Also please respond to this:
Think of it this way: does adding those two words make your game any better?
It's a Final Fantasy fan-game, it has similar themes and features that are commonly found in said franchise.
No, calling it Final Fantasy will NOT make it better, however, it addresses the project as a fan-game.
Furthermore, just because he's "hiding" under a licensed franchise
does not mean he isn't putting
forth any effort into making this game. He wants to disprove people when they say, "Final Fantasy fangames
suck and they're
completely unoriginal."
Did he overreact to the criticism... yes. Did you guys overreact to the title and the lack of music (which I had
already taken the blame for since I'm the composer)... yes. But calling him a child really makes some of you
seem like hypocrites, in a sense. I mean, you're not necessarily doing anything better, aside from certain uses
of curses.
If the music hasn't been composed yet, you um... maybe could have said that.
He did.
The opening to my game. I'm quite excited. =D
Sorry about the lack of music, my composer *COUGHCOUGHLOWCALORIEPIECOUGH* hasn't been doing JACK SHIT for me. Greedy bastard. And after I saved you from starvation off the streets!
Annnnyway, enjoy. And please comment.