Poll: Ever have a console break/die?

No, never
22 32.8%
Yes, once
25 37.3%
Two or three times
19 28.4%
All the time!
1 1.5%

Status: Voting has ended

67 Total Votes

Poll Ever have a console break/die? (Read 3951 times)

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Haha, on the floor. Man, that would be asking for trouble.

I've never had a problem with dust. My PS3 sits behind my monitor and gets a little dusty, but I wipe it off every few days anyway (which is more often than I play it! hmmm...)
Yes, but that would still count as taking good care of it, which was DS's original point.

I'm confused as to what you were refuting?
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Man, I just said that I have never had a console break and that is because I keep good care of them. Then UPRC comes and starts some silly argument for some completely unknown reason! It's obvious taking good care of your consoles affects their lifespan.
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My old Gamecube shitted out, but I was a retarded kid and I realized much later that I probably could have cleaned the lens and it would have worked fine! I thought the motor which spun the disc crapped out, but the reason the disc wouldn't spin was because the laser wasn't reading anything.
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I've never had a console break. My NES got pretty bad after much use back in the day, but that's about it. I also take very good care of my shit.
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I've had an NES die (but really what NES doesn't die?) and two PS2s die, both because of my brother's terrible modding skills (what an ass)

edit: Oh wait I guess I have more than 2 or 3 that died because my PSX also died, the video is screwed up on it and it sort of squishes all the video to one side and is all distorted. No idea what happened to it, maybe it hit something and knocked something around, but I don't remember that happening.  One day I just went to play it and the display was completely ruined.
Last Edit: November 01, 2007, 01:42:12 pm by Velfarre
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I dropped my old gameboys on the drive way, and the display feel out, but it didn't die until about 3 years later.

but by then I had an advance, so it was all good.  No consoles have died on me.  Even my NES which Is older than me still works, the cartridges need to get blown out first most of the time though (note: the cartridges say do NOT blow into them, but hell, if it gets it to work)
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Nope! Never.

In fact my Sega Genesis which I dropped from my waist to the ground a couple times still works.
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Only systems I've ever had break are Dreamcast (twice), and my TurboDuo.  My launch PS2 is still alive and kickin' though.
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My Dreamcast have the "reset-sickness". Other than that, nope, nothing has broken.
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I treat my consoles/games like my sons so none of them have broken so far... once my sister left one pf my ps2 games just liying on  a table(not inside a case but just there...) and I bitch slaped her! Ofcourse I got grounded but she deserved the bitch slap...speaking of which...I havent seen my psp since she left for school this morning... *loads shotgun*
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I bitch slaped her . . . but she deserved the bitch slap...

This is not cool and if you are telling the truth I think everyone here will hate you forever.

My Xbox360 -- NOT a launch unit -- died after about 9 days.  Red-rings, all that.

I have had problems with my PSX and my PS2, but in both cases they were serviceable.  The PSX needed to be operated upside-down with a coin wedged in between the lid and the main body, and I was able to easily repair the PS2 by adjusting the laser and re-assembling a broken disc drive (it had broken because it was dropped so it didn't actually fail).
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This is not cool and if you are telling the truth I think everyone here will hate you forever.

otomon is one of the most amazing members; you owe it to yourself to check out his post history.

also never had anything break but I've lost computers before.
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My PS2 just gave out after many faithful years, and my 360 got the red ring of death (got it replaced though). Also, my gamecube broke within a week of me getting it.
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I've had to buy 3 PS2s, 2 GCs, 2 Xboxes, and 2 360s so far, though to be fair, we all saw my 360's issue coming, and it was easily replaced.

And as much as I love PS2... I refused to buy a fourth.. because yeah, the third one broke down too.
Last Edit: November 01, 2007, 09:28:50 pm by Chainer
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my first playstation 2 stopped recognizing discs with a blue backside... so we sent it in and got a new one. not sure if that counts as dying though, but it's the closest I've had to anything dying

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None of mine! My Virtual Boy, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, NES, SNES, N64, Playstation, GameCube, and Wii all work perfectly and have always been that way.
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Man, I've had some bad experiences with consoles.

The first SNES I had lasted for a long time. I had 2 older brothers at the time and they played it a lot more than me. One day though, my brother got so pissed at some game(I think it was Mario Kart), and kicked the SNES while he still had his shoes on. The bottom left part of the console just flipped up into the air. The console was still playable for a few days, but then it just died on us. Me and my other brother were so fucking pissed off.

I've also gone through 3 Playstations. The first one got stolen(we left it in the car for like 3 minutes while we were in New York and when we came back, everything was gone), and the second one also died on us. After that, we just bought the new PS1 that was out at the time, and that lasted until the PS2.

My Gamecube did a good job of staying alive. But after I left it in my closet for about a year, I think that's when it died. I bought Soul Calibur 2, and whenever I popped it in, the game would play for about 5 minutes, then I would get the Disc read error. I tried everything to fix it, but I eventually gave up and ended up buying another.

I also had a Nomad break on me. I think I dropped it or something, and the screen cracked. =/
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PS2 (first gen,  just crapped out)
PS2 (a little later on, stopped reading discs)
ps2(slim, overheated cause my cousin laid a case on top of the ps2...

and Game gear

oh and DS(screen cracked and touch screen was dead... traded it in to nintendo for free and got a new one in replace of it...)
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One day though, my brother got so pissed at some game(I think it was Mario Kart), and kicked the SNES while he still had his shoes on.

I'll never understand why, when someone stops having fun playing a game, they continue playing, only to get angry enough to get violent and break things.   :fogetshrug:
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I voted no. I had a Gamecube once that stopped reading discs, but I bought it used and I'm pretty sure that it had problems before I got it (fuck ebay) so that doesn't count. All of my consoles have been very durable. In fact my old PS2 is pretty beat up but still works, and my SNES remains functional even though it has all kinds of crud on it and has been treated like shit for the past decade.

I'll never understand why, when someone stops having fun playing a game, they continue playing, only to get angry enough to get violent and break things.   :fogetshrug:
Quitting is like admitting defeat and relinquishing your status as a MAN. If you quit, the game WINS, and it is supposed to be the other way around god damnit!
Last Edit: November 01, 2007, 08:59:41 pm by Belross