isn't tekken mostly about memorising combos and juggles? how is that easy or fun? why would you play fighting games by yourself?
also there is a lot of depth to "being cheap". street fighter is essentially a competition to see who can be the cheapest. most fighting games are. what differentiates a good one from a bad one is how interesting the competition is i.e. how it evolves. if you are interested in why 'pros' and other such dorks find this fun there's an okay article on it here: i do not intend to defend fighting games as a genre - objectively they are awful because there are hours and hours of effort and practise and commitment required to get any good at them. they emphasise competitive behaviour and tend not to have very much to say that chess didn't already say better (except chess pacing sucks). i enjoy fighting games because i like obsessing over tactics and trying to predict other people's strategies, but i don't think this makes them GOOD. probably you should play a different game entirely. go trade it in. all the other games these days are pretty awful too though.