Dev - RM2k3 Create a Character (Read 1777 times)

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I feel like I'd be bumping for no reason, but so be it.
Stayed up late tonight and finished the Emerald Mine Quest (fully programmed), the mining ability (fully programmed), the mapping, and special items. I started the graphic for the boss, but I'm not pixel artist when it comes to complicated pixel animations. Tomorrow I hope to get the rest of the miners implemented, random rock golem encounters implemented for when actually mining, and I might even do the redesign of Castle Al'Norvin and/or the interiors for Secron.

I'm so close to having all the mapping done that I kinda want to stop doing any more programming until it is completely finished, so I can truly move on to the next stage of development.
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no, the admins/mods won't mind
Last Edit: September 12, 2010, 02:15:37 pm by Hero Bash
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Ren, it's your call how you want to proceed, as you are in charge. Glad to hear things are going well.

OK, one more character. . .

Race: Human? Demigod?
Age: Unknown
Eyes- light blue whites with black irises
HAir- Blond braid down back
Clothes: Apricot dress covered by a blue redingote, and sturdy brown leather shoes.
Important items: Drum, folding fans.

It's unclear just how old this mysterious traveling storyteller is- it seems like she's always been thereyet she looks no older than twenty. She travels from place to place  performing stories and dancing, living off the goodness of others. She carries masks, drum, and fans, using them to enhance her stories- for example a fan might represent a rainbow, a peacock's tail, or a queen's collar.  Somehow she always seems to be in the right place at the right time, either with valuable history to tell the hero or telling a story that's somehow relevant to the hero's current quest, even if he just entered the room.

For example, the party is prepared to climb a high mountain and takes a rest at the inn at its foot the night before, only to find Talia there telling children a story about a hero who defeated a giant over many battles,l slowly chopping off a bit of him each time until there was nothing left.

(This might suggest that a slow, gradual ascent of the mountain- a bit at a time- might be the most successful approach.)
Last Edit: September 13, 2010, 09:15:14 pm by Terrorantula
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I was curious- are the Velesians anthropomorphic bipedal creatures like like the werewolves of Quelb, (Lone Wolf is an example) or quadrupeds like earth wolves?
Everyone has the right to be himself; wise men know how to,when, and whether to navigate the boundary between their rights and those of others when they collide.
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I don't want to give too much away about those that dwell on Veles.

They worship Veles, their God. If you want to know a bit about what this God might be like, Google or Wiki him. Perhaps that will give you a hint of what they are like.
When designing characters, I would probably stay away from those that dwell on Veles because I can not describe their society without giving away some vital quest endings.
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Progress Update:

Haven't been getting much done lately. Some mapping, nothing major. Need to edit some chipsets, pain in the ass.
I did figure out what to do about the quest log. I now have it programed. All I need to do is add quests as I go, using variables. All the code fits into one common event and is quite simple really.

Press "2" and vola, you have all your quests sorted through a "tree" of sorts. Rough example below. You are given four options. If you click "Quests by Location" it breaks it down to Empires, then to major cities and "other." After breaking it down, it will go through messages showing all the quests in that area. You can also break it down by Guilds, by Temple Quests (religion plays a huge part in this game), and Other (everything else, including quests that start in unpopulated areas).

*Quests by Location
^ Al'Atra Empire
 - Al'Norvin
 - Tunga Tunga
 - Twin Blades
 - Other
      Quest 1
      Quest 2
^ Evony Empire
^ Tai'Luna Empire
*Guild Quests
*Temple Quests
*Other Quests

In the end, simple was most effective.
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If you want any Velesian NPCs designed, you need to at least tell us whether they're bipeds or quadrupeds, if they wear clothes, and whether they can speak human language out loud. That's all I really wanted to know.
Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 01:53:50 am by Terrorantula
Everyone has the right to be himself; wise men know how to,when, and whether to navigate the boundary between their rights and those of others when they collide.
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Fair enough. They can walk upright and on all fours. They do not wear clothes. They have a "voice" that allows you to understand them.
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*Edit* . I looked up some info on Veles-  rather fascinating, actually. I'm attempting to design an NPC based on that and the physical info, as well as related ideas.
Last Edit: September 29, 2010, 07:02:31 pm by Terrorantula
Everyone has the right to be himself; wise men know how to,when, and whether to navigate the boundary between their rights and those of others when they collide.
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Totally posting my group's current DnD characters:

Character Name? Malak.
Male or Female? Male.
Age? Adult (35 yo)
Race? Half-Orc.
Class? Barbarian.

Personality? Chaotic Neutral. He is naive in an adult way, and is very hostile when he thinks he is being made fun of. He has a massive Napoleon complex, so he acts like he's overcompensating for something. He also aspires to be very, very rich. He will oftentimes conveniently disregard the plight of his companions in order to secure himself some loot. Despite this, he is slightly sentimental, and probably wouldn't let his party die or anything. Finally, he is not very intelligent; he's gullible, and tends to be a trap magnet.

Quirks? His skin colour is hot pink, which is unheard of for his race (or in any race for that matter). He is also very short for a half-orc, standing at 5'11'' (one inch less than what would be slightly intimidating to a human...JUST ONE!!!). Both of these add to his napoleon complex. He believes he was cursed at birth by a traveling gypsy, and is currently on a quest to find a golden apple which will grant him just one wish; he hopes to undo the curse with it. Oh, and also, the god of spite (the evil DM) has endowed Malak with the legendary Friendship Bracelet. This allows him to communicate with any of his friends over any distance (unlimited usage), and allows him to call their name and teleport them nearby when they are in trouble (7 uses).

