Dev - RM2k3 Create a Character (Read 1777 times)

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The project I'm currently working on was originally intended to be an expansion pack for Hero's Realm. Evidently it has evolved into an original project under its own right, and I have removed many of the elements of Hero's Realm. It is coming along smoothly, and soon I'll be entering NPC's into the world. This game will need an abundance of characters as it is quest driven.

Anyone that is interested can submit a character to represent them in the world. This will help me create some varied characters while giving this community a chance to be creative. So if you're interested, simply reply with your preferences for the below stats.


Character Name? (something realistic but original)
Male or Female?
Child, Adult, Elder?
Human, Velesian (talking wolf), Demigod, talking statue or plant, animal, fiend, etc?
Personality? (corny sense of humor, bitter, sad, hyper, crazy, etc)
Quirks? (are they eating their own face?)
Additional Details?
Idea for interaction (optional)?


Have fun with this folks. I can't promise I'll add all suggestions in game. I will let you know which ones I decide to put in though.
Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 04:33:43 am by Renegade
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Character Name : Lilith

Gender: female

Age: 10

Race: Demigod

Personality: Untrusting (due to many past hurts) cold and un-wanting to get close but her true nature is that of a kind person that helps others (whether they know or not)
her personality changes and she begins to show her true colours with her run ins with the player and becomes her real self permanently after being rescued (maybe even over does it to make up for her past deeds?).

Quirks : forced into doing evil things as an underling to some badbuy, is cold and Untrusting towards people due to being treated really badly by others but her nature is that of a kind hearted and empathetic person, because of this she tends to save people without them knowing like moving a person out of the way of a speeding cart and when she does get discovered she simply walks away and ignores every one.

Additional Details: uses powerfull lightning magic for many effects from moving metallic objects to putting up a shield, can also for limited time run lightning through her body to speed up nervous system, can also create lightning armour, her most powerfull ability is to use her magnetic powers to move thousands of metal shards like a sea of slicing metal (and even super charge them with lightning), can do other things not mentioned here.

Idea for interaction: after her part in the main quest is over the player can find out why Lilith was working for the bad guy, get rid of it and rescue her (she is placed in dungeons for recurring failures against player.) as a side quest or as part of the story? Maybe she just joins as an NPC ally but not a team member?
Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 02:40:02 am by Swordfish
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Character Name? (something realistic but original): Rodney Sr.
Male or Female?: Male
Child, Adult, Elder?: Child
Human, Velesian (talking wolf), Demigod, talking statue or plant, animal, fiend, etc?: talking plant
Personality? (corny sense of humor, bitter, sad, hyper, crazy, etc): hungry and manipulative.
Quirks? (are they eating their own face?): he is an alien
Additional Details?: Rodney must eat flesh, but being a plant he has to get other people to bring it to him. He will attempt to get anyone he can to start harvesting bodies for him (never more than one person at once), and he only does so after carefully analyzing this person and making sure they're "worthy" (dumb/gullible enough to fall for his manipulations, and loyal/scared enough to not fight him/reveal him)
Idea for interaction (optional)? a subquest where he attempts to convince the heroes to feed him people (probably telling the heroes the targets are bandits/evil somehow)
don't mind me, just postin' after a few brewskies
somebody’s Barkley --- could be another’s Monopolo.
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Character Name? (something realistic but original) Quaxton
Male or Female? Male
Child, Adult, Elder? Adult
Human, Velesian (talking wolf), Demigod, talking statue or plant, animal, fiend, etc? Talking Duck
Personality? (corny sense of humor, bitter, sad, hyper, crazy, etc) Wise, knowledgable, a bit crazy
Quirks? (are they eating their own face?) often drifts off mid-sentence, and then quacks.
Additional Details? Please no Scrooge McDuck references.
Idea for interaction (optional)? Should trade random items for bread.  Random items being common stuff like potions, revives, antidotes, gold, etc.  Also offers extremely vague hints if the player has no bread.
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Character Name - Scamlet
Male or Female - MALE (100% HE HAS A BIG DICK)
Child, Adult, Elder - Adult.
Human, Velesian - RPG
Personality - Fat, sassy, Garfield
Quirks - Um.................................................................................................................................... :fogetcry:
Additional Details - he has double. wathc out for the double. sometimes behaves in a manner unbesuiting a gentlee man,
Idea for interaction - wipe his dueapar., wiupe it clean of debris routine of human,

