Topic: donkey kong country (Read 1360 times)

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This game is so difficult! I'm only on the second level of world 2, the one in the minecart and I think I've lost about 30 lives in this place. I can't do it. I can't. I don't have the skill or reaction timing to do this. Man oh man. I am bad at games. I've been playing games since I was about 4 and I stink at them. Look. This game is driving me bananas. I'm going ape playing this thing.

I got to the very very end except from that final lizard who killed me. It was very frustrating, and after that I kind of lost the plot with it and couldn't get that far again. I'm going to try again later.

Here's a great song from donkey kong country:

Funky Kong is a cool ape. What's his story? He carries a surfboard everywhere, and he's always wearing shades even though he's a airliner pilot. He must have something going on.

I didn't know these games existed until yesterday. I'd seen screenshots but I thought that donkey kong country was donkey kong 64. I didn't think the snes could do graphics like this - in screenshots, they look like it's a 3D game but when you play it it's obviously 2D but with 3D pre-rendered graphics. It's kind of a dumb thing to get excited about but I like it when I put on a SNES game and it starts doing technical things I thought were beyond it's capabilities.

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This game is so difficult! I'm only on the second level of world 2, the one in the minecart and I think I've lost about 30 lives in this place. I can't do it. I can't. I don't have the skill or reaction timing to do this. Man oh man. I am bad at games. I've been playing games since I was about 4 and I stink at them. Look. This game is driving me bananas. I'm going ape playing this thing.

I got to the very very end except from that final lizard who killed me. It was very frustrating, and after that I kind of lost the plot with it and couldn't get that far again. I'm going to try again later.

Here's a great song from donkey kong country:

Funky Kong is a cool ape. What's his story? He carries a surfboard everywhere, and he's always wearing shades even though he's a airliner pilot. He must have something going on.

I didn't know these games existed until yesterday. I'd seen screenshots but I thought that donkey kong country was donkey kong 64. I didn't think the snes could do graphics like this - in screenshots, they look like it's a 3D game but when you play it it's obviously 2D but with 3D pre-rendered graphics. It's kind of a dumb thing to get excited about but I like it when I put on a SNES game and it starts doing technical things I thought were beyond it's capabilities.

World 2 is easy you should see the last few levels of any  Donkey Kong Country and my god it took me a lot of retry back in the day.

Latter on check points become harder to get too.
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Ahhhh, Donkey Kong Country. I beat this game over 10 years ago so I cant remember exactly how much grief it gave me, but Im pretty sure it wasnt a walk in the park though.
If you're into this game you'll be happy to know that Nintendo didnt stop on just one DKC, there are actually three installments for the SNES.

And then we have this

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I am convinced all the 'goodness' of the game lied in it being a vehicle for extremely rad music and basically it was like crack that kept you playing the game but now with .spc files you're just playing it on its other merits which don't really warrant learning how to beat such a ridiculously hard game

new game looks kind of cool I dunno what Donkey Kong 64 was like but I hope this game will be just a little more involved the DKC games for SNES had like no story or anything it was really kind of bare-bones with like there /are/ other monkey characters like funky kong but it was really transparent that they were a gameplay mechanic. I hope the new one has some non-extremely frustrating gameplay sections that are more like an rpg/zelda game (this is a horrible idea but I stand by the transparent game mechanic statement)

edit: probably most of the game characters we loved as kids had like... a screen/2 lines of text worth of characterization and the rest was just this character sure kills a lot of things
Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 07:48:03 am by Ragnar
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wow im a big nerd apparently because i always found dkc games pretty damn easy :(
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I can't comment on the actual difficulty of the first Donkey Kong game because I played it so many times as a kid that it's hardwired into my brain so that trying to think about it on any objective level is like trying to look up my own nose. I dunno if it's just me or what but this happens with a lot of games I pick up again after playing as a kid, I tried the first gameboy mario game (the....ethnic one heh) a while back and had forgotten half of it in terms of visuals/music/holy-shit-chinese-jumping-vampires but I was basically cruising through the gameplay part on instinct while my actual brain didnt know what the heck and I'm shit at videogames. It was like some b-movie thing RETURN OF THE LIVING THUMBS.

I think the later Donkey Kong games were pretty bad because after a certain point Rare started making games where the whole point was to collect as many arbitrary dinguses as possible and called it Gr8 Replay Value but I liked them all anyway. The best part of Donkey Kong 64 was when the camera pulled back to give a frontal view of the island shaped like Donkey Kong's head but he had no mouth and there was a little cave at the bottom so it looked like he was going ooooooooo.
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Donkey Kong Country was great, but Donkey Kong Country 2 perfected the formula and IMO is the best SNES platformer..

DKC 3 is OK but the levels were a bit too "gimmicky" for my taste.

