Also, Male/Female terms are very "neutral" sounding (this just came to my mind).
But yeah when I look at any issue I separate myself as best as possible from any of my more direct experiences related the discussion of important topics unless I just cite something merely as an interesting story rather than something conductive to progress. So yeah, I don't directly relate to the "males" or "females" in my example in my post. I fail to do separate these experiences many times, but I still try. My direct experiences are anecdotes. They are piss poor as a justification for pretty much any real change.
Also, peoples minds DO generally auto-dehumanize anyone outside of their circle of peers/authority/dependents. In fact, its considered weird by most people to humanize people that are out of your circle and have no relation until you meet them and get to know them.
Example, if you read a long list of dead soldiers names and were told they died yesterday and then were reminded that your friend from high school got drunk and drove off a cliff and killed himself 20 years ago you'll be more mentally effected by the story of your friends death.
This is me self-analyzing my own post sort of. Trying to determine why I subconsciously used the terminology that I did.
very foucault...
Which one?
(there was a forth, I left him out for obvious reasons)