Man, I've had some bad experiences with consoles.
The first SNES I had lasted for a long time. I had 2 older brothers at the time and they played it a lot more than me. One day though, my brother got so pissed at some game(I think it was Mario Kart), and kicked the SNES while he still had his shoes on. The bottom left part of the console just flipped up into the air. The console was still playable for a few days, but then it just died on us. Me and my other brother were so fucking pissed off.
I've also gone through 3 Playstations. The first one got stolen(we left it in the car for like 3 minutes while we were in New York and when we came back, everything was gone), and the second one also died on us. After that, we just bought the new PS1 that was out at the time, and that lasted until the PS2.
My Gamecube did a good job of staying alive. But after I left it in my closet for about a year, I think that's when it died. I bought Soul Calibur 2, and whenever I popped it in, the game would play for about 5 minutes, then I would get the Disc read error. I tried everything to fix it, but I eventually gave up and ended up buying another.
I also had a Nomad break on me. I think I dropped it or something, and the screen cracked. =/