Money making sites rarely land you any good money. They either give you as little as a few dollars per hour, or you need to compete against other candidates in order to QUALIFY for the possibility of receiving payment for your work. I consider it a waste of time as you could easily use those hours working extra at a real job.
So here are my suggestions:
- Work extra in the weekends.
- Minimize your expenses like Dada said, and cross off things that you either don't need or that could be replaced with cheaper alternatives.
- Sell stuff you don't need at flea-markets or on eBay.
- Don't subscribe to any paid services unless absolutely necessary. It's better to pay up-front so you can keep track of your income/savings.
- If you have any web development-skills you can freelance on sites like
But really though, the only way to get wealthy is to either work as much as possible and make sure you keep as much of your paycheck as possible, or make risky investments, but I am guessing you don't want to risk your hard-earned money so I am ruling that out.