Poll: Ever have a console break/die?

No, never
22 32.8%
Yes, once
25 37.3%
Two or three times
19 28.4%
All the time!
1 1.5%

Status: Voting has ended

67 Total Votes

Poll Ever have a console break/die? (Read 3951 times)

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Recently my N64 died. Me and my brother were setting up for some classic Smash Bros. action and it just didn't turn on.

I have a SNES in my attic, but if I found some cords and stuff it would probably work.
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I also bought a SNES game second hand for $1, my friend apparently spilled an entire bottle of cologne into the bottom of the cartridge.

I works fine, but everytime I play it my room smells like some Guido just got ready for a date in my room.  Which sucked cause the game was really fun (Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)
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No, it was the only way any game would start up.  You can come over and try it if you like.

I would but you'd kick me out for taking craps that are too long.   :fogetnah:
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surprisingly, none of my catrige systems broke on me, but maybe it was because most of the time it was the cd drive in my later consoles that did (ps2, dreamcast, xbox)
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I would but you'd kick me out for taking craps that are too long.   ​
True.  We only have one washroom.

Do the Xbox 360 Elites have the same Red RIng of Death issues as the earlier versions?

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True.  We only have one washroom.

Do the Xbox 360 Elites have the same Red RIng of Death issues as the earlier versions?

Red Ring issues are pretty much fixed now with all new 360 models.

they still happen but it's not very common unless you play for like, 15 hours in a row.

and if you do that then you kinda deserve whatever the fuck happens to your console.
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I haven't.  I've only ever owned 3 consoles in my lifetime.  (Sega Genesis, and the PS1 and PS2).  I haven't had any problems with any of the consoles I've had.  They all still work perfectly fine as from the day I got them (the Genesis and the PS1 were used too)
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My PS2 broke after five uses.
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My playstation 1 broke a long time ago, at one point I would have move the PSX upside so that I could actually play games. One must remember that sony makes fragile pieces of crap.

I doubt my psp could survive some of the things my DS has been through...

The playstation one (and two) were fragile but my psp has been through hell and is still fully functional, in one piece and doesn't have a scratch on it.
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I've not had a single console break or otherwise stop working. This includes the fragile PSP. I don't see how they can break so easily, actually, since all you need to do to keep them alive is not frantically punch them when you're losing.
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One of the chips inside my NES burned or something and it didn't work anymore. One time I tried and tried and tried (power on/off repeatedly) and it worked but the controllers were so fucked up that I couldn't do shit. So I turned it off again and it doesn't work anymore. Can it be repaired?
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2 PS2s died, one from old age, the second from trying to fix it.
2 PSPs died. One got bricked and I took it apart for some reason that I don't remember, and the second died from Windex spilling onto it.

I also had a PS1 break on me, but I don't really consider it dead, since it just needs a new spindle to hold the CD, but the spindle is worth as much as a used PSX, and I have my PSP to play PSX games anyways, so I never bothered to fix it.
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Well not really, but I remeber my PlayStation 2 wouldn't read any games unless I turned it sideways, so I just bought a new one.
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Well not really, but I remeber my PlayStation 2 wouldn't read any games unless I turned it sideways, so I just bought a new one.

That's what my PSX is like. I either have to turn it upside down or sideways for it to read some of my games (actually a lot of my games).
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I've not had a single console break or otherwise stop working. This includes the fragile PSP. I don't see how they can break so easily, actually, since all you need to do to keep them alive is not frantically punch them when you're losing.

my first PS2 broke when my brother tripped over the cords to answer the door, and my dreamcast and xbox just stopped reading CDs. I didn't drop them or run any sort of mods on them. They just started to take 5-10 tries per cd to get them to work, and performance was iffy even when they did. Cleaning the laser didn't fix them so I just traded them in since technically they were still working.

I think my most satisfied case of repair/replacement was from sony, I sent them the ps2, they sent one back plus a controller, power plug, and av cable (basically new console in retail box).

EDIT actually, i never had a DC break, that one was stolen, it was a second xbox that died on me.
Last Edit: November 09, 2007, 01:08:21 am by goat
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Only my 360.
The first time was after an update to play the original Forza, and recently, it just died, so I've got to send it back for fixing again.

My PSX almost died when someone dropped a half empty can of beer into the bag it was in, but it dried off and still worked (though it did smell a bit).
I've never had any problems with any Sony consoles (well, unless you count the PSP sucking), which is surprising as I treat my other consoles like gods, but my PS2 is near the floor and covered in crap, but it just doesn't get the hint that I want it to die.
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I have some sort of problem with ALL my consoles. Each one has issues in their own, special way. The only two I've ever had outright die were my NES and PS2.

My NES, being the shoddy piece of workmanship it was, broke after being stepped on. No, it wasn't me that did it. My daft cousin was in my room unsupervised, somehow knocked the system off the table, along with some papers, and stepped on it. Accidently according to him. I don't know if it was or not, but I know I'm not letting anyone under fourteen in my room if I'm not there ever again if I can help it.

My PS2 just sort of died slowly. First it started not reading PSX discs, the stopped reading them altogher. I cleaned it out, but that didn't work. I set it in my closet for a couple months, tried again out of boredom, and it worked. For about three months. Then it died again. It didn't even try to read the discs after that... it wouldn't even power up. Now it sits in my closet, dead.
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My first NES... I think I was about 8 at the time. *tears up, snivels and then sobs violently*
Last Edit: November 10, 2007, 06:24:25 pm by Psi
Yeah so SpoonyBard eventually did a new Final Fallacy game.
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My Dreamcast has resetomania (Looks like i'm not the only one), my both PSX are traded away and my PS2 sadly died. And the worst thing it got repaired. Worked for 2 weeks until breaking down again :sad:
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I had a PS1 and it died after I owned it for about 2 month's, I had played Final Fantasy 8 about 50 hours worth when it died. I got so pissed I through it on the ground, and then about 2 weeks later managed to sell it in a garage sell. That's the story behind why I am such a xbox nerd, every since that I have never bought a Sony product since(not just that, two of my friends had Sony products that crapped out also. One was a PS2, and the other just bought a PS3 and the blu-ray player sucks on it which for $600 I would expect that to work..). Other than Sony, I have never had a console or for that matter even a game or controller/memory card mess up. I have owned the following; Gameboy, NES, Sega, N64, Xbox, Xbox360, Wii, and of course the PS1.