I'm making a sex-themed RPG in RM2K3 in which battles represent sexual acts. I didn't want to make a custom battle system (which would be my obvious choice) because I thought it would be fun if it looked like the Default Battle System. So I'm using an evented version of the DBS.
Originally I was going to use the simple DBS, but I couldn't make sense out of the fact that the enemy attacks you. I mean, sex is something of a cooperative act.
So here's what I came up with, and I want some input.
Battles are usually 1x1. Sometimes there's more than one enemy, but always a single player character.
There are no regular attacks, only skills, and they all turn on a switch that will trigger an event.
Every skill consumes the character's own HP.
The basic skill is f***, and it deals standard damage.
Other than dealing damage, it lowers the character's attack, which basically means that if you take too long to finish the battle, you get weaker.
Special skills consume HP as well as MP. They have additional effects like lowering or increasing your own attack, lowering enemy's attack.
Enemies also have their own skills SOMETIMES, but their speed is set to a low level so they don't use it often. They have similar effects as the character's skills.
There's also a rest command to regain HP. So it's really hard to die (of exhaustion).
The real challenge in battles is achieving a high performance. At the end of a battle, you get rated on a F to A scale. Factors that will influence performance:
- Battle duration (the more the better, that's the point of having skills that lower your own attack).
- Variety os skills used (that will depend on the enemy; some enemies will give greater rewards for specific skills, etc.)
- Maximum damage.
This rating will determine the amount of XP you get.
You gain levels as usual, but you get points to raise your stats however you like.
Enemies get progressively harder.
More info on the game.