Have fun with this folks. I can't promise I'll add all suggestions in game. I will let you know which ones I decide to put in though.
Y*R( djiwn
"kxsn m12" -121
2czx n[/b]lk
LDK+DKDK=DKDK 9 ty u i l#
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sorry instead of sassy i meant to put gassy, please respond post. THNAK YUT kind cotor.
Y*R( djiwn
"kxsn m12" -121
2czx n[/b]lk
LDK+DKDK=DKDK 9 ty u i l#
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Character Name? (something realistic but original): Juan Carlos Romero
Male or Female?: Male
Child, Adult, Elder?: Adult
Human, Velesian (talking wolf), Demigod, talking statue or plant, animal, fiend, etc?: Fiend
Personality? (corny sense of humor, bitter, sad, hyper, crazy, etc): Narcissistic and sarcastic, but also calculating, strategic and intelligent
Quirks? (are they eating their own face?): His human-like features make him pretty for a hell-spawn, but he looks like the stereotypical image of what the "devil" looks like, except a younger, 25-year old version, and he's dressed in a business suit and carries himself professionally.
Additional Details?:: He doesn't have an accent
Idea for interaction (optional)?: No clue, haha.

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Character Name? (something realistic but original) Goji
Male or Female? Male
Child, Adult, Elder? Elder. He is in his 80s, but isn't sure what his age is exactly anymore, after being heavily involved in the drug culture of years past.
Human, Velesian (talking wolf), Demigod, talking statue or plant, animal, fiend, etc? Human
Personality? (corny sense of humor, bitter, sad, hyper, crazy, etc) Arrogant/Bold, but wise. He's also a lady's man
Quirks? (are they eating their own face?) He only speaks in haikus
Additional Details? His muscles are completely ripped and he does not wear a shirt. Shirts are for pussies and chicks he doesn't want to bang.
Idea for interaction (optional)? With all of the above mentioned, I'm sure you can come up with something.
Last Edit: May 04, 2010, 06:50:38 pm by PepsiOtaku

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Thanks guys, there are some interesting characters here that could create a challenge for integration.

Pepsi - speaks only in haikus!? Ooooooook. I'll figure it out.
Sweet online game in alpha.
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You can do it!  :cool:

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Character Name? Alph VonRegal
Male or Female? M
Child, Adult, Elder? Adult
Human, Velesian (talking wolf), Demigod, talking statue or plant, animal, fiend, etc? Human
Personality? (corny sense of humor, bitter, sad, hyper, crazy, etc)Charismatic, Athletic, Bashful, a little Dopey
Quirks? (are they eating their own face?) Luchadore', simple minded at times.
Additional Details? Alph is a Luchadore' with a Blue/Purple&White colored Attire. His attire includes luchadore mask, tights, boots. A Very agile and Quick speed individual. A little clumsy/Dopey at times..
Idea for interaction (optional)? Find him in a town "square" and maybe mini challenge to obtain an equipment piece (luchador mask?)
Wyrm  | Madolah | ær 
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I'd suggest plot-driven, but.. whatever.
I've revised things somewhat.

Clarence Pfeffernusse
Hair: purple
Eyes: Blue
Clothing:Varies. . . but often an outfit similar to a Red Mage, with a large plume in the hat.
Young Adult (mid-20s in human years)
Personality: Sarcastic, witty, and flamboyant. Likes bright clothing and hates getting his hands dirty- at least in the literal sense. . .  an urbane bon vivant always on the look out for new ideas and markets for his craft. A tad lecherous when it comes to men.

Quirks:  Gay half-elf magical fashion designer. Enough said.

Additional Details/Interaction: The love child of a local Elven trader and his human mistress, Clarence has a taste for high life and a skill for magic and design. His star is on the rise after one of his creations, a magic-infused gown that absorbs heat and radiates it as light, helped its wearer, a princess, to survive a recent palace fire. Though he likes to travel widely, absorbing and assimilating local influences, his new-found popularity forces him to spend more time in the studio than he’d like. He may ask the heroes  to gather materials or make deliveries for him, escort him on his expeditions to find new inspiration among the varied cultures of the world. He may even invite a character out to dinner or to a party...  In return for the party's services, he'll provide them with unique magical accessories and items.

