Its because WOMEN are buying it and flocking to it. They're the only ones buying it too! Its pretty much the most gross and perverted romance scenario you could possibly come up with. These aren't just mostly young girls like in the case of twilight either, these are grown ass (mostly married) women.
Its not like pornography, movies, or other literary media where the shits put in there inside of the story to somehow make some terrible point. From what I understand the point here being made is that being submissive is ok and actually hot.
That is some real fucked up shit dude.
Yeah thanks, that really helps.
The point behind the jokes if you didn't get it is to be as mysogonistic as hell to kind of point out why that shit is fucked up. Oprah being a current leader to women everywhere feeding into this garbage in some sadistic manner, oj simpson being an object of desire, married men everywhere being dumped because of not conforming to the garbage.
Sometimes you gotta point out some terrible shit to get some folks to see why shits terrible.
Because, I guess if you're a woman and all your friends started picking up this crap because it had something to do with twilight and yeah it gets pretty disgusting and you personally admit that but still read it because its got some romantacism copycatted from twilight. Maybe you could read the whole thing and not be clever enough to get why its so absolutely abhorrant?