I had my PS1 die before, and I was Playstationless for at least 3 in a half months which drove me crazy because I wanted to play my PS1 games again, then I finally got my PS2, and started playing em' again.

And a few years after that, my first PS2 got old and broke on me, which was the worse timing ever because I wanted to play Wild Arms: Alter Code F so fuckin' bad and I had to wait a couple of months, til I got a job and started makin' my own money, then I bought me those tiny PS2's and finally got to play Alter Code.
The reason my PS1 died was because I kept playing burnt games, and an NES emulator on it, so yeah, that was my fault there. XD
I hate it when a console breaks, especially when there is a game I really want to play, my PS2 right now is a lil' bit on the fritz, it won't play the ending to Tales of the Abyss, which really sucks because I want to start New Game ++ on there...