Yeah, when I was at uni the cost was 1k per year, regardless of the course, plus student loans here are that whole "you will never pay this back, it is a small tax on future income" so it wasn't too bad. I mean, taking a 10k loan to enter a career where you're paid like £120 an hour doesn't sound too bad, but that's if you're both in the UK and connected to a firm initially. I mean, especially as I paid like £6k for my postgraduate shit and am now only earning £25 an hour (only used in the sense of comparative to lawyers and shit).
If you're in the US and paying like 50k fees (I have no idea it is a big guess) and where apparently lawyers earn less, it'd probably take some SERIOUS THOUGHT before jumping in on it.
BUT like if the choice is between getting a Law degree and like NOT getting a degree at all, or going to uni vs going straight into bottom rung service industry or retail type work, then definitely the degree is the way to go. Even if only for the fact that it buys you at least three years of lessened responsibilities and "growing up" and shit. I wouldn't trade those years I spent at uni for like anything man.