I haven't had a memorable dream in a long time, but last night I had a long one. it was some kind of huge evening get-together with a ton of people from my high school, yawn etc - the interesting part is that you were supposed to come in costume, not halloween monster costumes or anything, but dress like a 50s reporter or whatever. I intrinsically knew I had to go as Miley Cyrus (present-era & not as a joke on any level), and that there would be a lot of difficulties and hurdles in the way of achieving this goal. as I was planning the costume before-hand I knew I could get ridiculed for dressing as a woman, but I reasoned if I could look just like her people would be too caught up in how accurate an impression it is it is to criticize.
before the event I was planning and getting the materials together. it was going really well. I had shades and little shiny earrings that looked great, but the baseball cap wasn't doing it...but wait, if I push it back on my head and flip the brim up, puffing my hair out the front a little, I look just like Miley. the rest of the outfit was really important too, though I'm not sure I've ever seen the real Miley Ray Cyrus dress anything like it. it was sort of a mix of punk and hip hop and chic fashion. an incomprehensible black top & jacket, ambiguous bracelets. the jeans were super important, high-wasted skinny jeans that, combined with my black patent heels and showing bare ankle, looked to me exactly like Miley's legs(?)
still, when I got to the event I was fucking unprepared and had a big ol stressful time trying to put together the finishing touches for it to be perfect, or else I wouldn't look like miley at all I would just look like garbage. it was a big mall/school-like complex, and I went in a holistic healing/head shop owned by a girl I went to high school with to use their disgusting public bathroom (a recurring theme in my dreams if ur new to these). at this point I realized my neck was incredibly hairy and needed to be shaved. my alarm woke me up but I went back to sleep to make sure I shaved my entire neck to the hairline and got back to my friends at their table, looking like an extremely good impression of miley cyrus. then it was ok to wake up.