(BTW, Goji seems like he might fit the general  mold of the dirty old man/drunken master combo seen in some anime.)
Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 02:08:38 am by Terrorantula
Everyone has the right to be himself; wise men know how to,when, and whether to navigate the boundary between their rights and those of others when they collide.
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Character Name? Lucretia

Male or Female? Male

Child, Adult, Elder? Adult

Human, Velesian (talking wolf), Demigod, talking statue or plant, animal, fiend, etc? Human

Personality? (corny sense of humor, bitter, sad, hyper, crazy, etc) Innocent, lazy and incompetent but could win a nobel prize if he made an effort

Quirks? (are they eating their own face?) Loves salty food and likes to create drama so he can feel like he's in a telenovela out of boredom

Additional Details? Wears a panama hat

Idea for interaction (optional)? A quest where the protagonists get caught in a complex and dramatic plot regarding a kidnapped family but it turns out it's all made up
Play Raimond Ex (if you haven't already)

I'll not TAKE ANYTHING you write like this seriously because it looks dumb
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Whatever happened to this project?
Everyone has the right to be himself; wise men know how to,when, and whether to navigate the boundary between their rights and those of others when they collide.
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Still going strong. It's not a small project ya know! Plus, I'm trying to publish a book at the same time. And I just got a promotion at work which comes with as many more hours as it does pay. Aaaaaand, dating a new girl. All this takes away from my project time (not that I'm complaining). =)
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I completely understand.

BTW, do you need more NPCs? I'd be glad to submit some, and they don't all have to be as ... colorful as Clarence.
O,h and what's the name of the project?
Last Edit: August 11, 2010, 03:03:00 am by Terrorantula
Everyone has the right to be himself; wise men know how to,when, and whether to navigate the boundary between their rights and those of others when they collide.
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Currently, Realm of Luna. However, this name was inspired during the original plan for this game. It was going to be an expansion pack for Hero's Realm, so this was going to be the "moon," thus the name Luna. However, this game has developed into something far displaced from Hero's Realm, so the name -might- be changed to Realms before release. As I plan to release expansion packs later in the future which will partake in other realms.

I'll need many, many NPC's. Most of them I'll design to fit their place in the world, but it's nice to get some fresh ideas for characters. Sometimes they even inspire additional side quests to go along with the character.
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Would you consider giving the player characters some more lines? I found it rather annoying that the characters in Heroes' Realm had lines at the beginning and end, but not in the middle.  But then I AM a fan of JRPGS. . .

Cassilda-Colette  D'Ys:
An old woman who lives in a house full of moldering books, bemoaning her lost love Philip and sister Camilla-Jeanne, whom she says left with a man clad in yellow silk claiming to be the king of a wondrous land- and who never returned. She beseeches the party to find word of them- but the people of the town say the two were found drowned together in nearby Holly Lake,  and suspect them of having been secret lovers.  Is it Camilla-Jeanne's ghost that haunts the lake on moonlit nights and emits howls that taint mens' sleep with madness- or is it something else? What of the ghastly city some claim to see appear in the lake on nights when the moon is full? This mystery will be hard to solve. . .

And another:

Calx (Guest Character- available to use in active party.)
Age: 15 or 16
Skin orange
Ears/tail:brindled gray

Wears: gray pants, no top.

Calx is a mysterious, orange-skinned catboy-like being who has mysterious powers of matter transmutation and little memory of his origins. On the run from depraved alchemists who believe his blood may be the long-sought "Philosopher's Stone," he travels with the party to rediscover his roots and to remain ahead of his enemies.  In addition to his transmutation skills he has picked up alchemical skills through observance and can through his mixtures imitate many spells unavailable to many spellcasters. Though perfectly content to remain n a safe hideout and assist the heroes in creating mixtures and weapons with special properties, he will gladly jump at the opportunity to join the party as an active member and fill his eyes with wonders.
Last Edit: August 20, 2010, 03:55:49 am by Terrorantula
Everyone has the right to be himself; wise men know how to,when, and whether to navigate the boundary between their rights and those of others when they collide.
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In RoL you choose what the player says. The conversations will be somewhat in the style of Elderscrolls games.

This game can't be compared to HR all that much now. The systems are completely different, the story is different, the characters are different (first of all, you are a party of one). The only comparisons would be in the type of game it is, the world exploration (slightly), and the number of collectibles vs the size of the game.
Last Edit: August 20, 2010, 04:01:38 am by Renegade
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I've never played the Elder Scrols, Sorry-- but i have some idea of what you mean. IN many games you're givne different choices for your chracter's responses which affect the outcome. 
YOU may have noticed that some of my creations are designated "Guest Characters," whihc i hope won't be a problem- I was thinking in terms of the Suikoden series where you were able to recruit others inhto your party and kepe tham at your base or have them join you in battle.
Everyone has the right to be himself; wise men know how to,when, and whether to navigate the boundary between their rights and those of others when they collide.