Since Vanit moleboxed the demo, it should have all the files included, so you won't need the RTP for it.
The download link has the EXTRAQUOTESFAILBUG, so if you click it, it won't work.
Here's the link again, without the extra quotes:
How short is the demo?
After the others walked off-screen, I couldn't follow them.
So, was that the end?
Also found a typo:
Barret: ""We'll meet on the bridge
infront of it"
And maybe my memory's deceiving me, but shouldn't
both of the dead soldiers have potions on them. Only found 2 potions on 1 of them.
Well, everything seemed to work--tried casting both spells and the limit break, using the items in & out of battle (except the phoenix down), fighting with & without materia equipped, messing with the Config settings...
All in all, This demo was
verrrrrrrrrry cool. (and very brief, lol)