This is Eney. This one seems to love me a lot. Follows me around constantly. Gets a lot of attention from me. Doesn't typically get along with the other cats so well.

This is Lucy (or Roo). The one that passed away.

Smokey the Giant Mainecoon Stray that is semi ours and semi-the neighbors cat. He's got a massive cataract on his left eye and with his beard-like mane he kind of looks like a pirate cat. He's also the nicest cat of them all. He's a gentle giant. Also called Smokey Bear, and Catbeard The Pirate.

Zelda/Zeldar. She's obsessed with the outdoors so she hangs around the exits and meows until let out. Then she promptly wants back in because its too friggin' cold. The only cat that liked Lucy. Also the youngest cat we have and seems to despise getting to much human affection. Prefers to play and chase things. In fact she's kind of dog-like.

This is Chippy/Chip Chip/Skeddy/Sparky/Chipapotamus. She's the laziest cat. She may also have an eating disorder because she is obsessive about food. But she's extremely friendly to people. (Perhaps because she wants their food) The lower pic was when she was younger.
She often sleeps next to my computer so she gets a lot of attention from me.
This is Daisy Jane or Day-Day. Shes sweet but kind of bi-polar and arguably the least intelligent of our cats. Though she's got looks and her fur is really really soft.