Additional Details? He is obscenely strong for a half-orc, and can attack twice per turn with his heavy double axe. He is also very light footed, running faster than most half-elves. Currently, he can rage once per day (rage gives him even more power for eight turns, but afterwards he is exhausted).
Idea for interaction (optional)? When he talks, because he's not very charismatic, he refers to himself in the third person. "Malak thinks bad idea to go in spooky cave. Screw saving the villagers. Malak think good idea just take gold and run!"

Character Name? Aurelia.
Male or Female? Female.
Age? Adult (translates to a few hundred years old).
Race? Half-Elf.
Class? Ranger.

Personality? Chaotic Good. Somewhat of a ditz, she does her best to do what she thinks is right, but is not bound by moral convention. She does her best to be in tune with her natural surroundings.

Quirks? She owns the party's only pot, and she is the party's only cook. This is the only reason why Malak gets dragged into doing what she wants despite his selfish tendencies. It's coercion at its simplest.

Additional Details? Her weapon of choice is the bow, and she is very agile.

Character Name? Ser Chenalthier.
Male or Female? Male
Age? Adult (19 yo).
Race? Human.
Class? Paladin.

Personality? Lawful Good. Always raring to do what is right, Chenalthier (or Shin, for short) is not your typical bible-thumping Paladin. He is very even-minded, to the point of being diplomatic, and therefore serves as the front face for his party. He is willing to make concession with certain evil people so long as the ends justify that -- but ordinarily he is out to beat evil to high heaven. Malak thinks he is a pompous dweeb, but that's true only to the extent that religious people tend to be pious. Malak of course over-exaggerates it, and they butt heads from time to time. Also, Chenaltheir has an elf fetish and digs Aurels.

Quirks? In situations where the party must determine whether someone is evil, Shin will occasionally use his 'smite evil' skill on them, reasoning that if they are evil, they would be killed. Of course, usually they aren't evil, and having received a good tolchock to the gulliver, they tend to be pretty pissed.

Additional Details? He uses a bastard sword, and is fully armored. He is also one inch taller than Malak. Malak hates his guts.
Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 07:51:29 pm by Juris
"I would be totally embarassed to write this, even as a fakepost. it's not funny except in how you seem to think it's good. look at all the redundancies, for fuck's sake. "insipid semantics, despicable mediocrity" ugh gross gross. I want to take a shower every time I read your prose." -Steel
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Haven't been making leaps and bounds lately. I'm writing quests and dialog on my lunch breaks at work and trying to implement them when I have time at home. Lately the biggest thing I've done is perfected my dialog system.

I intend to have a large amount of dialog in the game. I wondered how I could do this without spending forever creating dialog for each NPC and programming facesets, etc. I also wanted to keep dialog very expandable without having to edit a bunch of sprites with every expansion. Obviously I needed to use some common events. To get past the problem of facesets I simply used the "You" and "Them" images that slide in/out from the sides of the screen so you know which character is talking. Simple but it works. An example of how some of the dialog works...

If you've ever played Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, you know that there is a list of dialog options to the right of the character. Some of this is common dialog such as Morrowind Lore or Rumors. If you picked one of these options you would be randomly selected dialog from a single source on that topic. I use this same concept in game, modified.

There are three types of common dialog: Rumors, Things of Interest, Lore

Instead of simply putting the options: Rumors, Things of Interest and Lore, I might phrase it something like this:

"Hi whats your name?" and "What do you do?" are asking about the NPC and are event specific responses.
"Any rumors floating around?" Is obvious. It might also read something like, "Whats the good word?" or "Anything happening around here?"
"You came by ship..." Leading into a conversation. This particular NPC responds by talking a bit about his travels and then pulls up the Lore common event for some random information.
"Whats on your mind?" Pulls up the Things of Interest common event.

These common events are built specifically for each city. The above dialog is for Al'Norvin. There would be completely different discussions in Secron, Evony City, Aeschylus, Veles, so on and so forth. Not every NPC pulls up common dialog and sometimes you don't realize that its even common dialog as there is so much diversity to it (which is the point). The options for dialog are specific to the NPC event. So we can talk about the NPC, specific quest, specific dialog, common dialog, bartering, etc.

With this system I can also have quests start by random chance of talking to the right person at the right time. You could be talking to some useless NPC about the rumors or things of interest and bam, you have a quest. The quest continues without being repeated. I can even be specific to a group, such as city guards. One guard could randomly tell you that they are looking for a bandit leader, you could offer to find him, and then later while you are talking to another guard he might ask you how the hunt for the bandit leader is going. Then once you catch the bandit leader a guard might ask you if you were the guy that caught the bandit leader or tell you what a great job you did. This can be expanded as much or as little as needed in the future. You can even be the rumor. Perhaps you did something epic for The Queen. People might start saying, "Hey, arent you that guy that did that thing?"

You might notice that what's is spelled whats. In this game ' is specific to the dialect.

It wouldn't be Al'Norvin's, it's simply Al'Norvins. In Luna "Al" is a holy word. It can reflect a couple meanings such as "Great" or "Holy," depending on its usage. Al'Norvin is somewhat like Great 'Norvin where Al'Atra (the Goddess) is Holy 'Atra.

I have not quite decided how ' should be pronounced.

Well enough of this, I have some characters to implement...

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