Topic: Animal Lovers 'Heads Up' (Read 1610 times)

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Another truely sick video of animal cruelty has been released and already began spreading across the internet, this time of a young girl throwing new born puppies into a river.

It was only a few weeks ago we saw the old woman throwing a cat in a dumpster and now this. I just dont understand how anyone could do these things and think its ok. All I can say is I hope that girl gets whats coming to her, although thinking about it.. wtf will the police do to a young girl like that except for a slight slap on the wrist, if that.

Just wanted to bring this to your attention if you havnt seen it already because I really cant stand the idea of animal cruelty. People need to see whats going on out there in the world.

Link if you need to see the video and hopefully they will use the vid to catch the girl.][/url]
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Yeah, I read about this yesterday but I couldn't bring myself to watch the video. It's fucking sick.
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Holy shit!
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I don't remember the rest of teh quote!
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Yea i came here to post about this too.

What I think is really intriguing about it is that 4chan or /b/ has apparently already found the girl and harassed her into deleting her facebook
and apparently this isn't the first time they've done this either

Here's a story about 4chan vs animal cruelty

Yea hopefully something is done about this it's maybe the most obscene thing i've ever heard of
Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 08:04:58 am by Mongoloid
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Also I would really recommend not watching the video it really is heartbreaking...
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That is fucking shocking. Also she doesn't look that young, I'm sure a mass fine can be laid on her or something. Why the fuck would you do that?
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Yea i came here to post about this too.

What I think is really intriguing about it is that 4chan or /b/ has apparently already found the girl and harassed her into deleting her facebook
and apparently this isn't the first time they've done this either

Here's a story about 4chan vs animal cruelty

Yea hopefully something is done about this it's maybe the most obscene thing i've ever heard of

jesus 4chan is way worse and more disgusting than animal cruelty that's the bad thing about this

edit: this quote was pretty good
"So: Did they get their girl? Uh. I hope so? Because they've already started harassing her and the people around her."
Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 12:52:26 pm by Vellfire
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Yeah that's really horrible, but it's kinda worrying that it's this that people are really up in arms about, while at the same time parts of the meat and fur industries are doing god knows what to make products we buy. My point is not to moralise, I'm not even a vegetarian or anything, but it's a bit like somebody going nuts and shooting his jewish neighbours in 1942 Berlin. This is a girl acting horrifyingly out of some sick pleasure or twist of her mind, on the other hand we have a highly organized and structured industry doing essentially the same in a massive scale to maximize profits. I find the latter infinitely more disturbing.
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Did you know that they angle the lines leading to slaughterhouses so that cows are not as nervous when they are led to their doom? That is a true story! Also, plus then we eat them and use their skin for things. I'm not saying it's GOOD but it is a lot better than THROWING PUPPIES TO DEATH.

Most corporations are forced to hire animal psychologists to make the animals feel happy before they are killed. Also, have you ever met a chicken? Those things are dumb as hell. I do feel bad for cows, though. Cows are smart.

edit: not defending the meat industry but wow lets not turn this thread about some fucked up child killing animals into a meat industry debacle (playing devil's advocate!)
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Good thread. Great thread.
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not defending the meat industry but wow lets not turn this thread about some fucked up child killing animals into a meat industry debacle (playing devil's advocate!)
Why not? That's one fucked up child killing animals. There's almost nothing of interest there other than the shock value of actually having a video of it, the whole point is to just get shocked and then line up in a queue to express how horrible you think it is. Maybe say something about if should watch the video or not. There's nothing to talk about.

We can talk about 4chan culture as well if you like it better than the animal industry.
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sorry I agree with Kaempfer, it's not super relevant and it feels forced. and I'd think a lot of us would already know how bad the meat industry can be, but you never know

there's a lot we haven't discussed yet tho, eg
should we be spreading this garbage or making worthless threads about it
should we be calling this young girl a sick fuck and making internal judgments about her and hoping she gets severely punished
is 4chan's harassment of this girl rihgt or in any way excusable
is it worth bringing up 4chan??

welp actually it looks like the answer to all of those questions is a big fat obvious NO so unless someone's confused why I guess you're right, there is nothing to discuss!
Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 03:40:08 pm by earlchip
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whats more interesting is all she dose is lob them in . If your going to do something sick and inhumane at least try to do different things... maybe try to skip one those puppy on water and etc.  but no all are lobs how original.
Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 03:27:06 pm by DDay
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4chan is like a massive lynch mob
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I'll not TAKE ANYTHING you write like this seriously because it looks dumb
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i really wonder out of all the people 4chan harass as if it's a noble cause how many of those people are the wrong person.  internet detectives aren't really that reliable.  i want to know an exact ratio.  i mean even if it is the right person they're horrible douchebags for harassing anyone but man i really want to know how many people they do this to that are the wrong person.
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you know what really bothers me?

that 'Heads Up' is in quotations in the thread title..... i don't get it... is it a pun? did the puppies lose their heads?
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you know what really bothers me?

that 'Heads Up' is in quotations in the thread title..... i don't get it... is it a pun? did the puppies lose their heads?

Since I'm a sicko and don't get bothered much when things are dieing or be killed in front of me and I watch the video no heads where decapitated in this video. Just a litter of puppy lobed in a fucking river.
Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 04:03:22 pm by DDay
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since i'm a sicko and don't get bother much when things are dieing or be killed in front of me and I watch the video know heads where decapitated in this video. just lobed in a fucking river.
Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 04:03:38 pm by ase
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actually he revised it before you quoted it, but i've fixed it for you ryan :)
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actually he revised it before you quoted it, but i've fixed it for you ryan :)

And yet a revised for the final time. But I still don't agree what she did to them but I'm one of those type of guys that doesn't care too much. We all got die sometime. It's just those puppy had to meet death little soon then expected.
Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 04:15:39 pm by DDay
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