That right there is an instant classic, Ghoul. It hits all the main points, should consider putting it in a facebook note asap, "$$ is god"
Also why is their some stipulation that people are only worth giving money to if they eventually get a job? Giving money to someone on the street isn't about inspiring them or encouraging some ideal, it's about recognizing your own secure humanity, and the remote chance that buck makes a difference. You give it knowing full well it may be spent unwisely or simply to reinforce a bad habit. If you are going to gripe over that kind of thing then go out of your way to find a donation you trust or better yet ask if you can get them a sandwich or something to eat. Smart people will guilt you into buying them a sandwich rather than even ask for cash.
The not getting a job thing and PRIDE and DIGNITY are all bs you are attaching to them. here we have a lot of people who have been on the street since one of the mental health institutions shut down. Also also they stay in the same spot because they have shit they can't leave unattended, people without homes have a very difficult time protecting their stuff and lacking a permanent address also hurts your chances at getting a job.
yeah, apparently you either misread my post or just skimmed through it found the stuff you didn't like in it an picked it out.
I didn't say shit about
what a homeless person does with the money I give them. I honestly do not care at all, as a matter of fact if a homeless person walked straight up to me and asked for money to feed his cocaine or crystal meth addiction I would probably do it out of respect for that persons honesty and straight forwardness.
I do not need to give money to someone I don't know to make me feel better about myself or pretend in the back of my mind that I might actually be helping them out. I do not like con artists and I know that single hobo in my hometown is not mentally incapable of applying himself to make some sort of financial income. He does what he does because it gets him by and he doesn't want to do anything else. If I feel that someone genuinely needs my help then I am more than willing to give it. But I don't like getting hustled or fucked around by some dick that would rather stand on the street with his hand out then to try to do something to help himself. And I'm not saying that all homeless people are like that, I'm sure they're not. But unless I feel otherwise about the person I encounter then I wouldn't be inclined to give them shit just to soothe my own ego.
Sure I get where you're coming from and if I lived in the kind of environment where the mental institutions shut down and forced people in the streets or I saw homeless teenagers or men and women everywhere then I might be more inclined to give but I don't live in a place like that and you do not seem to understand that.