hahaha *fistpumps air* that sounds really good and u are a cool guy... if you need a betatester...CONTACT ME...!!! SHHRRRIEEEKKK!!!!! *liman dives under the table, ed covers ears in pain, sok looks astonished* i'll def want to get into this slimey dino world, no matter what the cost...pokey's house theme from earthbound plays in the background...
[~ Hey! If U Want 2 Rent The Space In This Post, Contact Me!! Payment Only In Dk Bananas ~ bonzi buddy, your best friend in the internet]
you got it bro. when I start beta'ing i'll send you a copy, completely free of charge as the game will be completely free of charge! unlike ghosts of aliens this time i'll be doing a beta test with a select few people. i'd send you an alpha but it's still pretty shabby most of the npcs aren't interactable yet(there's like 12+ npcs in the very very beginning of the game i plan on making interactable, maybe optional side quests or something but this is completely optional as you only have to talk to two of them to advance the game past the first day. the rest are just there. you might be thinking "but swordofkings128 isn't that a waist?" hell no, games should have tons of pointless interactivity. that's what our lives are all about, isn't it?)
thanks skarik, i saw you posting screens on tigsource and all those tig people jumping on your back. I didn't mind the spelling, isn't that what being indie is all about? being able to do anything without anyone's approval? i'd just make it more subtle. tbh don't think spelling of words will effect how fun a game is.
and vellfire that looks lovely. keep furiously posting screenshots!!