Poll: Ever have a console break/die?

No, never
22 32.8%
Yes, once
25 37.3%
Two or three times
19 28.4%
All the time!
1 1.5%

Status: Voting has ended

67 Total Votes

Poll Ever have a console break/die? (Read 3951 times)

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Couple of Dreamcasts broke on me, which wasn't so bad 'cause the DC was extinct at the time and it cost buttons to pick up a new one.

My first 360 broke (shock!). It was modded, so I had no choice but to buy a new one. But I'm a crafty sonuvabitch, so I bought a Core system in Argos, used some kind of special 360 opener-upper kit and swapped the shells of the broken 360 and the new 360 around. So the broken 360 was in the shell of the new 360. Threw the broken 360 in the new box and took it back to Argos. First thing the manager did was check the serial number. Then he goes "We'll give you a new 360", I told him "Naw, I'd rather buy one in a different shop. I don't trust this place anymore". So he gave me my money back.

Take note, lads!
Last Edit: November 01, 2007, 09:07:43 pm by Grindie

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Couple of Dreamcasts broke on me, which wasn't so bad 'cause the DC was extinct at the time and it cost buttons to pick up a new one.

My first 360 broke (shock!). It was modded, so I had no choice but to buy a new one. But I'm a crafty sonuvabitch, so I bought a Core system in Argos, used some kind of special 360 opener-upper kit and swapped the shells of the broken 360 and the new 360 around. So the broken 360 was in the shell of the new 360. Threw the broken 360 in the new box and took it back to Argos. First thing the manager did was check the serial number. Then he goes "We'll give you a new 360", I told him "Naw, I'd rather buy one in a different shop. I don't trust this place anymore". So he gave me my money back.

Take note, lads!

Wow, you really are an asshat.

Thats horrible.
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None of my consoles have ever broken. Infact even my older consoles (Atari 2600, Odyssey 300 I think, 2 Sega Genesis' + 2 32x attachments, and n64) still work with all the games.
Last Edit: November 01, 2007, 09:31:37 pm by Aztec
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Wow, you really are an asshat.

Thats horrible.

You're right. I'm sending an appology letter to all Argos employees RIGHT NOW!

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my NES doesn't work very well, but it could just be the cartridges.
I had to hold in the reset button, unplug the video out cord, wait 30 secs, plug it back in, and let go of the reset button to get mine to play games.  And repeat, if the connectors have a bad connection (which is notorious for the NES).

Atari2600 still works, though!

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PS2 (first gen,  just crapped out)
PS2 (a little later on, stopped reading discs)
ps2(slim, overheated cause my cousin laid a case on top of the ps2...

and Game gear

oh and DS(screen cracked and touch screen was dead... traded it in to nintendo for free and got a new one in replace of it...)

Your Game Gear died?  Man, mine still works and it went through absolute hell.
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I had to hold in the reset button, unplug the video out cord, wait 30 secs, plug it back in, and let go of the reset button to get mine to play games.  And repeat, if the connectors have a bad connection (which is notorious for the NES).

Dude I bet you that was all psychological.  There's no reason that all of that shit would make it more likely that your games would start up.
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Man, I just said that I have never had a console break and that is because I keep good care of them. Then UPRC comes and starts some silly argument for some completely unknown reason! It's obvious taking good care of your consoles affects their lifespan.

I don't remember arguing with anybody.  :fogetshrug:

But yeah taking care of them helps but.. you don't need to pamper them or go out of your way for them. They can just sit on a shelf and be played for a few hours a day and that classifies as "taking care of it." I just wasn't really sure what you meant because taking care of a console is easier than making toast.

Okay, that is a bad comparison because if you have a shitty toaster.....
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I was playing super mario land 2 and I was losing

I got angry

and I headbutted my gameboy's screen

This is a serious childhood trauma :(​((

Couple of Dreamcasts broke on me, which wasn't so bad 'cause the DC was extinct at the time and it cost buttons to pick up a new one.

