when you realise that there are literally no children in a city in the 21st century. What's wrong with including them but then having a ridiculously harsh penalty for killing them - such as the cops won't forget about you until they've definitely apprehended you.

It'd sure as fuck give me a reason to NOT just mow people down in GTA, for sure.
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