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Maybe it was that they were easy or maybe it was that it wasn't such a big deal dying. The DKC series is my childhood. As cat says, it's sort of hardwired I guess. Good times.
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yeah actually, catamites is making a good point. i probably beat each dkc game a hundred times so they'd feel easy to me now. i replayed them some years ago and i still remembered almost everything so they were easy then too, that makes sense. but i don't recall having troubles with them the first time around either but that was such a long time ago that i might just have a twisted idea of the difficulty now. and i also agree with esh about the dying bit; it wasn't a big deal at all. at least you never run out of lives and at the end of each gaming session you'll have like 50 lives to spare.

and saleop yeah!! dkc2 is the best. it's probably my favorite platformer of all time. i prefer dkc3 to 1 too but they're all fantastic.
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The 1st DKC wasn't that hard, I Never did beat 2 or 3 though. gonna go play 2 now will def finish it this time. I kept my snes for this game. The second on was easily the best and everyone seems to agree. Best platformer ever? Not a hope in hell. INAGASMW.


There is an DKC2 editor so you can make your own DKC game.



After poking around, there is apparently a DKC hack. Not sure if its a full hack or just a single level/world
Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 04:01:01 pm by c0nfu53d
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I was like 5 when i first saw donkey kong country at some house i was at. i had no idea of the awesomeness i was witnessing back then.

I am convinced all the 'goodness' of the game lied in it being a vehicle for extremely rad music and basically it was like crack that kept you playing the game but now with .spc files you're just playing it on its other merits which don't really warrant learning how to beat such a ridiculously hard game
sweet music is one of the big reasons why i like classic games a lot better than anything new. also, it's definitely the reason i was able to get through any of the mega man games. donkey kong isn't thaaat hard

I liked DKC1 and 2 probably equally well, but 3 wasn't as good for some reason.

(by the way, in the level in the youtube vid, you can just jump over that barrel at the beginning and fall down directly next to the wall and you'll be taken to the end)
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Come on. I finished this game when I was 10.
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I was like 5 when i first saw donkey kong country at some house i was at. i had no idea of the awesomeness i was witnessing back then.

sweet music is one of the big reasons why i like classic games a lot better than anything new. also, it's definitely the reason i was able to get through any of the mega man games. donkey kong isn't thaaat hard

I liked DKC1 and 2 probably equally well, but 3 wasn't as good for some reason.

(by the way, in the level in the youtube vid, you can just jump over that barrel at the beginning and fall down directly next to the wall and you'll be taken to the end)

I never knew that lol. Found all the secret bonus stages but never knew this.
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why don't you man up and play Diddy Kong Racing
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I actually got nostalgic after watching that vid and decided to play through the game again. It gets a bit cheap near the end but I ended up beating it in less than four hours. I did ignore most of the secret rooms though, and just raced through each level. I guess playing DKC really is like riding a bike.

And yeah, the music is awesome.
Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 08:51:12 pm by Maxximum
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i definitely remember playing the mine stage about a million times  its basically a memory level
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The music is too awesome to be from a videogame. What a great reminder of the days when music for Japanese RPGs weren't all identical piano arrangements with some shitty jpop artist singing vocals about flying on wings of dreams or some stupid shit.
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The music is too awesome to be from a videogame. What a great reminder of the days when music for Japanese RPGs weren't all identical piano arrangements with some shitty jpop artist singing vocals about flying on wings of dreams or some stupid shit.

except DKC was made by some brits but yeah more SNES-era music I look into the more it's not like GAME it's actually more variety of music than I'm into now. The Chrono Trigger guy did a remix album of Chrono Trigger when it came out that's all ACID JAZZ arrangements of the songs. I'm not sure if this is even a good genre but it seems pretty musically informed/ECLECTIC for some fuck making music for a happy fun time computer game for 2 cents/day + unlimited ramen. Yozo Koshiro seems like he listened to a wide variety of stuff too Streets of Rage 3 soundtrack is fucking idm as fuck. I thought it was cool when Metal Gear Solid 2 had like drum and bass stuff going on but it really wasn't revolutionary at all in 2002 or whenever it came out

rare games are funny because you will hear random EURODANCE or something awful like that like funky kong theme some killer instinct music

a lot of Japanese games from all time are really just like stereotypical anime-type music when you really listen to them/imagine as real instruments though


Last Edit: June 24, 2010, 03:33:33 am by Ragnar
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I'm actually pretty envious of you playing these games for the first time! This was the game I got with my SNES for Christmas when it first came out.

Donkey Kong Country 2 is, in my opinion, a far superior game, and I actually still beat that game once a year with my brothers. Such a phenomenal game.
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There was also a TV show which was terrible that is worth looking up.