My first 360 broke (shock!). It was modded, so I had no choice but to buy a new one. But I'm a crafty sonuvabitch, so I bought a Core system in Argos, used some kind of special 360 opener-upper kit and swapped the shells of the broken 360 and the new 360 around. So the broken 360 was in the shell of the new 360. Threw the broken 360 in the new box and took it back to Argos. First thing the manager did was check the serial number. Then he goes "We'll give you a new 360", I told him "Naw, I'd rather buy one in a different shop. I don't trust this place anymore". So he gave me my money back.

Take note, lads!
grindie you are not a fucking idiot

you should ask him to give you another console or something
Last Edit: November 02, 2007, 08:38:20 pm by TommyOliver
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EDIT:grindie you are a fucking idiot

you should ask him to give you another console or something

I already had a console. I wanted my money back. If I took the new console, I would have 2. What's the point in that?

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I already had a console. I wanted my money back. If I took the new console, I would have 2. What's the point in that?
My bad, I should define what I said better, I suppose.
By "another console" I didn't mean "another 360"-more like, another type of console such as a Wii or a PS3(and you could pay extra if the refund is not enough in the case of the PS3)

That's just me though!
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yes thats an excuse to call him a fucking idiot
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I had my PS1 die before, and I was Playstationless for at least 3 in a half months which drove me crazy because I wanted to play my PS1 games again, then I finally got my PS2, and started playing em' again. :D And a few years after that, my first PS2 got old and broke on me, which was the worse timing ever because I wanted to play Wild Arms: Alter Code F so fuckin' bad and I had to wait a couple of months, til I got a job and started makin' my own money, then I bought me those tiny PS2's and finally got to play Alter Code.

The reason my PS1 died was because I kept playing burnt games, and an NES emulator on it, so yeah, that was my fault there. XD

I hate it when a console breaks, especially when there is a game I really want to play, my PS2 right now is a lil' bit on the fritz, it won't play the ending to Tales of the Abyss, which really sucks because I want to start New Game ++ on there...

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yes thats an excuse to call him a fucking idiot
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My bad, I should define what I said better, I suppose.
By "another console" I didn't mean "another 360"-more like, another type of console such as a Wii or a PS3(and you could pay extra if the refund is not enough in the case of the PS3)

No wait. That IS a good idea! But first, tell me how to play my 360 games on a Wii.

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Dude I bet you that was all psychological.  There's no reason that all of that shit would make it more likely that your games would start up.
No, it was the only way any game would start up.  You can come over and try it if you like.

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No wait. That IS a good idea! But first, tell me how to play my 360 games on a Wii.
Buy Wii games!(or p*rate them)
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my xbox had the three red lights. i bought it secondhand off of ebay and microsoft was still nice enough to replace it.
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My PS2 died a few months ago, after opening it and a spot of fiddling I managed to resurrect it. However, this was not without a price, my fan no longer works and I have to cool it down using an external fan otherwise it overheats and just doesn't work.
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Couple of Dreamcasts broke on me, which wasn't so bad 'cause the DC was extinct at the time and it cost buttons to pick up a new one.

My first 360 broke (shock!). It was modded, so I had no choice but to buy a new one. But I'm a crafty sonuvabitch, so I bought a Core system in Argos, used some kind of special 360 opener-upper kit and swapped the shells of the broken 360 and the new 360 around. So the broken 360 was in the shell of the new 360. Threw the broken 360 in the new box and took it back to Argos. First thing the manager did was check the serial number. Then he goes "We'll give you a new 360", I told him "Naw, I'd rather buy one in a different shop. I don't trust this place anymore". So he gave me my money back.

Take note, lads!

this is a horribly dishonest thing to do. I would never have done something like that, and if I had, I would have returned it about five minutes later because I have a moral compass.

regardless, you seem to have expressed some pleasure and moral high stance on your ability to con corporations as if you were some counterculturalist hero so my words will fall on deaf ears in your case, but hopefully no one else will percieve you as such.
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